18 000 psychologists, psychiatrists ... consder Trump mentally unfit to be President!


Hillary's a crook who admires herself in her antics.

The expression on her face is stuck that way from all the shady affairs through her career.

This is what the media would say if it weren't ran by liberals- that she would've sold the country for a vote and her position had her rigging the entire election through and through. Whle you all are concerned about Russia, you all didn't see anything suspicious about the media telling you that she had a 98.4 percent chance of winning :rolleyes:

Trump won because liberals are liars and their lies didn't work this time :loser:


New member
Hillary's a crook who admires herself in her antics.

The expression on her face is stuck that way from all the shady affairs through her career.

This is what the media would say if it weren't ran by liberals- that she would've sold the country for a vote and her position had her rigging the entire election through and through. Whle you all are concerned about Russia, you all didn't see anything suspicious about the media telling you that she had a 98.4 percent chance of winning :rolleyes:

Trump won because liberals are liars and their lies didn't work this time :loser:


Though Trump shares the exact same smug expression on his mug ever also frozen on Hilary's, Trump won through his lemming's votes partly for the same reason Hillary and her share of lemmings lost.

Hilary and her lemminings ended up counting their chickens a bit too soon before they were hatched.

In reality, and in contrast, despite his smugness, Trump ever appeared a bit worried to the very end as to whether or not he would win.

As a result, he put in much more time not only campaigning, but in areas, Hilary and company took for granted as beneath her.

Not that it would have mattered, as the Trump voter had simply had enough of eight years of an administration that but for a major impact here and there, turned out more concerned about only one side of the Baby Boomers; Gen Xers; and Millennials who helped put Obama in office.

Of course the typical Trump voter is apparantly not that bright.

The blame for the jobs problem does not fall on the various immigrants; illegal or not.

That is just your same old racism fueled by your ignorance of the fact that advances in technology are the main culprit behind all the jobs that have disappeared forever.


New member
Since when was it established that all 18,000 psychologists that signed the petition are anti Trump?

The author of the petition, John Gartner, wrote a book psychoanalyzing (Donald Trump's friend) Bill Clinton.


At let's not forget the field day the everyday man on the street supporters of the Right had handing out their "diagnosis" of Slick Willy when the Monica scandal broke.

As they do here with regard to the fraud Hilary and or anyone associated with her; while taking great issue with anyone who points a finger at their own false idol now CIC :chuckle:


New member
The Alternative Media which in 2016 was important for helping Trump elected President historically came, in part, out of the patriot short wave broadcasters of the nineties. The broadcasters on short wave in the nineties included Jeff Baker, Steve Quayle, Bill Cooper, Mark Koernke. Linda Thompson, Larry Nichols and a young Alex Jones. Probably very few on TOL now were old enough to have listened to these people back then, or had an interest in the patriot movement in the U.S.

Way back in the nineties one focus of the short wave patriot broadcasters was the criminal activities of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas from 1983 to 1992. He became President in January of 1993. Bill was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998. One of the short wave broadcasters of the Nineties helped get Bill impeached, a guy from Arkansas who had once been on Bill's team and some say was one of the handlers of Bill and Hillary. He is listed above as a short wave broadcaster. Genesis Communications gave his slot to Alex Jones before the year 2000.

What the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders now calls Antisocial Personality Disorder is the same mental disorder psychiatrists and clinical psychologists called psychopathic personality disorder about 50 or more years ago.

The DSM 5 lists seven diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder. But it tones down the traits of what is the same as the diagnosis of the psychopath.

The psychopathic personality disorder describes people who have no morals, and no conscience, who habitually tell lies and many psychopaths engage in illegal activities and some tend to be violent.

A 1978 book, The Psychopath: A Comprehensive Study of Antisocial
Disorders and Behavior, by William. H. Reid, reports that a study
of psychopathic children found they had a lack of guilt, or lack of
conscience, which is common to psychopaths. They also engaged in
"pathological lying," and they tended to steal things.

Reid reports that adult psychopaths are manipulators who want to
control others. Psychopaths get
satisfaction from having put something over on other people."

The lack of common morality among psychopaths is very important, especially for those claiming to be Christians. That and constantly telling lies are central to the psychopathic personality disorder. This is where the focus of the short wave broadcasters of the nineties on the criminal behavior and telling of lies by the Clintons comes in.

Remember that Hillary and Bill were the political opposition to Trump in 2016. But it is now Trump who is claimed by the Left to be the psychopath. One reason why Hillary lost the election was because Trump and the Alternative Media pointed out her lack of moral character and many voters saw this in her behavior.

While clearly in severe denial of their own candidate's not only highly questionable, long history of political and financial corruption, but his ever obvious own immoral pathology.


Liberals are just doing to Trump what they do to everybody else- they slander, sling mud, and otherwise try to ruin anyone opposed to them.

They've done it to everybody- you've seen it over and over and over again.
And so of course with Trump, as President, they are focusing their nonsense into one giant Death Star.

Media be damned, and liberals don't understand that they've been had :rolleyes:


Liberals are just doing to Trump what they do to everybody else- they slander, sling mud, and otherwise try to ruin anyone opposed to them.

They've done it to everybody- you've seen it over and over and over again.
And so of course with Trump, as President, they are focusing their nonsense into one giant Death Star.

Media be damned, and liberals don't understand that they've been had :rolleyes:

Quit talking to yourself and debate. There's plenty of evidence out there that Donald Trump is a sociopath. Refute it.



New member
We live in an age of deception and and age in which image is all important for becoming elected to a high political office. To get elected to President you must have an appealing image. Trump has good image, even though he is seventy years old. He has charisma or charm and is a celebrity. If he were not a celebrity, he would not be President. Hillary tried to rely upon her gender and her past. She does not have an attractive image, though she is well-known. Being a celebrity, and having an attractive image or charisma and charm,it can be asked if Trump has some amount of "Narcissistic Personality Disorder."


"In the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), [1] NPD is defined as comprising a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by the presence of at least 5 of the following 9 criteria:

A grandiose sense of self-importance
A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
A need for excessive admiration
A sense of entitlement
Interpersonally exploitive behavior
A lack of empathy
Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes."

Remember that these criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder are from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The criteria were not created from research by psychologists or other researchers.

And here is a very important part of the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the DSM-5: "patients with this disorder often benefit from the use of psychiatric medications to help alleviate certain symptoms associated with the disorder or to manage concomitant axis I diagnoses. Agents that may be indicated include the following:

Antidepressants of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class (eg, citalopram)
Antipsychotics (eg, risperidone)
Mood stabilizers (eg, lamotrigine)"

A major goal of the American Psychiatric Association in defining "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" is to get more people on prescription drugs. And Psychiatric Drugs - Antidepressants and Antipsychotics - result in a dependency on the drugs and some really bad side effects. Anti-Depressant prescription drugs and violence:


"These data provide new evidence that acts of violence towards others are a genuine and serious adverse drug event that is associated with a relatively small group of drugs.........eleven of thirteen antidepressants were significantly associated with violence."

If you want to increase violence in society, prescribe antidepressants, though only a fairly small percentage of those given antidepressants end up behaving in a violent way. But for a huge percentage of users of antidepressants and Antipsychotics, these prescription drugs can change brain functioning in ways that can be disabling to various amounts.

Psychiatrists are pushers or salesmen for harmful drugs and this diminishes their credibility.

Trump might have some degree of "A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions" and "A need for excessive admiration."

Do these traits really describe Trump? "A sense of entitlement
Interpersonally exploitive behavior,
A lack of empathy,
Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes.."

Is saying Trump has the above traits an opinion or is it accurate? A good Marxist treats facts as opinions if he can get by doing so.

If many voters in 2016 had thought that Trump is "Interpersonally exploitive," has "a lack of empathy," and is "arrogant" would they have voted for him?

Trump's largest mass base of support in 2016 was male lower middle class voters in states other than California, New York, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada and some New England states.

Many of these lower middle class voters for Trump may not have listened to the Alternative Media, such as Infowars, Michael Savage, Breitbart News, the Drudge Report, or the Daily Caller. But Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are on a huge number of local FM radio stations across the country, and they promoted Trump and his ideas. Hannity and Limbaugh may not have talked as much about the corporate and financial ruling elite, the role of the eugenics movement in abortion, or the Pedephile infiltration of the Democratic Party and the elite, and the hacking of the E Mails of Democratic Party operatives by WikiLeaks. But Hannity and Limbaugh exposed the lack of morals of Hillary and presented Trump and his ideas in a positive way.

But rather that rely upon opinions, ideas and talking points from the old corporate media - television to a great extent - try to be accurate in your perception of Trump.


Liberals are just doing to Trump what they do to everybody else- they slander, sling mud, and otherwise try to ruin anyone opposed to them.

They've done it to everybody- you've seen it over and over and over again.
And so of course with Trump, as President, they are focusing their nonsense into one giant Death Star.

Media be damned, and liberals don't understand that they've been had :rolleyes:

Do as I say not as I do?

"Crucible" conveniently forgets that Donald Trump spent the last 8 years attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the sitting president by claiming that he was not born in America!

During the 2016 Republican Primaries and Presidential Election, Trump's whole campaign was based on "slander, sling mud, and otherwise try(ing) to ruin anyone opposed to him."

Actions speak louder than words?

Now that Trump is in the White House, he and his supporters now want the vocal critics to shut up and behave themselves!

What is the definition of a hypocrite?
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"Crucible" conveniently forgets that Donald Trump spent 8 years attempting to undermine the legitimacy of the existing president by claiming that he was not born in America!

He was born in Hawaii and then moved to another country.

It muddles the line- technicality vs the spirit of the requirement to be a natural born citizen.

People had every right to be skeptical- globalization took precedence over the common interests of this country. In fact, that's all you liberals, trying to throw half the country under the bus for your shady agendas.


He was born in Hawaii and then moved to another country.

It muddles the line- technicality vs the spirit of the requirement to be a natural born citizen.

People had every right to be skeptical- globalization took precedence over the common interests of this country. In fact, that's all you liberals, trying to throw half the country under the bus for your shady agendas.
1. Even after Obama produced his birth certificate, Trump and the "birthers" continued with their campaign and have yet to apologize for subjecting the president to unsubstantiated accusations to undermine his authority.

2. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary Alberta Canada and was unaware that he held duel Canadian-American citizenship until it was announced by the Dallas Morning News in August 2013. Cruz retained his dual citizenship until May 14, 2014.

3. Unlike Barrack Obama, "birthers" never made Ted Cruz's country of birth an issue - would the fact that Cruz was a conservative be the determining factor?


1. Even after Obama produced his birth certificate, Trump and the "birthers" continued with their campaign and have yet to apologize for subjecting the president to unsubstantiated accusations to undermine his authority.


Did a liberal really just say that?

Ted Cruz was born in Calgary Alberta Canada and was unaware that he held duel Canadian-American citizenship until it was announced by the Dallas Morning News in August 2013. Cruz retained his dual citizenship until May 14, 2014.

I never supported Cruz, he's not really conservative- all you have to do is say 'abortion is murder', and all of a sudden every so called conservative in the country automatically sees you as King Republic.

It's stupid.
They think they have the patent on republic philosophy, and are unable to change the battle formation to this changing society- they call it Rightist extremism when it is really just changing methods.

Unlike Barrack Obama, "birthers" never made Ted Cruz's country of birth an issue - would the fact that Cruz was a conservative be the determining factor?

Everyone was tired of not having a President. Obama did not represent the country, he represented minorities and their agendas, when he wasn't out playing golf.


New member
One big problem with the perception of Obama by the so-called "Liberals" is that they do not know what Marxism is. They seem to think that Marxism is Bolshevism and limited to the opposition to capitalism. Transformational Marxism changed the emphasis from economics to psychology. Marxism for Obama is not Bolshevism and not merely an opposition to capitalism. It is monopoly capitalism practiced by the financial and corporate elite which Obama worked for. Yet Obama is a Marxist and his goal has been to undermine the culture which supports an opposition to Marxism.

The psychologized Transformational Marxism of the Frankfurt School said that what is behind the opposition to a Marxist takeover of America is the father led family and Christianity. Some of the early leaders of the Frankfurt School pointed out that it is the emphasis upon the individual and his relation to God which hinders the Marxist takeover. A more group-oriented or collectivist Christianity would not threaten the Marxist takeover as much.

They say that Saul Alinsky was Obama's mentor. The question is, to what extent was Alinsky more focused upon political type organization and actions than were those of the Frankfurt School,who were more interested in changing the culture through psychological social engineering to bring in a Marxist collectivist society and totalitarian government? The Neoconservatives came out of Marxism too and they are more politically oriented like Alinsky, and they pretend not to be Marxists but are "Neo-Conservatives."

Some who have studied the Frankfurt School and its work in the United States by making use of American social psychology, personality psychology and especially the psychology of Carl Rogers and A.H. Maslow, have focused upon the American Group Dynamics movement of the forties and fifties and the Encounter Group movement in the sixties and seventies. The Group Dynamics social psychologists studied groups in lab settings to learn how to manipulate people by use of groups and the "facilitators" of the Encounter Groups put these insights on how to manipulate groups into practice.

Then there were the Weather Underground Marxists who came out of the Students For A Democratic Society who became terrorists. The Weather Underground had an influence on the Chicago type Marxism, which included that of Alinsky, in which Obama grew up ideologically. Apparently Obama has tried to distance himself more from the Weather Underground than from his Alinsky background as a Community Organizer.

Anyway, the "Liberals" do not acknowledge that Obama is a Marxist, and do not understand the Marxist movements in this country after about 1950, and that Obama is also an Islamic.
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A quick question for one of TOL's monologue wonders:

One big problem with the perception of Obama by the so-called "Liberals" is that they do not know what Marxism is. They seem to think that Marxism is Bolshevism and limited to the opposition to capitalism...

When Donald Trump uses the federal government to give companies like Carrier incentive to stay in America, would that be socialism or Marxism?

The former Governor of Alaska, who was a Trump supporter, calls it socialism.

Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'


New member
It depends on how Trump is using the federal government to give incentives to large corporations to stay in the U.S. And the object is to bring jobs back to the U.S.

The goal of Transformational Marxism is a collectivist society and totalitarian world government, but this form of Marxism does not begin by use of violent revolution.

Here is some quotes on what Marxism is:

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and
fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et
al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain)

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The guy with the gold skyscrapers with his name on the front is a Narcissist?
Well spray tan me surprised!