2007 TOL Fantasy Football League

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New member
BillyBob said:
Like I said, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that you butted your big gay nose in where it didn't belong.

As I told you I am completely and totally homophobic, and everyone knows that. Your insults of myself and a member of my church and your profanity laced PM's were unacceptable. Unacceptable BillyBob. You should apologize or be banned from TOL and the TOLFFL in my opinion!


Actually my point in this had everything to do with Fantasy Football and nothing to do with the whole Colts Patriots debate. That was something I was discussing and enjoying for the most part.

This was something different and is in relation to the fantasy football league here at TOL. I was asked to help as Assistant Commish, but I've not ONCE said ANYTHING about it. My ONLY point for bringing it up was to point out that IF what Doc Brumley had said was an important and major league issue, he would have told me about it as he has other things this season and he didn't.

BillyBob started in with the whole "Pompous jerk" stuff. Being in a Fantasy Football league or even being an Assistant Commish of a FF League would be a hobby, something done for fun.

With people like BillyBob the fun is removed.


This has nothing to do with fantasy football, you stupid moron.


As I told you I am completely and totally homophobic, and everyone knows that. Your insults of myself and a member of my church and your profanity laced PM's were unacceptable. Unacceptable BillyBob. You should apologize or be banned from TOL and the TOLFFL in my opinion!


Like I said, you dense retard, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football.


New member

Like I said, you dense retard, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football.

Then what's the point? This thread is about Fantasy Football is it not? The issue we were discussing was related to Fantasy Football. Your responses were over the top and uncalled for.


Then what's the point? This thread is about Fantasy Football is it not? The issue we were discussing was related to Fantasy Football. Your responses were over the top and uncalled for.

The only response that was uncalled for is when you showed up and started telling everyone that if there was something to discuss, you would have already known about it and therefor there is nothing to discuss.

Want a replay as to how stupid you look? Here you go:

Seems if he wanted you to know he would have answered you BillyBob. I'm the assistant administrator and I don't know what it's about, so I wouldn't worry about it. If it were a major happening in our league Doc would have told me like he has other things this season.


What a moron!

The issue is that you are a pompous jerk who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

Good lord, give a moron a Junior Commissioner Badge and he thinks he owns the place.



Then what's the point? This thread is about Fantasy Football is it not? The issue we were discussing was related to Fantasy Football. Your responses were over the top and uncalled for.

You weren't discussing anything, you moron. I asked a simple question about an announcement from our Commish, Lucky responded, I asked another question and then you showed up and flashed your secret decoder ring!


You are as retarded as any person I've ever seen at this website. And the fact that you continue this argument in the face of the proof that you were way out of bounds even makes you look more foolish.



New member
You weren't discussing anything, you moron. I asked a simple question about an announcement from our Commish, Lucky responded, I asked another question and then you showed up and flashed your secret decoder ring!


You are as retarded as any person I've ever seen at this website. And the fact that you continue this argument in the face of the proof that you were way out of bounds even makes you look more foolish.


The entire conversation was responses to the things you were saying. Anyone can go back and read that.

None of it matters. You were out of bounds in calling myself and a member of my church homos and in your profanity laced PM's. It's Fantasy Football, not life and death.

Maybe you've got some other grudge against me you're airing out here? Like a certain banned member that you're angry with me about (even though I had little to do with them getting banned)?


The entire conversation was responses to the things you were saying. Anyone can go back and read that.

I wasn't saying them to YOU. You can't possibly be so stupid as to not understand this.

None of it matters. You were out of bounds in calling myself and a member of my church homos and in your profanity laced PM's. It's Fantasy Football, not life and death.


Maybe you've got some other grudge against me you're airing out here? Like a certain banned member that you're angry with me about (even though I had little to do with them getting banned)?

I have no idea what you are talking about, why is it that you continue to stray from the topic which is:

You butted in where you had no business and was arrogant in the process..

That's it. Simple. It's not about Fantasy Football. It's not about Lucky. It's not about any of the things you've tried to redirect this conversation about. it's about your arrogance.

Like I said, if you want to apologize, I am willing to consider letting you off the hook.

Oh, and the gay thing was a joke, an inside joke that you probably wouldn't get. My apologies, everybody else probably got the joke and knew it wasn't meant to infer that you or your friend is gay. Lighten up, Francis.



Well-known member
Ok Listen guys, This is a warning to drop it.

Also, I apologize for venting in this thread. What should have happened is a PM to Lucky directly. I got off work early Sunday specifically for checking to see if Larry Fitzgerald and Braylen Edwards were playing. I found about 20 minutes to kickoff that Braylen was playing. So I waited on word on Fitzgerald. Then it came across on my homepage a list of Cardinal inactives. Fitzgerald was not on the list, meaning he was active so I figured it was safe to keep on as a starter. About a couple minutes after kickoff, A new report came out that said Fitzgerald was listed as an inactive. I have the original report listing Cardinal inactives. So when I saw this, I panicked, being a competetor I am, and in sportsmanship, I PMed Lucky to ask for permission to insert Bryant Johnson and explained the reason. Lucky responded by saying he knew for 20 minutes before kickoff. So he said no. But what got me going was the fact I PMed him and he knew about it (the PM) and didn't give me an answer and made a joking comment that he will get back to me after the game, so meaning if my replacement scored big and I did complete a great comeback, then he could wipe his hands about it. That ticked me off. But after pressing him, he officially said no and tough luck. The way it down put me over the edge and I posted on this thread. For that I apologize. It was between Lucky and I alone so no one needs to get involved. I am not mad at Lucky for saying no after. I was mad before cause of the attitude being displayed along with the no answer.

Now, to the matter at hand. Everyone needs to just shut up about it. Now you know, and all is well. So Billy, consider it a warning that those vulgar PM's will not be tolerated. Alot of what transpired is my fault. I should have been more clear. But that is no excuse for vulgar PM's. I suggest you ignore Pastor Kevin and PK, you ignore Billy. I don't wanna see a PM about this at all, nor anything that happened as a result. So consider this just a warning.

Thank you for your time.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm glad drbrumley is not mad at me.

But because his side of the story was brought to light, I don't want others thinking I was a jerk about it.

Drbrumley PM'd me. I knew exactly what it would be about. I replied to his message to me in the shoutbox [joking about how I'll decide after the game] before the PM because I knew it would take some time to type it all out. Doc interpreted that as having an attitude. [Understandable, I guess.] In the PM, I told him that the Week 13 inactives page stated Fitzgerald was out 20 minutes before the game started. So I anxiously waited 15 minutes to see if he would swap WRs before the lineup deadline. He didn't because the page he was looking at didn't notify him in time. It happens. It's happened to me. It sucks.


New member
I'm glad drbrumley is not mad at me.

But because his side of the story was brought to light, I don't want others thinking I was a jerk about it.

Drbrumley PM'd me. I knew exactly what it would be about. I replied to his message to me in the shoutbox [joking about how I'll decide after the game] before the PM because I knew it would take some time to type it all out. Doc interpreted that as having an attitude. In the PM, I told him that the Week 13 inactives page stated Fitzgerald was out 20 minutes before the game started. So I anxiously waited 15 minutes to see if he would swap WRs before the lineup deadline. He didn't because the page he was looking at didn't notify him in time. It happens. It's happened to me. It sucks.

I had something similar happen earlier in the season with Dallas Clark (I think it was the KC game). All the way up to the game they said it was a game time decision, and I thought Clark was going to play, but then they said he was out. I had to suffer that particular game with no points from my TE. I agree it does stink.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's basically a part of fantasy football, because it's a big part of the NFL. Coaches don't want opponents to know until the very last minute who will be on the field.


New member
Hall of Fame
One thing I think the league deserves is some clarification on is the playoff rule. Because of these situations, last year we had a rule saying you could declare an official backup.

On the rules page it says:

2) During the playoffs, teams will be allowed to submit a list of backups (one per position) that will be used if a starter does not play or is injured in the first half of his game and doesn't return. Proof of this must be obtained from NFL.com via the play by play account of the game or be picked up by an agreed upon news source.

But I was informed that that is not true for this year. I don't particularly mind either way, but Doc if you can make an official statement that would be good. :up:


Well-known member
One thing I think the league deserves some clarification on is the playoff rule. Because of these situations, last year we had a rule saying you could declare an official backup.

On the rules page it says:

2) During the playoffs, teams will be allowed to submit a list of backups (one per position) that will be used if a starter does not play or is injured in the first half of his game and doesn't return. Proof of this must be obtained from NFL.com via the play by play account of the game or be picked up by an agreed upon news source.

But I was informed that that is not true for this year. I don't particularly mind either way, but Doc if you can make an official statement that would be good. :up:

I worded my response to you wrong. This rule applies unless you guys vote it out:up:
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