2007 TOL Fantasy Football League

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New member
I'm not worried, just keeping up with the matters in our league.

Did Doc put a player in for you and then lose to you because of it?

Seems if he wanted you to know he would have answered you BillyBob. I'm the assistant administrator and I don't know what it's about, so I wouldn't worry about it. If it were a major happening in our league Doc would have told me like he has other things this season.


Seems if he wanted you to know he would have answered you BillyBob.

Seems if he DIDN"T want me to know about it he wouldn't have mentioned it in the public forum in the first place! :duh:

I'm the assistant administrator and I don't know what it's about, so I wouldn't worry about it. If it were a major happening in our league Doc would have told me like he has other things this season.

Oh brother, you are a pompous moron. Every day it becomes more clear.....



New member
BillyBob said:
Seems if he DIDN"T want me to know about it he wouldn't have mentioned it in the public forum in the first place! :duh:

Actually the HE I was referring to was Lucky. You have a difficulty following a conversation don't you BillyBob? Let's reset:

Lucky said to you:

Lucky said:
Nothing to worry 'bout.

But did you accept that? No, you just want to be a nosy busybody and have something smart aleck to say. Your response was to Lucky.

So you continued on:

BillyBob said:
I'm not worried, just keeping up with the matters in our league.

Did Doc put a player in for you and then lose to you because of it?

And I responded and told you that if Lucky had wanted you to know about it he would have answered you, which he didn't. So why not take the mature response and let the matter drop? Or ask him in private? Or do you have a mature bone in your body?

BobbyBill said:
Oh brother, you are a pompous moron. Every day it becomes more clear.....

And you sir at times act like an arrogant, childish, immature, baby trapped in a grown man's body. Every post you make makes that more clear, and you've made a lot!

BobbotheClown said:



New member
Hey PK, who are the gay guys in your avatar?


Neither of the guys are gay. It's myself and a member of my church during our one year anniversary celebration for my church.

Do you have anything beyond an IQ level of 12 to say?


Actually the HE I was referring to was Lucky. You have a difficulty following a conversation don't you BillyBob?

Only when the person I'm trying to follow is a complete retard.


Sheriff Retard said:
But did you accept that? No, you just want to be a nosy busybody and have something smart aleck to say.

Actually, the only busybody here is YOU. If my conversation was with Lucky, you had no reason to chime in other than to show us your Assistant Commissioner Badge. :darwinsm:

Now, Doc made an announcement [although garbled] and I was looking for clarification. But some pompous moron decided to step in and make a fool of himself. [That would be you]

KingOfRetards said:
And I responded and told you that if Lucky had wanted you to know about it he would have answered you, which he didn't. So why not take the mature response and let the matter drop? Or ask him in private? Or do you have a mature bone in your body?

Like I said, it's none of your damn business, why are you so compelled to meddle in other people's affairs, Pastor Sheriff?


StutteringKevin said:
And you sir at times act like an arrogant, childish, immature, baby trapped in a grown man's body. Every post you make makes that more clear, and you've made a lot!


You can't even hurl a decent insult!


:mock: :dunce:


Well-known member

1. Rednecks (10-3)
2. Razorbacks (9-4)
3. Littleton Ligers (8-5)
4. Jerusalem Gospel Preachers (8-5)
5. Mystery's Ghostriders (7-6)
6. Mr. 5020's Odds (7-6)​

This is subject to change next week when the final week of the regular season is over

Mr. 5020

New member
1. Rednecks (10-3)
2. Razorbacks (9-4)
3. Littleton Ligers (8-5)
4. Jerusalem Gospel Preachers (8-5)
5. Mystery's Ghostriders (7-6)
6. Mr. 5020's Odds (7-6)​
This is subject to change next week when the final week of the regular season is over
I'm still in! :banana:


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm on a 5 (going on 6) game win streak to make the playoffs. :Nineveh:

Sucks that I only have 1 RB. Get well, LenDale...


New member
BillyBob said:
Only when the person I'm trying to follow is a complete retard.

There's an original insult. You're a legend in your own mind.

BobbotheClown said:
Actually, the only busybody here is YOU. If my conversation was with Lucky, you had no reason to chime in other than to show us your Assistant Commissioner Badge. :darwinsm:

Actually the only point I was making you immature half-witted twit was that if the matter were important then Doc would have said something about it.

BillyBob said:
Now, Doc made an announcement [although garbled] and I was looking for clarification.

That's funny, nobody else took it as an "announcement". And Lucky told you not to worry about it. And here you still are going round and round about it.

But I'm not going to get into an immature hurl-fest with you. I'll let you take the cake at that. My point was made. You cement it even further with each post you make.

BabyBob said:
But some pompous moron decided to step in and make a fool of himself. -(That would be BabyBob himself)

WhineyBob said:
Like I said, it's none of your damn business, why are you so compelled to meddle in other people's affairs, Pastor Sheriff?

The only meddler here was you. You were asked to not worry about it. You continued on. Let it go Matt!

BillyBoob said:
You can't even hurl a decent insult!

Now hear this:
I didn't join Fantasy Football to hurl insults. That might be your idea of a good time, but I could care less about it in light of the important things in life. You can't even have a civil discussion about sports without acting like a :baby: when the conversation doesn't go your way.

I joined the TOLFFL purely because I thought it would be a fun time. If it ceases to be fun, then I can easily let it go. You on the other hand obviously have to gain some sense of self-esteem by having good Fantasy Football teams and incessantly bragging about them. More power to ya on that one.

Like I said, grow up Matt!


Hey moron, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that your a pompous jerk who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

If you didn't want to get into it with me, you should have minded your own damn business.

OK, now it's time for you to start making excuses for the Colts and tell us all about Peyton Manning. :yawn:



1. Rednecks (10-3)
2. Razorbacks (9-4)
3. Littleton Ligers (8-5)
4. Jerusalem Gospel Preachers (8-5)
5. Mystery's Ghostriders (7-6)
6. Mr. 5020's Odds (7-6)​

This is subject to change next week when the final week of the regular season is over



New member
Hey moron, this has nothing to do with Fantasy Football and everything to do with the fact that your a pompous jerk who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

If you didn't want to get into it with me, you should have minded your own damn business.

OK, now it's time for you to start making excuses for the Colts and tell us all about Peyton Manning. :yawn:

Like I said, can't even talk sports and keep it civil. On the Colts and Manning I offered opinions and admittedly from a fan perspective, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your behavior here and it's silly of you to even insinuate it.
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