ECT According to Paul he was not the only one that preached the MYSTERY.


New member
Hi , and here is what Eph 3:5 really means !!

The verb MADE KNOWN /GNORIZO is in the AORIST TENSE and in the PASSIVE VOICE and in the Indicative Mood !!

This Greek means it is speaking to Paul in The Dispensation of Grace and is NOT Acts or PENTECOST !!

The PASSIVE VOICE means it is God that is performing the action to Paul in Eph 3:5 !!

And it does not say revealed to the 12 apostles as APOSTLES ALSO means to His MESSINGERS , which is what APOSTLES are called today and PROPHETS means One who speaks a divine message !!

It is OBVIOUS that you will not believe Col 1:25 !!

Show a verse where Peter preached the Gospel of the Grace of God , LOL

dan p

All good but that does not negate what Paul actually taught. I believe it is best to let scripture say what it means and mean what it says and Paul taught:
That he and the Apostles and prophets received and taught that the Spirit revealed the mystery.

Eph 3:5
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men
, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

Paul is NOT contradicting himself he is teaching meat as opposed to milk.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All good but that does not negate what Paul actually taught. I believe it is best to let scripture say what it means and mean what it says and Paul taught:

Translation: You've said NADA,as that "I believe it is best to let scripture say what it means and mean what it says and Paul taught" cliche/stumper can be employed by anyone-it is fluff, says nothing.

Thanks for allowing it. Whoever came up with that non sensical fluff, stupid cliche, should be put in a straight jacket. And members of the boc, and others, typically employ it, w/o really thinking through what is says. Which is NADA.


Well-known member
dodge;4804568 Paul is NOT contradicting himself he is teaching meat as opposed to milk.[/QUOTE said:
hI and Paul never and the Holy Spirit CONTRADICTED Himself either and then explain Col 1:25 , because Eph 3:5 is to BIG for you to understand !!

You did not shaow a verse where Peter EVER TAUGHT the Gospel of the Grace of God !!\\

Or show how Peter was SAVED !!

Was it by keeping the Law ?? Acts 15:10 !!

Or will you explain Acts 15:11 ??

dan p

dan p


New member
Their list is 2P2P and making sure it "sticks." It wouldn't matter to them how many others preached it, as long as there were 2 programs, which it is not validating anyway.

Either you are right in your slander there, or you are not, and the real issue is that some of us actually bothered to invest time in the Scriptures attempting to not only let it mean what it says, but to let it say what it means.

In plain English, you store bought expert - allow a passage to read exactly as it is written.

To that, add comparing verse with verse for said passage's actually intended sense.

Even within Mad itself; when that is violated, one Mad ends up at an understanding not held within Mad in general.

Given not only this simple principle, but how easy it is even for a Mad to depart from it where said Mad has not been fully grounded in its correct application before attempting to study things on his or her own; what hope do you - a store bought; dime a dozen; books based expert - have of seeing where ANY Mad is coming from?

And you continually slander us in your equally continued willful, fool ignorance of where we are coming from, and then cry foul when both your incompetence and your duplicity are pointed out to you.

Magilla...Gorilla...for sale :chuckle:


New member
hI and Paul never and the Holy Spirit CONTRADICTED Himself either and then explain Col 1:25 , because Eph 3:5 is to BIG for you to understand !!

You did not shaow a verse where Peter EVER TAUGHT the Gospel of the Grace of God !!\\

Or show how Peter was SAVED !!

Was it by keeping the Law ?? Acts 15:10 !!

Or will you explain Acts 15:11 ??

dan p

dan p

Paul ALWAYS pointed others to JESUS, AND never to himself.

Paul taught that he and the Apostles and Prophets received the meaning of the mystery of the gospel from the SPIRIT. Now if you want to deny Paul's teaching to follow a false teaching called MAD that is your choice.


Christians follow Jesus just as Paul did, and as he taught.

Eph 3:5
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;


New member
Either you are right in your slander there, or you are not, and the real issue is that some of us actually bothered to invest time in the Scriptures attempting to not only let it mean what it says, but to let it say what it means.

In plain English, you store bought expert - allow a passage to read exactly as it is written.

To that, add comparing verse with verse for said passage's actually intended sense.

Even within Mad itself; when that is violated, one Mad ends up at an understanding not held within Mad in general.

Given not only this simple principle, but how easy it is even for a Mad to depart from it where said Mad has not been fully grounded in its correct application before attempting to study things on his or her own; what hope do you - a store bought; dime a dozen; books based expert - have of seeing where ANY Mad is coming from?

And you continually slander us in your equally continued willful, fool ignorance of where we are coming from, and then cry foul when both your incompetence and your duplicity are pointed out to you.

Magilla...Gorilla...for sale :chuckle:

Paul ALWAYS pointed others to JESUS, AND never to himself.

Paul taught that he and the Apostles and Prophets received the meaning of the mystery of the gospel from the SPIRIT. Now if you want to deny Paul's teaching to follow a false teaching called MAD that is your choice.


Christians follow Jesus just as Paul did, and as he taught.

Eph 3:5
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul ALWAYS pointed others to JESUS, AND never to himself.

Paul taught that he and the Apostles and Prophets received the meaning of the mystery of the gospel from the SPIRIT. Now if you want to deny Paul's teaching to follow a false teaching called MAD that is your choice.

"I believe it is best to let scripture say what it means and mean what it says and Paul taught," and scripture, Paul, says that "the Apostles and Prophets" you reference, were the post Paul apostles, not the 12, and the post Paul prophets, not the OT prophets.

Now if you want to deny the details of the book, being lazy, deny Paul's teaching to follow a false teaching called your "It all says the same thing," and not "let scripture say what it means and mean what it says and Paul taught," that is your choice.

See how that works? Fun! Nothing to this debating!!


Well-known member
Paul ALWAYS pointed others to JESUS, AND never to himself.

Paul taught that he and the Apostles and Prophets received the meaning of the mystery of the gospel from the SPIRIT. Now if you want to deny Paul's teaching to follow a false teaching called MAD that is your choice.


Christians follow Jesus just as Paul did, and as he taught.

Eph 3:5
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

Hi and yo are WRONG that Paul never spoke about himself , Like 1 Cor 11: ,to be IMITATORS of him , and there are similar verse , 1 Cor 4:16 where Paul says I encourage you to become IMITATORS OF ME and 11 Thess 1:6 so you are the FALSE ONE !!

Get your FACTS straight !!

Why not call your self by another name , FOR YOU DODGE questions like Acts 15:10 and verse 11 !!



New member
Hi and yo are WRONG that Paul never spoke about himself , Like 1 Cor 11: ,to be IMITATORS of him , and there are similar verse , 1 Cor 4:16 where Paul says I encourage you to become IMITATORS OF ME and 11 Thess 1:6 so you are the FALSE ONE !!

Get your FACTS straight !!

Why not call your self by another name , FOR YOU DODGE questions like Acts 15:10 and verse 11 !!


Quote me correctly. I said Paul pointed others to Jesus NEVER did it end with Paul pointing to himself HE always pointed others to Jesus.. Paul said follow me as I follow Jesus.

You cannot accept the truth. Paul said that the Apostles and prophets received the meaning of the mystery from the Spirit.

Best to follow Jesus as Paul did.


Well-known member
Quote me correctly. I said Paul pointed others to Jesus NEVER did it end with Paul pointing to himself HE always pointed others to Jesus.. Paul said follow me as I follow Jesus.

You cannot accept the truth. Paul said that the Apostles and prophets received the meaning of the mystery from the Spirit.

Best to follow Jesus as Paul did.

Hi and IF Paul had says that the 12 also were given the Revelation of the MYSTERY , Ron 16:25 , THEN YOU WOULD have had a valid point , BUT ePH 3:5 was written to the Body of Christ and so you will DOGDE where Peter preach Grace , so EXPLAIN Acts 15:11 ! LOL

dan p


New member
Hi and IF Paul had says that the 12 also were given the Revelation of the MYSTERY , Ron 16:25 , THEN YOU WOULD have had a valid point , BUT ePH 3:5 was written to the Body of Christ and so you will DOGDE where Peter preach Grace , so EXPLAIN Acts 15:11 ! LOL

dan p

Anyone that is saved is saved through GRACE.

I don't understand your question, sorry.

What is Ron 16:25 ? Do you mean Romans 16:25 ?


Well-known member
Anyone that is saved is saved through GRACE.

I don't understand your question, sorry.

What is Ron 16:25 ? Do you mean Romans 16:25 ?

Hi and yes it is Rom 16:25 and Jews and especially the 12 and all those of the Circumcision and MARY , are NOT IN the Body of Christ !!

I am battlting eye problems , sorry !!

Please , just where did Peter preah the Revelation of the MYSTERY , come on Mr DODGE !!

dan p


New member
Hi and yo are WRONG that Paul never spoke about himself , Like 1 Cor 11: ,to be IMITATORS of him , and there are similar verse , 1 Cor 4:16 where Paul says I encourage you to become IMITATORS OF ME and 11 Thess 1:6 so you are the FALSE ONE !!

Get your FACTS straight !!

Why not call your self by another name , FOR YOU DODGE questions like Acts 15:10 and verse 11 !!


YOU really have no clue what Paul taught do you !

Paul taught follow me as I follow Jesus.

1Co 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.


Well-known member
YOU really have no clue what Paul taught do you !

Paul taught follow me as I follow Jesus.

1Co 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Hi and I hark on 1 Cor 11:1 and on 1 Cor 4:16 and what about Col 1:25 ?

If you do NOT get it right , I will correct you , so do not be a NINNYHAMMER !!

dan p


Well-known member
YOU really have no clue what Paul taught do you !

Paul taught follow me as I follow Jesus.

1Co 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Hi and I can explain the New Covenant position and the Acts 2 postion and the Acts 9:6 position and the Actys 13 postion and also the Acyts 28 position and IF you can not do not be like those in 2 Peter 3:15 and 16 !!

You are not talking to a PENTECOSTAL !!

dan p


New member
Hi and yes it is Rom 16:25 and Jews and especially the 12 and all those of the Circumcision and MARY , are NOT IN the Body of Christ !!

I am battlting eye problems , sorry !!

Please , just where did Peter preah the Revelation of the MYSTERY , come on Mr DODGE !!

dan p

No, I am sorry about your eye problems. I am almost 66 and I at time battle eye problems.

Peter taught:

1Pe 1:18
Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; 1Pe 1:19

1 Pe1:19 19
But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Peter taught Jesus was EVERYTHING needed for salvation . Is that not GRACE ?


Well-known member
YOU really have no clue what Paul taught do you !

Paul taught follow me as I follow Jesus.

1Co 11:1
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Hi and this is not NIT-PICKING , but the word AM is not in the Greek text !!

You better get a better translation as the word was ADDED and that is why I am not KJ-ONLY !!

dan p