Active shooter near San Bernardino, CA

This Charming Manc

Well-known member


CompareRate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 People
ChartIn Australia, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2012: 0.1826
2011: 0.14
2010: 0.18
2009: 0.1726 22
2008: 0.13
2007: 0.13
2006: 0.20
2005: 0.09
2004: 0.09
2003: 0.2726 29 22
2002: 0.23
2001: 0.24
2000: 0.3029 22
1999: 0.26
1998: 0.30
1997: 0.43
1996: 0.57
1995: 0.37
1994: 0.4329
1993: 0.36
1992: 0.55
1991: 0.49
1990: 0.46
1989: 0.48
1988: 0.74

do you want to stop being rude now?

plzzzzz, stop this nonsense.Suicide is the bigest factor in "gun death". once again, just in case your liberal mind ignores facts that invalidate your argument, Suicide is the biggest factor in "gun deaths" and suicide never drops regardless of gun availability. so please find a graph that deals specifically with "gun murders vs gun ownership or population size" over time.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
iow, trump is acting more presidential than the retarded wunderkind in the white house

heaven help us all

They are stumped that Trump is no conservative yet has Christians and tea party people supporting him because he calls violent muslims "violent muslims".


Well-known member
TOL is a site where most of the participants tend to think in binary, absolutist terms. Such that the answer, here, must be "A" or "B", and never a combination of these, and more.

Yet the truth of most things, especially things involving humans, is that they are far more complicated then this binary view of reality can comprehend.

My guess so far, is that this couple, like most of these mass shooters, was acting primarily on some form of psycho-pathological illness. And then used some sort of twisted ideology as their means of telling themselves that they were not mentally ill.

This shooting looks to me to be more akin to the McVey bombing in Oklahoma City, where a couple of individuals who were suffering from some combination of psychological illnesses, stumbled upon each other, and through their interaction intensified the illness to the point where it resulted in this kind of outwardly destructive social act.

This is not just "ideological extremist terrorism". This is not just "suicide by cop". This is not just "social (workplace/school) resentment". This is not just some perverted "Bonnie and Clide" copycat syndrome. In fact, I suspect it's a combination of all these pattered phenomena. And I doubt that the participants had any real understanding of what was happening to them as they fell further and further into their insanity.


New member
Every time one hears of another shooting atrocity in the USofA, I am so very glad I live in the UK where guns are not legal for personal protection, and even our police are not routinely armed.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Active shooter near San Bernardino, CA

So, you think it would be better if we what? Profiled all Muslims (if you can identify them)? All "Middle Easterners" (the attackers weren't Middle-Eastern, btw)?

Certainly profile all mosques and what they are preaching and BTW yes they may not have both been born in the Middle East but there were both middle eastern, & definitely both Muslim. Should we be profiling Muslims? Yep

You tell me. What type? What type of profiling do you think you could have done that would have averted this?

Had the woman neighbor profiled these middle eastern neighbors this may have been averted, if the FBI, NSA, and other agencies would have been profiling all along we would probably have a good idea where most of these radical Muslims dwell in America, the ones traveling to be radicalized, and their co-conspirators, handlers, etc. It is not a race issue nor a bigotry issue it is creation of the profile for terrorists regardless of their race or country of origin. You liberals need to get a clue, your very life may depend on it.

What's the difference? He attacked innocent bystanders, for seemingly political reasons. How is it not terrorism

It is terrorism Rex but, don't let your sensibilities get in the way of protecting the people of this nation.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
CNN is reporting the jihadist had pledged his loyalty to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.


New member
Every time one hears of another shooting atrocity in the USofA, I am so very glad I live in the UK where guns are not legal for personal protection, and even our police are not routinely armed.

I'm really glad you don't live here too.

Watch out for all those Muslim perverts who rape kids and nonMuslim women in Britain though. Keep your kids safe!


New member
TOL is a site where most of the participants tend to think in binary, absolutist terms. Such that the answer, here, must be "A" or "B", and never a combination of these, and more.

Yet the truth of most things, especially things involving humans, is that they are far more complicated then this binary view of reality can comprehend.

My guess so far, is that this couple, like most of these mass shooters, was acting primarily on some form of psycho-pathological illness. And then used some sort of twisted ideology as their means of telling themselves that they were not mentally ill.

This shooting looks to me to be more akin to the McVey bombing in Oklahoma City, where a couple of individuals who were suffering from some combination of psychological illnesses, stumbled upon each other, and through their interaction intensified the illness to the point where it resulted in this kind of outwardly destructive social act.

This is not just "ideological extremist terrorism". This is not just "suicide by cop". This is not just "social (workplace/school) resentment". This is not just some perverted "Bonnie and Clide" copycat syndrome. In fact, I suspect it's a combination of all these pattered phenomena. And I doubt that the participants had any real understanding of what was happening to them as they fell further and further into their insanity.

Ah, the "truth expert" speaks. Who cannot admit that evil exists, but everything evil under the sun is from an illness or a simple lack of understanding.
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New member

The woman who joined her husband in killing 14 people in California pledged allegiance to the leader of the militant group Islamic State. The marriage was an excuse to bring Tashfeen Malik into the United States.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame


CompareRate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 People

ChartIn Australia, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2012: 0.1826

2011: 0.14

2010: 0.18

2009: 0.1726 22

2008: 0.13

2007: 0.13

2006: 0.20

2005: 0.09

2004: 0.09

2003: 0.2726 29 22

2002: 0.23

2001: 0.24

2000: 0.3029 22

1999: 0.26

1998: 0.30

1997: 0.43

1996: 0.57

1995: 0.37

1994: 0.4329

1993: 0.36

1992: 0.55

1991: 0.49

1990: 0.46

1989: 0.48

1988: 0.74

do you want to stop being rude now?

It is not about firearm homicide moron, it is about armed radical Islamic terrorists. Try to stay with the subject... You Brits resigned your liberty to the state long ago, please don't look to America to follow suit, Liberty is the reason we parted ways to begin with.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Seems that the husband shooter publicly pledged allegiance to ISIS on Facebook, so tell us again how this translates to workplace violence?...Sheesh!

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I see the right has its usual manners....

I was responding top a post where I was challenged to provide stats, I did. I think someone if you follow someone pro gun posted highly inaccurate stats, I challenged, I was then asked for a different sets of stats, I provided does that deserve abuse?

As regards what this about, what did radical Islamic terrorists use to murder 14 people? Buttter knives?

If radical Islam becomes a substantial issue stateside, your current gun laws virtually guarantee they can gain access to combat weapons without raising suspicion, is that healthy?

Unfortunately the threat of terrorism means our police force is changing and we are having to have more armed police. If Islamic terrorism is now becoming a significant threat in the US is having guns as common as confetti the right response?

It is not about firearm homicide moron, it is about armed radical Islamic terrorists. Try to stay with the subject... You Brits resigned your liberty to the state long ago, please don't look to America to follow suit, Liberty is the reason we parted ways to begin with.


Well-known member
I'm really glad you don't live here too.

Watch out for all those Muslim perverts who rape kids and nonMuslim women in Britain though. Keep your kids safe!

Ah, the "truth expert" speaks. Who cannot admit that evil exists, but everything evil under the sun is from an illness or a simple lack of understanding.
You really have nothing to contribute to the discussion, do you … just more bile and stupidity post after post.


New member
Hall of Fame
Obama's America.

We all live here (except those of us who don't). Why don't we all take some responsibility?

Please dont include me in your use of "we" I have 0 obligation to take responsibility for something i did not do or cause or contribute to in any way.

I will not ever suffer from manufactured guilt for things i had no part in.

Do you agree with Knight's blaming President Obama? Or do you think he was involved here somehow?

I agree this is now Obama's America, and he changed things a whole lot.