Buyer: So, I think it’s always worth it- would you be able to store it?
PP Farrell: Yea, because we have the capacity. Yea because any of my IUD
studies, my in vitro diagnostics, we keep it- the most we keep it for is a
week,maybe a month in some cases. The refrigerator/freezer space is to handle
a lot of volume and then it goes away, so we can have ongoing storage as well.
In the grand scheme of things refrigerators and freezers are cheap. They’re all on
emergency power, I didn’t point that out, I didn’t point out the generators back
here either. Your specimen’s will be secure, the whole building is on emergency
Buyer: Mhm
PP Farrell: Yea, in terms of feasibility in terms of how earlier- integrated into the
facility. If everyone is approached and everyone collects samples if the patient
consents. It’s easier if we have all of these to choose from.
Buyer: The natural flow, of your operation-
PP Farrell: It’s everything, everyone, it’s not just pick and choose and have to
filer. That’s a lot easier.
Buyer: And store for a while, if it’s not used and then-
PP Farrell: And we can have that baked in too, if we collect it, store it, we
communicate about the inventory, if there is a certain amount that we have after
a certain time, then we follow our sites procedure and destroy it, because our
sites procedure is to store it anyway. So freeze it and if we don’t use it then we
destroy it under the same process.
Buyer: So then having that integrated into your system, your profits can be even
greater because you’re not wasting any funds, your cost is so low so you can
show a profit.
PP Farrell: Mhm. Yeah.
Buyer: That’s excellent.
PP Farrell: Yeah. We were designing this area and I wanted this whole back to
be refrigerators and freezers and I insisted on being emergency power on the
grid. They said “But why? You guys don’t need this, you ship all your stuff”
Banking, tissue banking is something that is going to hit us at some point. Some
sort of tissue.
Buyer: And here it is.
PP Farrell: And that’s a perfect use for it. We have that because we have spike
in volume, unbelieveable we enroll five to eight hundred patients a month. We
have at least two specimens from each patient and they have go in one of those
refrigerators or freezers. So, when it’s that busy we have to have the capacity or
we can use the capacity for medium term storage. I can’t even think about what
that means in terms of storage, I’ll leave that to ya’ll. Let me shoot her an email
real quick. I was starting to- sorry, I started talking again.