a whore for the republican party


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do you believe shutting down the government will give the democrats at least four more years in the white house?


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a whore for the republican party

that is what they called me
I will name them
rocketman, genuineoriginal, nick m
all christian right wingers
would you like a link?
they and others say the republican party supports abortion
they should know it is a lie
they are very stupid
I started asking them questions
town and rusha who claim the republicans didn't fix the abortion problem when they had the chance
would you like a link?

in this thread
I will answer the questions they couldn't answer

Pro-abortionists are crazy, and cannot be talked to. That's what this thread is all about.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The "outsiders" have made this whole thing fun and more interesting but I still don't believe any of them will get the nomination. It will not be until they start to get shoved to the side by the primary process that a leader will emerge. Cruz is as good a guess as I've got.

One can hope, I like Cruz as well as Carson, Fiorina....not so much but, by the look of things nobody will touch a RINO, they are persona non grata...unelectable.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Pro-abortionists are crazy, and cannot be talked to. That's what this thread is all about.

Actually it is not, it is about those that would back a party line over a good candidate no matter what. The mindless sheeple that have bought into the lie that one party is better, or different from the other when their actions are the same...both parties want big government, a large budget to spend, whether they have to borrow it or not, and to have more control over the people, both parties are the antithesis of liberty.

you may be right

many here are not what they say they are

And many people are exactly what they say they are. You are a RINO chrys...everyone knows that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why do they hate you so much?

half of them hate me for voting republican

what about the other half?

they don't like why I vote republican

why do you vote republican?

the democratic party supports abortion

that is ridiculous

they are idiots who support trump

what would they have you do?

besides supporting trump?


that is not really clear

do they want to elect democrats?

that is the only thing that would explain it


The "outsiders" have made this whole thing fun and more interesting but I still don't believe any of them will get the nomination. It will not be until they start to get shoved to the side by the primary process that a leader will emerge. Cruz is as good a guess as I've got.
There are too many RINOs. Fiorina and Jeb Bush get lots of press, but they are not even neoconservative. My guess is that Hillary wins, after the press makes her struggle for the oval office. While I would like Rand Paul to win, we will still have good opposition to a Hillary administration.


Hall of Fame
so why do they hate you so much?

half of them hate me for voting republican

what about the other half?

That's not it ... and I believe the word "hate" is an exaggeration on your part.

You initiated this thread because you were angry at being referred to as "a whore for the republican party".

Well, you are. The very fact that you insult those who would vote for Trump even though you WOULD vote for him if he were the Republican nominee speaks volumes in regards to your hypocrisy and inconsistency.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
There are too many RINOs.

Yep, and the whole thing would go much smoother if the establishment would just allow their base to nominate a conservative.

Fiorina and Jeb Bush get lots of press, but they are not even neoconservative.

The Bush family embody neocon principles as does Fiorina. I would not vote Forina for dogcatcher, she is a cronic loser on too many fronts to ignore, she puts up a good show but, it takes more than a good stump to convince me...there needs to be a background of success which she is devoid of.

My guess is that Hillary wins, after the press makes her struggle for the oval office.

Doubtful...She will get her base but, she can't sell her deceptive image to the independents. The Dems know that she is damaged goods that is why they are scrambling to get Biden to run...there is plenty of chaos in the democrat ranks and it shows.

While I would like Rand Paul to win, we will still have good opposition to a Hillary administration.

Rand? only a very small minority are buying what he is selling...He needs to get out like the rest of the low single digit candidates. Rand's aggregate poll numbers are a 2.4%...stick a fork in him...he's done!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the odds are changing

hillary 6/4
jeb 6/1
biden 8/1
rubio 9/1
trump 10/1
sanders 12/1

you idiots can still make a killing


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
hillary 6/4
jeb 6/1
biden 8/1
rubio 8/1
trump 10/1
sanders 12/1

this is what the smart money is saying

the idiots don't have money or smarts


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Hall of Fame
the rich are rich because they know how to protect their money
they have done well with obama
they will always do well
the only question
will they create jobs?
the only answer
if they can make money doing it


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
why do the republicans get blamed for the shut down?

you have to shoot the messenger


we all want to continue as if there is no problem

how can you ignore the problem?

by shooting anyone who mentions it


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Presidential Tryouts
Butler Shaffer

In 2015 – as in prior years before the holding of another presidential election – the Political Establishment (i.e., the Owners) are holding open-auditions for those interested in being considered for the subsequent year’s title role candidates for the Republican and Democratic parties. The Owners are particularly desirous of finding the one contender from each party who will [1] be safe for and obedient to the interests of the Owners (“Ron Paul, please get off the stage!”); [2] will adhere to the prepared script, with no ad-libbing; [3] be capable of convincing a sufficient number of members of the species Boobus Americanus that they truly represent their interests; and [4] appear “presidential” (ooops, “empirical”) enough to be a symbol of “American Exceptionalism” so as not to embarrass the Establishment.

Whether next year’s carefully-staged performance – complete with appropriate music, costuming, and staging – will be a serious melodrama or a comic opera, is still being decided upon by the well-heeled producers, with the script undergoing minor revisions. By next summer, auditions will have closed, and we will be informed by the Owners and their media flaks the names of the two candidates from whom we may select as the “voice of the people.” This time for sure, folks!