18 000 psychologists, psychiatrists ... consder Trump mentally unfit to be President!


New member
I don't care how skilled a doctor is I would never seek healthcare from a doctor that treats his patients just by eyeballing them. Extremely skilled doctors can still make mistakes, that why a thorough examination is needed for proper diagnosis.

Depends on how skilled each one eventually ends at in setting up first a means of objectively knowing when, where, how, and why they are off base in their conclusions that they might start over from scratch, and so on.

The science is not exact. No science ever is.

As with lie detection equipment; it really depends on the skill set of its' operator, but also; of its' test subject.

And then there is human lie detection skill.

You believe what your obvious ignorance about all this leads you to, and that you obviously need to.

I think I'll believe that CIA agent who recently walked away from it all because of Trump.

CIA agents have years in the reading of others through their behavior - their very lives - and ours - depends on it.

Agents your fraud of an idol and repeated draft dodger has no issue with spitting on the distinguished service of.


like marbles on glass
Apparently you glazed over the Goldwater rule in your studies.

Apparently you seem to think the rule requires taking an oath.

I'm just amazed at the hypocrisy and double standards of liberal medical professionals that want to take a cheap shot at Republican politicians.

I'm amazed at your unwillingness to look beyond your partisanship to look at the bigger picture, and to admit that you overstepped in claiming they've violated an oath by signing that petition.


New member
Trump should just sue the medical professionals making this diagnosis for libel since the legal precedent has already been established with the Goldwater lawsuit.


New member
Trump should just sue the medical professionals making this diagnosis for libel since the legal precedent has already been established with the Goldwater lawsuit.

He'll get around to that lawsuit; its' just that he is so backlogged by both his many lawsuits on all sorts of his many momentary whims, together with the many lawsuits still outstanding against him for his financial corruption.

Give him time, he's out golfing...again.


I don't care how skilled a doctor is I would never seek healthcare from a doctor that treats his patients just by eyeballing them. Extremely skilled doctors can still make mistakes, that why a thorough examination is needed for proper diagnosis.

"We have tons of information about his behavior, his words, people who know him well, who have observed his behavior … we have so much information that it is screamingly obvious that he meets these diagnostic criteria.”
-John Gartner

Sounds a bit more involved than just "eyeballing" Jeffrey.

Aside from relying on the Goldwater Rule to try and make your case, would you care to go over the criteria and evidence which shows that Donald Trump should be in a straightjacket inside a padded cell?


Well-known member
He didn't get a majority of the popular vote which is what you originally said. Hillary won the popular vote. Trump won the electoral college.
Right...... so, let's get this straight.
Does this mean that in the US the wish of the majority of voting citizens is not always manifested in the chosen leader.... is that what you are saying?
My goodness! If I had a £1 coin for every time that various US folks have laughed at or criticised the Brit system of democracy-in-Monarchy I could take my wife to the very best restaurant in town tonite!
If democracy doesn't work properly in the US then the people need to take more interest in how the system works.
But for now the World has to accept that 'the people' wished for President Trump to be elected.

How wonderful the ancient term hysteria has been updated. We've come a long way from Hippocrates and the wandering uterus. :plain:
It is simply because Northern European females are susceptible to hysteria (NE males tend not to be)that the term hysteria became politically unpopular. Hysteria now hides behind terms that folks don't know.
However, Mediterranean Males are very susceptible to hysteria, this medical fact also buried deeply, possibly because Christians didn't like the various possibilities associated with same?

Most of the psycho-professionals know absolutely nothing about hysteria........ we imprisoned one of the best specialists in the UK (8 years!) because he was applying victorian methods as a treatment..... just saying......

Yes, there are specific diagnostic criteria. There's nothing ad hominem about a clinical diagnosis.
In psychiatry I'm afraid that there is.
It's one of the most in-exact sciences in all the World.
Honestly, psychiatrists duck into the shadows when laws are repealed about controls for mentally disabled persons to acquire and keep guns, yet they also duck into shadows over terms used such as 'mentally-defective' instead of sticking up for words like 'disability'.
..... they are so....... dishonest!

I would guess that the President will be seriously ill fairly soon, but it could be a physical illness caused by such extreme pressures and stresses that any person could eventually succumb. Until then the US has chosen...!


Anti-Trump psychologists make statements about Trump in pettiness

Liberals and their media attempt to make it seem like something else- in their pettiness

Then they go and harass conservatives with it..

in their pettiness.

Trump really opened up many eyes to the true colors of the media- they are all sham artists and their fans are idiots.


like marbles on glass
Right...... so, let's get this straight.
Does this mean that in the US the wish of the majority of voting citizens is not always manifested in the chosen leader.... is that what you are saying?


Hillary Clinton Leads by 2.8 Million in Final Popular Vote Count
In the final count,Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes.
According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

But for now the World has to accept that 'the people' wished for President Trump to be elected.

But he can never point to the popular vote to say he had a mandate. :)

It is simply because Northern European females are susceptible to hysteria (NE males tend not to be)that the term hysteria became politically unpopular.
Hysteria now hides behind terms that folks don't know.
However, Mediterranean Males are very susceptible to hysteria, this medical fact also buried deeply, possibly because Christians didn't like the various possibilities associated with same?

Most of the psycho-professionals know absolutely nothing about hysteria........ we imprisoned one of the best specialists in the UK (8 years!) because he was applying victorian methods as a treatment..... just saying......

In psychiatry I'm afraid that there is.
It's one of the most in-exact sciences in all the World.
Honestly, psychiatrists duck into the shadows when laws are repealed about controls for mentally disabled persons to acquire and keep guns, yet they also duck into shadows over terms used such as 'mentally-defective' instead of sticking up for words like 'disability'.
..... they are so....... dishonest!

I would guess that the President will be seriously ill fairly soon, but it could be a physical illness caused by such extreme pressures and stresses that any person could eventually succumb. Until then the US has chosen...!

:think: I wonder if the energetic use of ellipses and exclamation marks could be symptomatic of a wandering uterus?


Well-known member
:think: I wonder if the energetic use of ellipses and exclamation marks could be symptomatic of a wandering uterus?

See? So few know anything about hysteria!
....wouldn't know it, right before their eyes!
But Jesus did...... some of those miracles....... quite amazing! :D

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Mayberry Power & Light is up a quarter.

I shorted it at the high. I hear that the Barn types, and Mayor types, like you, squirt, when "watching TV" with their Mary Grace, have the lights turned off. Thus, I expect MP&L will have an earnings shortfall. Smooth,Mayor....


New member
The Alternative Media which in 2016 was important for helping Trump elected President historically came, in part, out of the patriot short wave broadcasters of the nineties. The broadcasters on short wave in the nineties included Jeff Baker, Steve Quayle, Bill Cooper, Mark Koernke. Linda Thompson, Larry Nichols and a young Alex Jones. Probably very few on TOL now were old enough to have listened to these people back then, or had an interest in the patriot movement in the U.S.

Way back in the nineties one focus of the short wave patriot broadcasters was the criminal activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas from 1983 to 1992. He became President in January of 1993. Bill was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998. One of the short wave broadcasters of the Nineties helped get Bill impeached, a guy from Arkansas who had once been on Bill's team and some say was one of the handlers of Bill and Hillary. He is listed above as a short wave broadcaster. Genesis Communications gave his slot to Alex Jones before the year 2000.

What the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders now calls Antisocial Personality Disorder is the same mental disorder psychiatrists and clinical psychologists called psychopathic personality disorder about 50 or more years ago.

The DSM 5 lists seven diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder. But it tones down the traits of what is the same as the diagnosis of the psychopath.

The psychopathic personality disorder describes people who have no morals, and no conscience, who habitually tell lies and many psychopaths engage in illegal activities and some tend to be violent.

A 1978 book, The Psychopath: A Comprehensive Study of Antisocial
Disorders and Behavior, by William. H. Reid, reports that a study
of psychopathic children found they had a lack of guilt, or lack of
conscience, which is common to psychopaths. They also engaged in
"pathological lying," and they tended to steal things.

Reid reports that adult psychopaths are manipulators who want to
control others. Psychopaths get
satisfaction from having put something over on other people."

The lack of common morality among psychopaths is very important, especially for those claiming to be Christians. That and constantly telling lies are central to the psychopathic personality disorder. This is where the focus of the short wave broadcasters of the nineties on the criminal behavior and telling of lies by the Clintons comes in.

Remember that Hillary and Bill were the political opposition to Trump in 2016. But it is now Trump who is claimed by the Left to be the psychopath. One reason why Hillary lost the election was because Trump and the Alternative Media pointed out her lack of moral character and many voters saw this in her behavior.


New member

Steve Bannon, once with Goldman Sachs who could be considered to have been part of the financial elite, became head of Breitbart News, which originally came out of the Drudge Report, said this: "Our whole mindset is looking for these rolling narratives.” He rattles off the most popular ones, which Breitbart News covers intensively from a posture of aggrieved persecution. “The big ones won’t surprise you,” he says. “Immigration, ISIS, race riots, and what we call ‘the collapse of traditional values.’ But I’d say Hillary Clinton is tops."

Breitbart and other Alternative Media outfits have been talking about their taking "control of the Narrative." In doing so in 2016 to some extent they got Trump elected. But Hillary's being a psychopath, which the Alternative Media made part of their narrative, was raised up in awareness, made salient, to be seen by millions of voters.

Saying Trump is a psychopath when he is working to undo some of the damage done by years of Leftist rule is not going to work as well.