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  1. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    What a stupid claim. Of course millions of Americans did not get covid before the vaccine was introduced - the disease does not instantly infect everyone.
  2. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    A real man would stand by his claims. How come you are not standing by your claim that I lie by producing at least one post where I have lied?
  3. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    "Communists control the media"? If you are going to lie, at least come up with something original.
  4. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    One of the dumbest things you have posted - and that is saying something. In case anyone with a lick of sense is reading, the obvious rejoinder here is that whether or not you have co-morbidities, you are better off getting vaccinated.
  5. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    Bruce Vanderhoff, the chief medical officer for the Ohio Department of Health, said at a news conference that the choice is simple — get vaccinated or get COVID-19. “It is really now just a matter of time,” Vanderhoff said, according to The Hill. “It is when, not if, an unvaccinated individual...
  6. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    What utter nonsense. If certain facts do not align with your world view, you simply pull out the conspiracy theories.
  7. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    What in the world does this word salad mean? It almost seems as if you are suggesting that because the vaccine is not 100 % effective, it is not worth taking. That would, of course, be incredibly dumb.
  8. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Are you asking me to provide readers with evidence of your many, many lies? More than happy to do so, although it will be a daunting task inasmuch the target environment is so rich.
  9. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Yes, and.....? How many unvaccinated people have gotten very sick and / or died in the same time period Answer: over 6,700. You twit.
  10. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Ummm, because it is a fact, as richly attested to in this and other threads - the man is a compulsive liar. Want proof?
  11. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Nice thought-stopping slogan. Here is what the science says - from the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory...
  12. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Welcome to the echo chamber that is the internet. People whose ideas would not stand up to scrutiny in the broader society can find little safe spaces where their fringe thinking is allowed to metastasize. Let me illustrate by just one example: We have at least one poster here who...
  13. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Why not actually address what I post rather than trot out the same mindless non sequitur over and over?
  14. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    Ah yes, a comment from everyone's favourite brain-addled troll. You are quick with the mindless quips - how about demonstrating that I have lied in any of my many posts? Good luck!
  15. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    This is the very definition of a hanging curveball. You know full well that the number of deaths among the unvaccinated is much much higher. But you do not tell the reader this. Why?
  16. E

    The claim that most doctors support the coronavirus vaccine turns out to be a lie

    Liar. We we been through this before. Since sunshine is the best disinfectant, here is some information about your "American Association of Physicians and Surgeons": The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a conservative non-profit association that promotes medical...
  17. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    It seems fairly obvious what happened - these Republican leaders, unlike a large swath of their constituents - are not actually dumb. And they have realized that they will go down on the wrong side of history unless they deal with, you know, reality. These people, again unlike many of their...
  18. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    You are right - he is a liar. Takes one to know one, I guess.