2004 TOL Fantasy Football League

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Well-known member
Originally posted by Lucky

So what's the deal about the "Playoffs for all the Losers"? And how exactly does that affect next year?

The winner of the non-playoff bracket wins the Number 1 pick next year when we begin drafting.


Originally posted by drbrumley

The winner of the non-playoff bracket wins the Number 1 pick next year when we begin drafting.

Does that mean that the best team will be the last to pick players?

Oh great, reward mideocrate and penalize excellence. I didn't know you were a democrat, Doc?

Tell you what, I'll just keep the team I have.......


Well-known member
Originally posted by BillyBob

1.Does that mean that the best team will be the last to pick players?

2.Oh great, reward mideocrate and penalize excellence. I didn't know you were a democrat, Doc?

3.Tell you what, I'll just keep the team I have.......

1.Yes, the champion picks last.

2.No, bring up those in the rear.

3.If you guys said make this a keeper league, then sure.


Originally posted by drbrumley

1.Yes, the champion picks last.


Sozo had some good ideas about this, before we set up the draft next year, let's spend a little time discussing the method.

2.No, bring up those in the rear.

Just so we can squash them all over again! :banana:

3.If you guys said make this a keeper league, then sure.

We can do it on a team by team basis. I'll keep mine. :devil:


Well-known member
Originally posted by BillyBob


Sozo had some good ideas about this, before we set up the draft next year, let's spend a little time discussing the method.

Just so we can squash them all over again! :banana:

We can do it on a team by team basis. I'll keep mine. :devil:

Wonderful Idea, let's.


Well-known member
Oh, are we doing a draft next year, I had almost forgot, but I think Jefferson's idea comes into play next year.


I'm going to the Game tonight! :banana:

Look for me, I'll be the guy drinking Beer holding up a sign that says "Sozo is gay!"



Well-known member
Originally posted by BillyBob

I'm going to the Game tonight! :banana:

Look for me, I'll be the guy drinking Beer holding up a sign that says "Sozo is gay!"


If I see that, I will die in laughter.


Well-known member
''This week is going to be a challenge for him because it's a man-to-man contest. He's going to have to make tight throws and is going to have to cipher as much through the zones and the reads. It's going to rely strictly on decision-making ability,'' Fisher said about Volek.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Ha Ha


Well-known member

TOL Division

*Sozo's Ranters 9-5-0 4-3-0
Charlotte Gators 8-6-0 5-2-0
The RidgeRunners 7-6-1 3-4-0
Wolverines 7-7-0 4-3-0

The Troglodytes 6-7-1 4-2-1
Quitter 5-8-1 1-5-1
Lucky Leprachauns 5-9-0 2-4-0

TruthSmack Division

*Redneck Commie Killers 12-2-0 7-0-0
The Snipers 10-4-0 4-3-0
Knight's Avalanche 7-6-1 3-4-0
cattyfan's conquerors 7-7-0 5-2-0

Wamba's Wambats 7-7-0 3-4-0
Grizzlies 6-8-0 2-5-0
Empty team 0-14-0 0-7-0

*Denotes Division Winner

Playoff Week 1 Matchups

cattyfan's conquerors @ Redneck Commie Killers

Knight's Avalanche @ The Snipers

Wolverines @ Sozo's Ranters

The RidgeRunners @ Charlotte Gators

The Number One draft Pick Playoffs:

Lucky Leprachauns @ Wamba's wambats

Grizzlies @ The Troglodytes

(Note) The two teams without owners cannot play for the Number 1 pick.


Well-known member

1 Redneck Commie Killers 41
2 Charlotte Gator 38
3 Sozo's Ranters 35
4 Knight's Avalanche 32.5
5 The Snipers 29.5
6 cattyfan's conquerors 27
7 Wamba's Wambats 23
8 Grizzlies 19.5
9 Wolverines 15
10 Losers 14
10 The Troglodytes 14
12 The RidgeRunners 13.5
13 Flying Aces 10
14 SOTK 3

Standings Updated as of: 12/14/04 4:09 AM EST
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