Abortion-a crying shame. (HOF thread)


Originally posted by aikido7

No dichotomy at all. Put down your bifurcating, wake up and smell the dead flesh of murder.

Mmmmmmmmm....I love the smell of dead terrorists in the morning! :cloud9:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by keypurr

Death is Death, no matter how. Air strikes kill living people. Is not the issue the same? Bush has blood on his hands too. Abortion is questionable to some, murder is not.
Death is death but there is a big difference between killing the guilty and killing the innocent!

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by deardelmar

Death is death but there is a big difference between killing the guilty and killing the innocent!

Quite right! Liberals act to murder the innocent and protect the guilty.


New member
Originally posted by keypurr

Death is Death, no matter how.

So when someone dies of old age, that's murder in your book?

Air strikes kill living people. Is not the issue the same? Bush has blood on his hands too. Abortion is questionable to some, murder is not.

Leviticus 20:12 (New King James Version)

12If a man lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death. They have committed perversion. Their blood shall be upon them.

God is making it clear that all killing is not the same. In come cases, the fault lies upon those who are killed, as in execution.


If your son contradicts or curses you, I hope you don't stone him to death! Or maybe you can at least you can mount a frivolous lawsuit which can hold Adam and Eve accountable for that first sin....


New member
Originally posted by aikido7

If your son contradicts or curses you, I hope you don't stone him to death! Or maybe you can at least you can mount a frivolous lawsuit which can hold Adam and Eve accountable for that first sin....

The "cursing" you refer to (1) is not bad language (2) is not an instruction to Christians (3) is not the only punishment possible, as the "rod" was also used for punishment. Y'all need to end your vacation--the drug holiday has lasted long enough.


The "cursing" you refer to (1) is not bad language (2) is not an instruction to Christians (3) is not the only punishment possible, as the "rod" was also used for punishment

The "Before Christ" Leviticus "Holiness Code" you hide out in (1) is never applied by fundamentalists except selectively (2) is thus reframed as "not an instruction to Christians" when it serves your secular purposes and (3) is similar to most primitive societies when food, shelter and survival are the basic needs and ethical thinking and action are unthinkable and--as nacsent civilizations go--unworkable.

Jesus had a better idea.

And the drug holiday is over. Vioxx and other anti-inflammatories can damage your kidneys.
And list your urniary jokes and incontinence jabs for me in alphabetical order, please.
--I really don't expect replies addressing thread content or substance.

"Merry Christkwanzehaunnukaramadan!"
Last edited:


New member
Originally posted by aikido7
Jesus had a better idea.
Making salvation and reconcilliation available is a great idea. Grace applies to salvation, not to criminal law.

What does Christ do with the ones who refuse to be reconciled?


New member
Originally posted by aikido7

And the drug holiday is over. Vioxx and other anti-inflammatories can damage your kidneys.

Actually, their biggest risk seems to be that they cause strokes and MIs in their users at a rate double that of the general population.

And list your urniary jokes and incontinence jabs for me in alphabetical order, please.

And rob others of their chance to use their imaginations? Nope.

--I really don't expect replies addressing thread content or substance.

Your expectations are your own business.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Art Deco

Are you trying to draw some moral dichotomy between air strikes on Baghdad and the culture war on abortion? :confused:

Actually :aikido:7 is trying to concoct a moral equivalency between the two. Finding a moral dichotomy would be rational.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aikido7

The "Before Christ" Leviticus "Holiness Code" you hide out in (1) is never applied by fundamentalists except selectively (2) is thus reframed as "not an instruction to Christians" when it serves your secular purposes and (3) is similar to most primitive societies when food, shelter and survival are the basic needs and ethical thinking and action are unthinkable and--as nacsent civilizations go--unworkable.

:darwinsm: Don't let anyone ever accuse you of being a Biblical scholar.

Jesus had a better idea.

A better idea :idea: than what?

And the drug holiday is over. Vioxx and other anti-inflammatories can damage your kidneys.

How long will your mourning period be?

And list your urniary jokes and incontinence jabs for me in alphabetical order, please.
--I really don't expect replies addressing thread content or substance.

:darwinsm: If you posed a proposition that had content or substance, I'm sure folks would reply in kind.

"Merry Christkwanzehaunnukaramadan!"

:chz4brnz: :thefool: :kookoo:

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Crow

What does Christ do with the ones who refuse to be reconciled?

My guess is:
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.


My guess is:
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

WHEW! At least I'm safe....


Don't let anyone ever accuse you of being a Biblical scholar

Fundamentalists can't be accused of history, anthropology, archeology, literature, DNA studies, sociology, theology, papyrology and numanistics concerning the Bible.

Bible study is actually "studying the Bible."


Shouldn't those who care about abortion be passionately committed to changing the economic circumstances that promote it?

Since the abortion rate actually fell during the prosperous Clinton years, it is no surprise that the rate is going up--no matter what the Supreme Court has said or will say.

Minimum wage jobs are 20 to 30 per cent under the poverty line today. If a woman becomes pregnant and says "I can't afford insurance anymore--having a baby is too expensive," isn't that a question of VALUES?

Why should women in poverty be forced to make such a tragic choice out of economic necessity and survival?

No one can celebrate a genuine Christmas without being truly poor. The self-sufficient, the proud, those who--because they have everything and look down on others--even those who have no need even of God....

For them there will be no Christmas.

Only the poor, the hungry, those who need someone to come on their behalf, will have that someone. That someone is God, Emmanuel, God-with-us.

Without poverty of spirit there can be no abundance of God.
--Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aikido7

Shouldn't those who care about abortion be passionately committed to changing the economic circumstances that promote it?

Since the abortion rate actually fell during the prosperous Clinton years, it is no surprise that the rate is going up--no matter what the Supreme Court has said or will say.

Minimum wage jobs are 20 to 30 per cent under the poverty line today. If a woman becomes pregnant and says "I can't afford insurance anymore--having a baby is too expensive," isn't that a question of VALUES?

Why should women in poverty be forced to make such a tragic choice out of economic necessity and survival?

No one can celebrate a genuine Christmas without being truly poor. The self-sufficient, the proud, those who--because they have everything and look down on others--even those who have no need even of God....

For them there will be no Christmas.

Only the poor, the hungry, those who need someone to come on their behalf, will have that someone. That someone is God, Emmanuel, God-with-us.

Without poverty of spirit there can be no abundance of God.
--Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador
Clinton did, when forced to, sign on to welfare reform and that did help the economy.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aikido7

And when the economy is good, abortion becomes more rare.
When the economy is bad, killing babys does not become more right!