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  1. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    recognizing truth wherever it is shared....... recognizing truth wherever it is shared....... Concerning truth - Remember,....if you would properly judge a writing, you would do well to first study it, or else your 'judgment' is insufficient, inept or biased, or a blend thereof. Concerning...
  2. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Arent you a gem Arent you a gem And I'll take mine to put you back on ignore, probably something many feel I ought to have done earlier. However, for the sake of the general readership, we'll take the higher good derived therefrom ;) Be well, :wave: pj
  3. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Michael/Jesus connection....... Michael/Jesus connection....... The UB teaches that the Creator Sons are also known as being of the Order of Michael,...and that each Creator Son can be called a 'Michael'(individually), which is why another title for Jesus is 'Christ-Michael'. Later confusions...
  4. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Learning................ Learning................ That's why your 'ignorant' of the subject, and prefer to troll the thread, instead of use the space here for what its intended for (discussion/dialogue). Being willfully ignorant, you retard your own progress and knowledge in the process...
  5. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    trolling is nothing to be proud of........ trolling is nothing to be proud of........ Only if you've sunk to his level of buffoonery and ridicule, and have taken company with his ignorance and subtle bigotry. GM's ridiculous response was far from 'acceptable' let alone legitimate. My...
  6. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Use your own discernment, and be ever open to learn, research, discover..... Use your own discernment, and be ever open to learn, research, discover..... As much as I'm at liberty to think for myself and open myself to divine inspiration and guidance, I'll afford myself the opportunity, as...
  7. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The Papers on Buddhism The Papers on Buddhism ~*~*~ For those interested, I cross-referenced the UB's perspective on Buddhism in one of our threads on Buddhism here :) pj
  8. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Buffoon buster............ Buffoon buster............ Get educated first here. Without that 'education' we have nothing to discuss. Your flittering about making pot-shots, silly little jabs and trolling is apparently "currently" allowed here (I'd not count on it), but would not be allowed in...
  9. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Far from rude,...just delivering the facts and observations as I see them. That's your assumption based upon what you 'believe' is the 'word of God'. You mean Paul's claim, which is his own. Paul wasn't speaking for all the bible writers, but only his own teaching. We covered this, some...
  10. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    the good news of Life......... the good news of Life......... Caino can be a bit hasty in his posting, but he is currently firm in his belief in the papers as the latest revelation to man, being the 5th Epochal Revelation to the planet. Jesus bestowal on earth, was the 4th. In the light of...
  11. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    no need for bloodshed................. no need for bloodshed................. Can you prove this is necessary? Can you prove God himself desires blood to appease himself? Can you disprove that these could be the doctrines and teachings of man? We've addressed the concept of 'blood...
  12. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Paul's cursings............. Paul's cursings............. Already addressed this 'claim' from Paul here. This claim is Paul's own, concerning his own gospel. His 'curse' is aimed at anyone not teaching according to his own terms and allowances. - in the context of his confrontation with...
  13. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Serving realness....... Serving realness....... Hi Michael, Caino is banned for a few months, so wont be responding anytime soon, - he also may not return again, even after his ban is lifted, and his name turns "green" again. So I will take liberties. Urantia is the name given by this...
  14. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Truth be told............... Truth be told............... Hi Sandy, I don't identify as 'Urantian', although we are all 'Urantians' (natively) because our beloved planet is called 'Urantia' in the papers :) - if you want to take it farther,...I could take the whole term "Christian" to task...
  15. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Paper 15 - The 7 Superuniverses Paper 15 - The 7 Superuniverses ~*~*~ Continuing from Paper 14, the central and divine universe (Havona) here, we continue on with the description in Paper 15 of the 7 superuniverses. This continues the astronomical lay-out revealed in the papers, with a few...
  16. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Back on course...... Back on course...... ~*~*~ Please lets keep the discussion here on the subject and civil, or take it elsewhere to a thread that is just for arguing over petty non-nonsense. Respect. Thank you. pj
  17. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Continued learning............... Continued learning............... That's a matter of belief, assumption and definition,...just what this 'death' could accomplish for another. We've treated the blood-atonement doctrine and found it wanting, insufficient and mis-taken. Jesus led the way by...
  18. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Abba Father............... Abba Father............... You're welcome. Appreciation of truth is of the soul re-cognizing its origin from God, as 'Our Father', and in the correlating re-cognition of we being brothers and sisters of One Heavenly Father. The 'good news' of the kingdom is...
  19. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Blessings,........just orient things to weave within the subject matter if possible, that's the fun and challenge of 'creative dialogue'. Use the gift of logos as an artistic offering to God. - Let such be a joy. I hope all enjoy our new OP, as an introduction, such being a springboard taking...
  20. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    A teaching stands or falls on its own merit or value. Knowledge of God is intrinsic to one's being, self-evident. Additional knowledge is learned. Someone dying for you might have relative value, but love of its own nature is self-sacrificing anyways. It is life-giving. pj