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  1. PureX

    Robb Elementary School shooting

    From an exhibition called, "The Untouchables" by artist Gary Justice ... LINK
  2. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Well, they were lynching blacks just a few decades ago. And of course you're still calling for capital punishment for homosexuals and women that have abortions. And I suspect you'd happily add a few others to the list. And history shows us that the moment the religious zealots gain the ability...
  3. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Child brides were common in the 'Bible Belt' at the time. Where everyone was a democrat until the Democratic Party decided to support equal rights and desegregation. Then the Bible Belters decided they couldn't abide that, so they turned republican.
  4. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Here is the problem. Zealot "X" decides for himself, by reading tea leaves (let's say), that God is speaking to him through the leaves. And, he automatically presumes that his interpretation of those tea leaves is an accurate understanding of the divine messages that he's receiving. The result...
  5. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    So your response is to excuse them as insignificant because they didn't rape, rob, torture, and murder as many people as non-religious zealots did? (Because Christian religious zealots must always be excused of wrongdoing.) I am seeing this as being a common reaction, here. Deflection by...
  6. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    No, it isn't. As you stated, it's against the law. No school teacher is sexually propositioning any kids regardless of their or the kids gender, because it is illegal. And if it does happen, the kids, or anyone that knows of it (including you) should report it to law enforcement. They would be...
  7. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    That wasn't what I wrote. What I wrote was that we understand that we CAN always be wrong, even when we think and feel that we're right. Because we understand that we're not infallible. And we know this because we have often discovered that we were wrong about things in the past that we had...
  8. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Yeah, there's not much point in responding to comments like that. (So what?)
  9. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    You can hate them all you want in your own house. And in your own heart and mind. But when that hate becomes abusive of them, or others, the law protects them from you (or you from them).
  10. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    They aren't forcing Christians to do anything. When anyone opens a business to the public, they have to abide by the laws governing businesses open to the public. One of those laws protects the public from unjust discrimination. Being a Christian or being gay has nothing to do with it. It's just...
  11. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    And in spite of what you think about them. They are right because they support freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. They support your right to believe and live as you see fit, so long as you don't deny anyone else those same rights. Because there is no freedom without equality. And there...
  12. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    You are not God. You do not speak or think for God. Your judgment is not God's judgment. Your idea of righteousness is not God's idea of righteousness. You cannot see what God can see. You cannot know what God can know. You have not been appointed God's instrument of judgment or wrath. Your idea...
  13. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Many things are improper for many reasons. In this instance it's an inappropriate presumption of self-righteousness. To an absolute and unquestioned degree and in spite of it's unreasonableness, irrationality, and an offensive disrespect of others. These are behaviors often associated with...
  14. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    It appears to me that when a person recognizes, honestly, that they can always be wrong even when they feel and think they are right, they are no longer a zealot. They become a human; one among many, as opposed to imagining themselves to be some sort of infallible demigod, lording their imagined...
  15. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    And those here and elsewhere on the right that do the same thing. It's a very common tactic of ideological zealots. Any idea that doesn't comport with their own has to be eliminated by whatever means they can muster ... lies, insults, misrepresentations, slander, whatever makes them look and...
  16. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    It's interesting to me how dishonest and rude zealous ideologues tend to be in conversation with others. It seems the more ardently they hold to their own self-righteousness the more weak and defensive they become in relation to others. Where the open mind is calm and curious, the closed mind is...
  17. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Too bad you didn't have the courage to address the questions I asked you.
  18. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Oh, you have plenty of ideas. Anyone can see that. And you have convinced yourself that those ideas are the truth. But the fact is you have no knowledge of anything that's going on beyond your own very limited personal experience. You have no idea what's in the hearts and minds of other people...
  19. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    No. He was not trying to control anyone. He was not trying to force anyone to believe anything, or to behave according to his beliefs. Jesus was a Jew, and Jews both then and now do not believe that anyone else needs to become a Jew, or follow Jewish religious beliefs, traditions or...
  20. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    But you don't really know what's going on in society around you. Do you. All you know is what the media you listen to tells you is going on. And we all know that they are often wrong, and that they lie, for various reasons. Do you really think the media you listen to is absolutely true and...