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  1. musterion

    Hipster says those apart from Christ can have a relationship with God That isn't simply a sloppy paraphrase. Hipster preacher dude admits to reading into the Words of Christ and putting into the mouth of Christ the hipster's own...
  2. musterion

    University humiliated over persecuting Christian for using sound science

    It's what the story amounts to.
  3. musterion

    Theology Club: MADs: analogies to describe disp'ism

    BBS and others use the analogy of a mailroom to describe MAD. It's fine, but what other analogies might you use, if you were going to? I've been thinking about a pile of tools laying in front of an empty pegboard. All of the tools are good but each tool has a specific purpose that no other tool...
  4. musterion

    ECT Are tattoos, booze and vaping the root of all evil?

    Just kidding. But wow, there's so, SO much wrong in this whole sordid affair. Even Reformed uberman James White is roped into it.
  5. musterion

    ECT Acts 17:31 vs TULIP

    Calvinism's TULIP teaches: Total depravity, meaning man is so literally dead that he cannot even hear God (much less understand or obey Him) unless God does something about it. That leads to, Unconditional Election, where God chose some to save (the elect) and some to "pass over" (everyone...
  6. musterion

    Why does Calvin's God hate reprobates?

    There's always a lot of of back and forth about what Calvinism says God did with reprobates. As far as I can tell there's only two possible explanations why He did it. (a) He looked down the "tunnel of time" to see who would reject the Gospel. He decided to reject them in advance based on...
  7. musterion

    ECT When DID Amos 9:15 happen?

    If all was fulfilled in 70 AD...Amos 9:15? Allegorical? Figure of speech? Hyperbole? Hebraic poeticicism? Spurchally fulfilled in the heavenlies? Just not true? Hat tip to Right Divider's sig for the excellent question.
  8. musterion

    ECT An interesting contrast

    There's not much taught by the Acts 28 folks that I agree with, but I always give credit to anyone who makes a good point.
  9. musterion

    Preterism, futurism and "the problem of evil"

    Unbelievers, and many believers, have long wrestled with a simple question: If God is in charge, why does He not "do something" about all the evil in the world? The thinking is, by letting evil continue God is either too weak to stop it or He doesn't want to, which the world equates with "God...
  10. musterion

    ECT More evidence that Preterism is a cult Lots to choose from but the screenshot below really stands out. Notice what it's saying: uninspired historical accounts can and indeed MUST be read"with spiritual perception." To encourage the reading of anything with discernment is one...
  11. musterion

    Remember the outrage over this story?

    I sure do.
  12. musterion

    ECT If Christ already returned and nothing remains to be fulfilled...

    When did that happen? Who did He receive? Where is "unto Myself"? Where did He receive them to? What was the means by which they were received? How do you know?
  13. musterion

    ECT Tet and IP: so what's the bottom line, really?

    This is not a call out thread, as such. It's just time for Tet and IP to be blunt and honest with us and answer a question I've been wondering about a lot lately. Perhaps others have as well, I dunno. Question: In the view of you preterists, what is the bottom line behind your never-ending...
  14. musterion

    "St. Peter." I knew I'd seen this before.

    I found a DVD today (quite appropriately in a junk shop), a copy of the Italian film "St. Peter" starring Omar Sharif. I knew it was the same blasphemous idiocy I'd seen somewhere years ago -- maybe TBN -- that had Paul submitting himself to the teachings of the 12 and Peter being depicted as...
  15. musterion

    ECT A big part of what went wrong

    I'm a word: judaized. Christendom sought, and still seeks, that which belonged solely to a deactivated Judaism which God cannot honor today.
  16. musterion

    ECT "Rebellion against Pauline authority"

    One of C.R. Stam's better TWO MINUTES WITH THE BIBLE briefs. Hopefully the self-appointed Sheriff of MADingham will have the grace not to dispute it, but just let it ride this time.
  17. musterion

    Help settle a small dispute between the wife and I

    Poll Q says it all. And for all you grilled cheese and tomato soup loving deviates, please refrain from voting. yuk
  18. musterion

    So much for free speech in the U.K.

    With Obama ceding control of the Net to globalists, this is coming very soon to the U.S. In other words, potentially ANYTHING those in power disagree with is punishable. Result: trolls looking to generate outrage for profit will flourish. Combative atheists and leftists will flood boards...
  19. musterion

    Why new posters should not automatically be trusted nor believed

    Always thought I have a pretty good troll sniffer. This was one of them... Note the one who said he'd play the part of a leftist Calvinist. We have at least one...