A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) of the Jewish faith


New member
I gave you the answer to this post of yours and probably it was removed. No use to keep repeating the same post over and over agains if it has to be removed for some reason or another.

Everyone in Israel must have known the spot where Abraham offered up his son as a sacrifice.
From the Temple, looking eastward across the Kidron Valley was the spot on the Mount of Olives.
This area was later utilized by the Romans to crucify Jews, who could see the victims from the City of David.
The foot-thick veil covering the holy-of-holies could be seen from the Mount of Olives. The New Testament records that the Veil was ripped in two and earthquakes ensued at the death of Messiah.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up - John 3:14
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die.- John 12:32
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Ben Masada

New member
So do I and so did Abraham himself but, his Divine instructions to sacrifice his son were given during a dream. The place was the actual Temple Mount aka Mount Moriah. Nothing to do with the crucifixion of Jesus though. If it were to have any connexion with the Akedah, how about the other thousands of Jews crucified only in the First Century according to Josephus? Christians have the tendency to deal with Jesus' crucifixion as if Jesus was the only Jew crucified by the Romans.


New member
I have a comment about number 4, the commandment to love. Love by nature does not respond to commands. One cannot be punished for not being able to love even God Himself. HaShem is aware of that as nature is creation
of God.

A supernatural transformation takes place when you put your faith in Yeshua.

A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will
take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26
Ezekiel 36 leads into Ezekiel 37 and shows God's people being given "new life"
and being brought back to the land of Israel from every corner of the earth.
That process has been gaining for over 70 years now.


I have a comment about number 4, the commandment to love. Love by nature does not respond to commands. One cannot be punished for not being able to love even God Himself. HaShem is aware of that as nature is creation
of God.

(Sons of Perdition/Damnable Hersies = Unable to come to the Truth of the Gospel's Redemption of Sin, always seeking placation for their sin by the conviction of others)
1. Snared Conscious//Conceited (Lovers of Men)
2. Wrath and Strifes (Lovers of Blasphemy)
3. Incoherent and Unprofitable/Destructive (Lovers of Corruption)

(Body of Believers/Sword and Shield of Faith = Enduring Adversity and Death as the recompense of Faith, Not Performing the Work of communion with the ungodly)
1. Hearing of the Word begins with the Gospel, but its present in all our ways, because it is written in our hearts
2. Broken and a Contrite Heart, means we are renewed continually with the gospel's message of redemption from sin
3. Meekness and Thanksgiving as the fulfillment of chastisement, means we do not exceed our ability to be clean and faithful in observance of the gospel's precepts or the governance of the lands (if we are beat for no reason, then we are beat for no reason, if we die for no reason, then we simply die for no reason, God is the author and finisher of faith, and all work)

(You have not seen the full end of terrorism or the race wars that are developing in the USA and Globally..........what the Sons of Perdition typically do is cause controversies, revolving around false witnessing and adversity, as the mechanism to bring in unrighteousness, and corruption. You will readily find that no matter of mercy or love is sufficient to drive out their uncleanness, these people need to be physically removed and disciplined under the premises of the law, or death...........what happens with the Antichrist is no secret, this is a process that is simply ongoing until we reach the day of judgment and the solution to Genetic Dan is clear, that is euthanasia)

So do I and so did Abraham himself but, his Divine instructions to sacrifice his son were given during a dream. The place was the actual Temple Mount aka Mount Moriah. Nothing to do with the crucifixion of Jesus though. If it were to have any connexion with the Akedah, how about the other thousands of Jews crucified only in the First Century according to Josephus? Christians have the tendency to deal with Jesus' crucifixion as if Jesus was the only Jew crucified by the Romans.

(No payment for sin is acceptable, Jesus does not use "Joseph the Blessings" to arbitrarily pay for all the sin of mankind, regardless of your walk of faith, this is "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit", and the reason why Jesus withered the figtree, to identify with the Son of Perdition...............God was no longer using Jerusalem, and intended to drive the Jewish People out of all lands and into the USA principally to satisfy the conviction of the nations and to announce the Sign of Divorce in a limited geographic area..................now God does not pay for the Sin of Genetic Dan with "Joseph", neither does God want them alive, but we will simply see this happen, because the Son of Man as a representative of Joseph is not the declaration of the law the "Revelation" has in view, it is the Lord's Body or Sign of Divorce for that declaration, and whats necessary, what happens now is only a preview) Love and Blessings.


New member
I have a word about number 9: To listen to the Prophets speaking in His name. IMHO, this applies not only to the
Jews but also to Christians. Why? For two reasons: First, because the Prophets spoke in God's name that no one
can die for the sins of another. (Ezekiel 18:4,20; Jeremiah 31:30; II Kings 14:6; Deuteronomy 24:16; etc) Therefore, if Christians listen to the Prophets that speak in the name of God, they must get use to the idea that Jesus did not die for our sins. The second reason is that the Prophets who speak in the name of God are of one mind that, once dead, no one will ever return from the grave. (II Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9; Psalm
49:12,20) Likewise, Christians are to take upon their mind that Jesus has never returned from his grave and cease preaching the false message of the resurrection when Jesus himself as a Jew did not believe it.

You make an interesting point. Scripture does indicate that a man cannot die for another.


New member
Everyone in Israel must have known the spot where Abraham offered up his son as a sacrifice.
From the Temple, looking eastward across the Kidron Valley was the spot on the Mount of Olives.
This area was later utilized by the Romans to crucify Jews, who could see the victims from the City of David.
The foot-thick veil covering the holy-of-holies could be seen from the Mount of Olives. The New Testament records that the Veil was ripped in two and earthquakes ensued at the death of Messiah.

Have you ever checked out the writings of Lightfoot?
He analyzed the gospels and compared them to writings in the Talmud.
According to the Talmud there were two parallel curtains a cubit apart separating the holy and most holy.


New member
So do I and so did Abraham himself but, his Divine instructions to sacrifice his son were given during a dream. The place was the actual Temple Mount aka Mount Moriah. Nothing to do with the crucifixion of Jesus though. If it were to have any connexion with the Akedah, how about the other thousands of Jews crucified only in the First Century according to Josephus? Christians have the tendency to deal with Jesus' crucifixion as if Jesus was the only Jew crucified by the Romans.

Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem.
The Temple mount is inside the city.


New member
Likewise, Christians are to take upon their mind that Jesus has never returned from his grave and cease preaching the false message of the resurrection when Jesus himself as a Jew did not believe it.

David was also a descendant of Jacob and he said in Psalms 71:20, "You, who have shown me great and severe troubles shall revive me again and bring me up again from the depths of the earth."


David was also a descendant of Jacob and he said in Psalms 71:20, "You, who have shown me great and severe troubles shall revive me again and bring me up again from the depths of the earth."

(God used Angels to measure 600,000 for the Exodus that is a Literal Figure ............ Then .............. God uses the Lord's Body/Lamb Slain (Sign of Divorce) to measure the remnant of the nations for 5 months, that is not given a literal figure, but simply "666 of Man is Measured by the Beast/Lamb Slain")

(Technically in the eyes of God there are two concurrent measurements for Joseph's 144,000. Jesus as an Angel giving his Sermon/Call of Election on the Mount, and Jesus as the Temple Stones taken up a High Mountain ................................ Daniel's Prophecy of 70 Weeks as a Measurement of Angels was Completed with the Crucifixion of Jesus ......................... Daniel Parallel's his own Prophecy for the Lamb Slain/Temple Stones of Revelation, by appearing to state it twice (70 Weeks then 69+1 Week for 70 Weeks))

GENESIS 37:29 And Reuben returned unto the pit; and, behold, Joseph [was] not in the pit; and he rent his clothes.
GENESIS 37:32 And they sent the coat of [many] colours, and they brought [it] to their father; and said, This have we found: know now whether it [be] thy son's coat or no.
GENESIS 37:33 And he knew it, and said, [It is] my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces.
GENESIS 37:34 And Jacob rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned for his son many days.

(144,000 of Reuben is God to Jesus of Luke 3's 70 Generations (Jesus as an Angel) ... 144,000 of Joseph is Abraham to Babylon, 42 Generations for the Lord's Body/Lamb Slain)

Euthanasia is not a guarantee for the Separatist Inheritors* of the Gospel's Program, however that happens, which is to say for Joseph's 144,000. Jesus may save a few individuals here and there but that is of little to no, consequence. God will simply resolve this issue during the 5 months of revelations for the white races that have received a Sign of Divorce at the relative geographic level..............Doesn't matter how many people of Genetic Dan die, or how much they kill themselves, they do not have a future, and it doesn't matter how many jews die or any people for that matter, that is not a automatic guarantee of salvation................Genetic Dan will most likely slaughter themselves exceedingly until you euthanize their population clusters in season to solicit mercy from god, that is simply the natural course of man in the gospel's program. (As I've stated, in addition to having my mouth and rectum stimulated with verichips, there is also incest, rape and murder performed with me on a weekly if not daily basis, so I've based some of my conclusions solely on the measurement of angels, assuming God would cut the judgment short by not allowing mankind the benefit of a judgment from an antichrist or a son of man, so that is possible, but certain levels of arguments have not been satisfied) (Take some comfort, and kill all Genetic Dan relative to the Sign of Divorce, and any earth level disasters in the usa, especially near the mandrid faultline and take some comfort in that, as we've discussed) (The stimulation of my mouth and rectum has been lower than normal, keep these people motivated to attack, don't ask too many questions, this helps euthanasia at the global level, even if the impact is small, if they want to do more against me, then good, make sure they do, you can see them die ahead of time easy).