Hello, you vicious, self-righteous Nazi leftard.
Who'd be doing the "determining"? Oh, that's right: the same people who're doing the "determining" that everybody must wear masks and be threatened with retaliation against non-compliance: the Nazi leftard tyrants whom you let do your thinking for you.
LOL @ vicious Nazi leftard, self-righteous, baby-murdering hypocrites:
"Get your laws off my body...but we're gonna get our mask-wearing executive orders onto your body, whether you're willing or not!"
So my guess is that you:
1. Ignore speed limits
2. Dp not pay taxes
3. Drive drunk.
4. Use illegal drugs.
I mean, after all those are all rules put forth by people who just want to control you.
And you dont need to yell with bolded, larger font. We all know who you are and where you are coming from.