Active shooter near San Bernardino, CA


New member
More guns, more gun violence.

Less guns, less gun violence.

See how that works?

"gun violence" isn't the problem. The problem is people getting killed. Fewer guns doesn't mean less murder. People were killing each other loooooooong before guns were even conceived.

patrick jane

"gun violence" isn't the problem. The problem is people getting killed. Fewer guns doesn't mean less murder. People were killing each other loooooooong before guns were even conceived.

Not mass killings in public places and work places

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Hmmmm lots of interesting stats here, I will take on example

Claim: Down in Australia, gun murders increased by about 19 percent and armed robberies increased by about 69 percent after a gun ban was instituted.



Most of the other stats and figures are about as reliable.

It seems you base your ideology solely upon your emotions, so let me help you with that.

Borrowed from here:

#1 Over the past 20 years, gun sales have absolutely exploded, but homicides with firearms are down 39 percent during that time and “other crimes with firearms” are down 69 percent.

#2 A study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policydiscovered that nations that have more guns tend to have less crime.

#3 The nine European nations with the lowest rate of gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times greater than the nine European nation with the highest rate of gun ownership.

#4 Almost every mass shooting that has occurred in the United States since 1950 has taken place in a state with strict gun control laws…

With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had three of the worst six school shootings.

#5 The United States is #1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28th in the world in gun murders per 100,000 people.

#6 The violent crime rate in the United States actually fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000.

#7 Approximately 200,000 women in the United States use guns to protect themselves against sexual crime every single year.

#8 Overall, guns in the United States are used 80 times more often to prevent crime than they are to take lives.

#9 The number of unintentional fatalities due to firearms declined by 58 percent between 1991 and 2011.

#10 Despite the very strict ban on guns in the UK, the overall rate of violent crime in the UK is about 4 times higher than it is in the United States. In one recent year, there were 2,034 violent crimes per 100,000 people in the UK. In the United States, there were only 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people during that same year. Do we really want to be more like the UK?

#11 The UK has approximately 125 percent more rape victims per 100,000 people each year than the United States does.

#12 The UK has approximately 133 percent more assault victims per 100,000 people each year than the United States does.

#13 The UK has the fourth highest burglary rate in the EU.

#14 The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.

#15 Down in Australia, gun murders increased by about 19 percent and armed robberies increased by about 69 percent after a gun ban was instituted.

#16 The city of Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. So has this reduced crime? Of course not. As I wrote about recently, the murder rate in Chicago was about 17 percent higher in 2012 than it was in 2011, and Chicago is now considered to be “the deadliest global city“. If you can believe it, there were about as many murders in Chicago during 2012 as there was in the entire nation of Japan.

#17 After the city of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring every home to have a gun, the crime rate dropped by more than 50 percent over the course of the next 23 years and there was an 89% decline in burglaries.

#18 According to Gun Owners of America, the governments of the world slaughtered more than 170 million of their own people during the 20th century. The vast majority of those people had been disarmed by their own governments prior to being slaughtered.

Oh and sir, may I remind you, CRIMINALS DON"T OBEY GUN LAWS!!!!

Have a great evening.


New member
Hmmmm lots of interesting stats here, I will take on example

Claim: Down in Australia, gun murders increased by about 19 percent and armed robberies increased by about 69 percent after a gun ban was instituted.



Most of the other stats and figures are about as reliable.

Tell me about all those stabbings that don't happen in your country. I'll wait.


New member
Hmmmm lots of interesting stats here, I will take on example

Claim: Down in Australia, gun murders increased by about 19 percent and armed robberies increased by about 69 percent after a gun ban was instituted.


Most of the other stats and figures are about as reliable.

plzzzzz, stop this nonsense.Suicide is the bigest factor in "gun death". once again, just in case your liberal mind ignores facts that invalidate your argument, Suicide is the biggest factor in "gun deaths" and suicide never drops regardless of gun availability. so please find a graph that deals specifically with "gun murders vs gun ownership or population size" over time.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yesterday some things noticed were smashed cell phones at the scene. They were trying to hide their tracks. This morning it is mentioned they wiped their digital tracks. Of course, that can be recovered. And the local law enforcement speculated (correctly) that social services was not the target. Being a muslim, his hatred took him and he went to work to murder the Christian he argued with. Witnesses stated the Christian said islam is a violent religion. Which it is.

He then went and got a portion of his arsenal. The law enforcement is wondering if social services was not the target because they had so much. Let me fill in the blanks. It for a much bigger Paris style jihad attack.

It is coming, and you Obama voters have brought it.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The jihadist is Pakistani and so is his wife. She is a national. He was born in the USA. Maybe they can find where they deleted their digital trail his intentions for "America".

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Being a muslim, his hatred took him and he went to work to murder the Christian he argued with. Witnesses stated the Christian said islam is a violent religion.

guess he showed that judgmental Christian how wrong he was, eh?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Farook was hajj. If that is unfamiliar it means he walks in circles chanting vain repetitions. Johnny Quest's friend was called Hadji. If you remember the news from Iraq 12 years ago with American soldiers calling Iraqis the same, that is what Farook was. In other words, Farook was a devout muslim.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The question now is recovering lost data to get his future accomplices who were going to participate in the Paris style attack they were planning.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I have CNN on this morning. They are sour faced as liberal Donald Trump has a 20 point lead. Because he is correctly stating they are violent jihadist and muslim extremists. And Trump is questioning why Obama won't do it.

Of course Obama doesn't because he himself is a muslim.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I have CNN on this morning. They are sour faced as liberal Donald Trump has a 20 point lead. Because he is correctly stating they are violent jihadist and muslim extremists. And Trump is questioning why Obama won't do it.

Of course Obama doesn't because he himself is a muslim.

iow, trump is acting more presidential than the retarded wunderkind in the white house

heaven help us all