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  1. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Everyone has their opinions, and yet no one actually knows. Because none of us are gods. We can't see the whole picture. We don't know the whole truth. The difference is that some of us accept these human limitations and realize that we must trust in God because of all that we don't know. While...
  2. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    And yet the thief always finds his own behavior to be justified, somehow. And so does the murderer. Because we can think our way past and around our "conscience" quite easily when we want to. Our own sins become invisible to us. Especially when we spend all our time telling ourselves and...
  3. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    I see no evidence that suggests that God cares at all about what we claim to believe. I do see evidence that suggest that love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity make the world a much better place for everyone living in it. And since it appears to me that this was Jesus' message and promise...
  4. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Killing is killing. Murder is just a legal assessment of quilt. Our legal or moral assessments are not absolute. And as to how rape could be justified, the fact that we can ask tells us that we cannot be absolutely certain that it could not be justified under some unforeseen circumstances. The...
  5. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Sorry, but the greater good is dependent on many factors that we cannot know or predict. I won't play your silly games and you won't actually consider anything I post, anyway, so what's the point?
  6. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Wrong for whom?
  7. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    When it's necessary for the greater good. It means that these absolutes don't apply in this world. What applies, here, is the greater good. And that is often difficult and sometimes even impossible to determine. Because we are not god's. But we do have God's love within us to help us do that...
  8. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    You only think that because you are one of them. In the real world, no one is "either right or wrong". We are just being more or less honest and well intentioned given our inherent limitations. The fact that you don't understand this, and are going to resist even trying to understand it just...
  9. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Well, a tribe of ancient Jews has made it clear that they believe se is wrong outside of marriage. You're calling them "God" is a level of false idolization that I am not willing to accept. We all belong to God. And we will all die. Some of us at the hands of others. In a perfect would this...
  10. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    The answer is no. Because we don't live in a perfect world where absolutes like that can exist. In this world, there could be circumstances that warrant what we call 'rape'. It's like asking is it absolutey wrong to kill someone. In a perfect world it is always and absolutely wrong to kill...
  11. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Babies die all the time due to special circumstances. So do adults. We help when we can, but sometimes we can't, and sometimes we just don't want to bother. Because it "costs too much". Or because we didn't like the victim, anyway. Or because whatever. Why are you pretending that when it comes...
  12. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    "We" don't do anything. Because it's not "our" problem to resolve.
  13. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    No, I was asking about girls raped by their fathers and brothers, pastors and priests, that are far too young to deal with the rigors of a pregnancy. Especially one that was caused by violent trauma. The mother also has her own body, and the right to remove any unwanted growths within it.
  14. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    No one is "pro abortion". And no one thinks the fetus is lifeless. If it were, an abortion would not be needed. The problem will have resolved itself. Would you be so concerned about not anesthetizing a human being for execution? Just curious.
  15. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    How much respect do you have for women facing the ordeal of an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy? Or for all of your fellow citizens that believe an individual's right to choose what happens within their own bodies is more important than your desire to dictate morality to everyone? The problem...
  16. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Why do you think an unwanted fetus is considered "lifeless"? Me either. I just know it's possible.
  17. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    We have been given the tools. The way to salvation. But we have not yet implemented them, nor achieved the goal. And we never will so long as we keep telling ourselves how righteous we are. Possible, and yet none of us has so far managed it. I shouldn't say that. We do manage it to some...
  18. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Actually, we humans have no idea where or how life originated, human or otherwise. All we have are some theories, and some people like you who think they know, but don't.
  19. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    But that all depends on who desires to procreate with whom. Everything is part of the chain of cause and effect. Where you decide to draw a starting or finish line is just your own subjective choice. Saying it (believing it) doesn't make it so. No matter how much you 'bluster' about it, this...
  20. PureX

    The Religion of Blinding Bluster

    Is that where we 'start'? Or maybe we start with the desire to procreate? Or maybe we started with the advent of life on Earth? Or ultimately it all started with the 'big bang'. In a universe of cause and effect, where things 'start' becomes pretty subjective. Same for where things 'end'.