You do realize that the primary purpose of wearing face masks and coverings is for the benefit of other people in case you're infected, right?
You do realize that the primary purpose of buying bars of soap is for the benefit of other people, in case they (instead of you) were to have been the ones to have bought those particular bars, and slipped on them while taking showers, resulting in injury or death, right?
There are all sorts of purposes different people have for wearing masks of different sorts, genius: welding and Halloween parties.
Your primary purpose for wearing masks, in recent months, is to proudly advertise your allegiance to Nazi leftardedness: it's nothing but one of your badges of your political identity.
The question is: For what purpose do the Nazi leftard executive order tyrants whom you praise, idolize, and habitually lie on behalf of--for what purpose do they (being parroted by lackeys such as yourself)
demand (while threatening retaliation against non-compliers) that everybody wear (against his/her will) a mask? Only abject idiots think, or even pretend to think, that these Nazi leftard tyrants' purpose is to in some way benefit other people; but, sadly, that's what you think. No, stupid: it's all about grabbing for more power.
The irony is that there'll probably be a whole bunch of you who laud this ignoramus's urge to defy common sense and regard yourselves as free thinkers...
It's "common sense" to wear a mask in public? So, how long have you been wearing a mask in public? Only a few months? For years? Decades? When did you switch from not acting in accordance with "common sense"--not wearing a mask in public--to acting in accordance with "common sense" by wearing a mask in public?
Nobody with a brain is fooled by your fake concern about "other people's" health, you Nazi leftard. Everybody with a brain knows full well that, by "common sense", all you mean is whatever you, being a Nazi leftard, think (or pretend to think) is right and good, you ignoramus slave-thinker.