2007 TOL Fantasy Football League

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Like I said, can't even talk sports and keep it civil.

Now what are you babbling about? This isn't about sports.

You can't even stay on the topic of this discussion which is that Doc made and announcement, I asked for clarification and you stuck your big, gay nose where it didn't belong.

This has absolutely nothing to do with sports or fantasy football now, it has to do with the fact that your are a pompous, meddling jackass.

On the Colts and Manning I offered opinions and admittedly from a fan perspective, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your behavior here and it's silly of you to even insinuate it.

You're the idiot who keeps bringing other things into this discussion that don't belong, so don't whine when I respond to them, you friggin' moron.

Now, if you want to apologize to me and Lucky for rudely intruding into our conversation, I will consider accepting......


It's hard to trash talk when you have BabyBobs who can dish it out but can't take it. :rotfl:

Dude, as far as trash talk, I'm in the Majors and your still in Little League. And everybody here knows it. :BillyBob:

Now, back on topic:

Hey Doc, would you like to clarify your announcement yesterday?

It was kind of ambiguous.


New member
BillyBob said:
You're the idiot who keeps bringing other things into this discussion that don't belong

Like THIS:

BillyBob said:
Hey moron, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that your a pompous jerk who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

You're a hypocrite Sam.


Like I said, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that you butted your big gay nose in where it didn't belong.

And guess what, anybody that wants to go back and read the exchange will see that you did exactly that.

You had absolutely nothing to do with this conversation but instead of quietly sitting back and allowing the parties involved to have a discussion, you felt compelled to flash your Junior Commissioner badge.

What a friggin, insecure, pompous retard you are.


New member
Like I said, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that you butted your big gay nose in where it didn't belong.

And guess what, anybody that wants to go back and read the exchange will see that you did exactly that.

You had absolutely nothing to do with this conversation but instead of quietly sitting back and allowing the parties involved have a discussion, you felt compelled to flash your Junior Commissioner badge.

What a friggin, insecure, pompous retard you are.

It's ok. I resign BillyBob. You can have it.


New member
Like I said, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that you butted your big gay nose in where it didn't belong.

And guess what, anybody that wants to go back and read the exchange will see that you did exactly that.

You had absolutely nothing to do with this conversation but instead of quietly sitting back and allowing the parties involved to have a discussion, you felt compelled to flash your Junior Commissioner badge.

What a friggin, insecure, pompous retard you are.




New member

Yer better than the insults.

You are a colts fan! Don't forget this brother

Actually my point in this had everything to do with Fantasy Football and nothing to do with the whole Colts Patriots debate. That was something I was discussing and enjoying for the most part.

This was something different and is in relation to the fantasy football league here at TOL. I was asked to help as Assistant Commish, but I've not ONCE said ANYTHING about it. My ONLY point for bringing it up was to point out that IF what Doc Brumley had said was an important and major league issue, he would have told me about it as he has other things this season and he didn't.

BillyBob started in with the whole "Pompous jerk" stuff. Being in a Fantasy Football league or even being an Assistant Commish of a FF League would be a hobby, something done for fun.

With people like BillyBob the fun is removed.


New member
Actually my point in this had everything to do with Fantasy Football and nothing to do with the whole Colts Patriots debate. That was something I was discussing and enjoying for the most part.

This was something different and is in relation to the fantasy football league here at TOL. I was asked to help as Assistant Commish, but I've not ONCE said ANYTHING about it. My ONLY point for bringing it up was to point out that IF what Doc Brumley had said was an important and major league issue, he would have told me about it as he has other things this season and he didn't.

BillyBob started in with the whole "Pompous jerk" stuff. Being in a Fantasy Football league or even being an Assistant Commish of a FF League would be a hobby, something done for fun.

With people like BillyBob the fun is removed.

Dude... you are taking stuff way too seriously.

eat a banana or something :bannana:
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