31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

The government must be responsible to look at the big picture during an epidemic. Coordination and prioritizing is key during time-critical event. The government must inform doctors about the state of research as it evolves. Imperfect decisions must be made from incomplete data because imperfect decisions are better than indecision.

Thank you for that Marxist socialist view of government: The master that must care for the children in its care.

Sorry there young Stalin, but The government has one responsibility only: The government exists to protect the liberty and the rights that God endowed us with.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

My rights come from the Creator, and I will decide how to protect myself from danger. The only thing government is supposed to do is keep me free so that I can exercise that right. Other than that, government needs to shut up and get the hell out of my way.
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Well-known member
The Declaration of Independence is an aspirational document, so not binding like the Constitution.


Well-known member
Deluded fascist Marxists do not know how wrong they are to force people to submit to wicked group-think tyranny.

You really need to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt about their motives. They know EXACTLY what they're doing and why, and will gladly murder you if you're identified as an obstacle to their goals.


Well-known member
This study is reasonable preliminary data for farming future hypotheses. Nothing conclusive can be derived. Cardiovascular events need to be monitored, but any conclusion broader than that is inflammatory with such a small sample size.
Deluded fascist Marxists do not know how wrong they are to force people to submit to wicked group-think tyranny.
You really need to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt about their motives. They know EXACTLY what they're doing and why, and will gladly murder you if you're identified as an obstacle to their goals.

Well, some do, and some are just ignorant dupes of propaganda, like our new young socialist here Skeeter boy.

The Soviets called them Useful Idiots.
This study a reasonable preliminary data, for farming future hypotheses. Nothing conclusive can be derived. Cardiovascular events need to be monitored, but any conclusion broader than that is inflammatory with such a small sample size.

Are you a doctor?

How old are you anyway?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The government must be responsible to look at the big picture during an epidemic. Coordination and prioritizing is key during time-critical event. The government must inform doctors about the state of research as it evolves. Imperfect decisions must be made from incomplete data because imperfect decisions are better than indecision.
I'm amused at your faith that government can be trustworthy and competent.

How old are you?


Well-known member
Well, some do, and some are just ignorant dupes of propaganda, like our new young socialist here Skeeter boy.

The Soviets called them Useful Idiots.

That's no longer a valid excuse. They, and pretty much everyone today, is fully in a position to no longer be duped idiots. They CHOOSE to be because the lies appeal to them, so they have no excuse.

Speaking of, below is just one example of why you can't trust anything uttered by any leftist, anywhere.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's no longer a valid excuse. They, and pretty much everyone today, is fully in a position to no longer be duped idiots. They CHOOSE to be because the lies appeal to them, so they have no excuse.

Speaking of, below is just one example of why you can't trust anything uttered by any leftist, anywhere.

View attachment 2272
I observed several of these campaigns when I was embedded in the toxic radical feminist group on Facebook.

They're very good at organizing these.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They're bots.

I'm still convinced that TOL has in the past had not only numerous paid agents (some still here) but at least one AI bot the controller was using us to work the bugs out.
I finally unplugged from Facebook and the feminist group, during a period of time when there was a lot of noise being made about Russian collusion and foreign interference in our elections. One of my parting shots, and one of the things that got me banned, was reminding people that the feminist group on Facebook was based in Mexico.

I wonder how much they were supported by the cartels.
I won't be providing fuel for ad hominem attacks

That's all you have been providing since almost all of your posts or wrong or childish.

They're bots.

I'm still convinced that TOL has in the past had not only numerous paid agents (some still here) but at least one AI bot the controller was using us to work the bugs out.

You are correct. The word went out several years ago for paid agents to infiltrate and upset forums. I have seen a few actually get busted.

Gary K

New member
This study is reasonable preliminary data for farming future hypotheses. Nothing conclusive can be derived. Cardiovascular events need to be monitored, but any conclusion broader than that is inflammatory with such a small sample size.
Complete and utter nonsense. The study arises from the monitoring of cardiovascular events. You comments prove you never even read the study.

Gary K

New member
They're bots.

I'm still convinced that TOL has in the past had not only numerous paid agents (some still here) but at least one AI bot the controller was using us to work the bugs out.
I completely agree. I've been stating this for a long time. The leftists here have actually changed their narratives before the mockingbird media has. In other words you could predict what the media's narrative change would be before it happened.


Well-known member
Complete and utter nonsense. The study arises from the monitoring of cardiovascular events. You comments prove you never even read the study.
Analyzing 196 deaths after covid vaccination is like analyzing 196 lottery winners for cause.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I completely agree. I've been stating this for a long time. The leftists here have actually changed their narratives before the mockingbird media has. In other words you could predict what the media's narrative change would be before it happened.
I was very confused when I first joined the feminist group on Facebook, because they would jump into arguing about things without explaining what they were. After a while it became apparent to me that they were coming to Facebook to argue about stuff that was being discussed elsewhere, such as MSM blogs where the conversation was moderated more. They came to Facebook to speak more openly and passionately.

I started to recognize the same phenomena here on TOL, from the toxic leftist trolls, many of whom are now banned.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Mandates are forced Russian roulette with one’s genome...a blatant and violent Dem-Nazi disregard.
There’s only one problem: the Nazis didn’t actually issue a vaccine mandate. In fact, Republicans would have found much to like in the Third Reich’s vaccine policy, which was very much in line with their current recommendations: above all, it relaxed requirements for compulsory vaccination that had been in place in Germany for decades at that point, and went with a voluntary approach instead. We even have records of private discussions of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi colleagues clearly showing that, far from viewing vaccine mandates as key to their genocidal goals, the opposite was the case: they knew that withholding compulsory vaccination and other German public-health innovations would help kill more of the undesirable and “inferior” people who they wanted to rid from the world.
