Alt Right Movement


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The same racists who backed a Ron Paul Presidency have backed Donald Trump's Presidency (David Duke, Jamie Kelso, etc.)

Ron Paul didn't know who they were most likely. Every political campaign attracts unsavory characters.

This is how to disavow individuals or groups that constantly show up at your rallies (if the candidate didn't know who they were, his advisors tell him who they are and the candidate has a press conference and says the following)

"I want nothing to do with this person or his group, as they stand for things that I don't embrace nor should Americans' embrace."

After that press announcement the "unsavory characters" surprisingly never appear again at said candidate's rallies.



Its founders were racists, their most popular websites advocate racism.

Race is what motivates them.

I did my research: Spencer coined the term to describe non-traditional right wingers, and proposed his nationalism alongside it. There are many Alt-Right activists who have nothing to do with such, but just keep lying to yourself and maybe reality will change :wave2:

Liberals oppose segregation, but want safe spaces for virtually every type of person who isn't a white male even though they are the ones on offense :AMR:

~Wake up and smell the coffee, they are professional victims of nothing~


I did my research: Spencer coined the term to describe non-traditional right wingers, and proposed his nationalism alongside it. There are many Alt-Right activists who have nothing to do with such, but just keep lying to yourself and maybe reality will change :wave2:

Yet you don't choose to share that supposed "research" with others.

Regarding other aspects of the Alt Right movement: Besides "white pride" what other supposedly redeeming values does the Alt Right movement have?


Richard Spencer, The Alt-Right’s Racist Founder

The New Yorker reported that the term “alt-right” was coined by white nationalist Richard Spencer, who “described the movement in December as ‘an ideology around identity, European identity.’” The Anti-Defamation League described Spencer as “a symbol of a new generation of intellectual white supremacists” who “runs a variety of ventures that promote racist ideology.”

Spencer has said, “There are races who, on average, are going to be superior.”

Spencer is also the president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist “think tank” that held an event at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., this March focused on Trump. He told the local CBS affiliate that Trump is “energizing” the white nationalist movement and argued, “He's fighting for us. He's saying we're going to be great again. We're going to win again. And there's this implicit identity to this. There's this implicit nationalism.”

Spencer founded the white nationalist websites Alternative Right and Radix Journal. One writer at Alternative Right wrote that “low-IQ Mexican immigration is the greatest threat to America,” and that “we should be heartened that white teenage girls aren’t passing themselves around in black neighborhoods.”


New member
I did my research: Spencer coined the term to describe non-traditional right wingers, and proposed his nationalism alongside it. There are many Alt-Right activists who have nothing to do with such, but just keep lying to yourself and maybe reality will change :wave2:

Look at the websites that I linked to.

Liberals oppose segregation, but want safe spaces for virtually every type of person who isn't a white male even though they are the ones on offense :AMR:

~Wake up and smell the coffee, they are professional victims of nothing~

Who cares what liberals think? We're not talking about liberals right now.


Look at the websites that I linked to.

Why don't you just accept reality and stop trying to misinterpret it to your bias :chuckle:

Who cares what liberals think? We're not talking about liberals right now.

You're what they call a 'cuckservative'.

a self-styled "conservative" who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them


New member
Why don't you just accept reality and stop trying to misinterpret it to your bias :chuckle:

You're what they call a 'cuckservative'.

a self-styled "conservative" who will cravenly sell out and undermine his home country's people, culture, and national interest in order to win approval with parties hostile or indifferent to them

Look up the origin of "cuckservative." It is racial in origin.

Most conservatives are not racist, but the alt-right is. Those websites I linked to are what alt-rightists themselves considered to be representative of them.


Look up the origin of "cuckservative." It is racial in origin.

Most conservatives are not racist, but the alt-right is. Those websites I linked to are what alt-rightists themselves considered to be representative of them.

A cuckold is the husband of a cheating wife. You pander to those who are against all you stand for and are hostile toward you, for no other reasons than fear and to make yourself look holier than others.

You all are afraid to be called racist or sexist, so you sell out your country and it's interests for minorities and feminists. Because LGBT is such a small vestige of society, however, it's easy to be against what they represent, and because abortion is definitively unnatural, it's easy to denounce that as well.

Neither of the last two things has anything to do with politics or running a country.
So that pretty much makes you all no better than the Left. In fact, it's an exact, inverted reflection- so go ahead and call the Alt Right 'racist' and be a cuckolds :wave2:

The Alt Right is simply real conservatism, of which you all forfeited.

The Berean

Well-known member
The ToL Politics board has effectively become a racist hate site. And it's Christians who allow it to go on. Unbelievable.
What are we Christians supposed to be about it? I dont like seeing racist philosophy being apread. But that is the price we must pay for liberty and free speech. Also, TOL is a privately owned forum. We Christians do not control the content on TOL.

Sent from my SM-G920V using TheologyOnline mobile app


New member
A cuckold is the husband of a cheating wife. You pander to those who are against all you stand for and are hostile toward you, for no other reasons than fear and to make yourself look holier than others.

Who am I pandering to?

You all are afraid to be called racist or sexist, so you sell out your country and it's interests for minorities and feminists. Because LGBT is such a small vestige of society, however, it's easy to be against what they represent, and because abortion is definitively unnatural, it's easy to denounce that as well.

How am I selling out?

Neither of the last two things has anything to do with politics or running a country.
So that pretty much makes you all no better than the Left. In fact, it's an exact, inverted reflection- so go ahead and call the Alt Right 'racist' and be a cuckolds :wave2:

The Alt Right is simply real conservatism, of which you all forfeited.

I call the alt-right racist because everyone I meet who calls themselves alt-right is a racist.

Look at the websites that the alt-right claim as their own. Look at Alternative Right (where the movement began) and The Right Stuff. They advocate racism. Prove me wrong.


New member
Why don't you stop looking up the same group and look at all the others :rolleyes:

Do you think I'm racist?

I've looked at a lot of groups, you can't expect me to look up every single alt-right group in existence. The ones I've looked into are the more famous ones.

I don't know very much about you. I don't know if you are racist or not.

Do you believe that your race is superior to other races? Do you think that different races should be segregated?


Do you believe that your race is superior to other races? Do you think that different races should be segregated

Segregation is not racism, it was simply implemented because of racism in the past. What it would do now is see if racism is a true theory- if minorities can manage to bring their self up without white people.
If one is so sure about an equality and ability of the races, then why would one be so afraid of it?

Liberals are the one's who have held down minorities. They were the slave owners, and now they are the panderers. The Alt Right is simply reviving true conservatism- these elephants have become more like donkeys than they think.


New member
Segregation is not racism, it was simply implemented because of racism in the past. What it would do now is see if racism is a true theory- if minorities can manage to bring their self up without white people.
If one is so sure about an equality and ability of the races, then why would one be so afraid of it?

Segregation is most certainly racist, having schools and businesses only open to people of one races is racist.

Liberals are the one's who have held down minorities. They were the slave owners, and now they are the panderers. The Alt Right is simply reviving true conservatism- these elephants have become more like donkeys than they think.

Please just read a few articles from the major alt-right websites.

I knew about the alt-right long before Hillary's speech. I have been arguing with them since last summer. Every last one of them is a racist.


Segregation is most certainly racist, having schools and businesses only open to people of one races is racist

This is the insanity of you people, for real- you JUST posted the definition of racism, and yet you are applying it to simply anything just like liberals do.

You all are in for a rude awakening- you all had your 40 years to reconcile the race issue and nothing has been solved- the more you reason with blacks, the more the kill whites. Mexico had a finger put up to you, and now they simply have two now that a wall is going up.
You all were making no progress
It's time for a change.



New member
This is the insanity of you people, for real- you JUST posted the definition of racism, and yet you are applying it to simply anything just like liberals do.

No, I'm applying it to a movement that is based on racial hatred.

You all are in for a rude awakening- you all had your 40 years to reconcile the race issue and nothing has been solved- the more you reason with blacks, the more the kill whites. Mexico had a finger put up to you, and now they simply have two now that a wall is going up.
You all were making no progress
It's time for a change.

Race relations have taken a turn for the worse in recent years, but it's so much better than it was in the '60s. Most minorities don't hate whites and most whites don't hate minorities. And this is come from someone who lives in the South.