Religious Zealotry

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Take Disney, for example:

Or State Farm:

Yet more and more children are being harmed.

Which means either the laws don't work, or they're part of the problem.

That's called apathy, Arty. Also known as hatred.

If you love your neighbor, then you warn them that what they are doing is harmful to not only themselves, but also those around them.

Good. Then you should condemn the left for being pro-pedophilia.

Yes, it might be hard to see from your position in the pigsty, but for those of us who refuse to partake in it, it's as plain as the nose on one's face that society is a mess right now, collapsing, even.

Freedom and equality are mutually exclusive concepts.

Prisons make people equal.

Freedom allows people to be themselves, and results in inequality. Some people are better at building things, others are better at running a business. Women are generally better at raising children, while men are generally better at being breadwinners. Women are more emotional, while men are more physical.

The left is trying to make everyone equal, but to do so, it has to erode away freedom.

Racism is wrong.

There are only two genders, male and female. There is nothing inherently wrong with recognizing a distinction between the two, and hiring accordingly.

Sexual orientation of everyone should be straight. It's only the pile of homos and their supporters that make it into such a big deal.


And yet, we're not as free as we could be.
Hmm, not seeing where any of these links have something akin to a 40 year old having sex with a minor so not seeing how Disney is promoting pedophilia exactly. Can't say I agree with the pushing of certain themes in an abundance of media but that doesn't equate to pedophilia. Also, zero time for the likes of TGP and KGOV so if you've got something credible and not 'out there' then fine, otherwise I'm not clicking on them. Take an age to load as it is.

No, more children are not being harmed JR. That's just a soundbite in complete want of support. It's fact that children are more protected than they were 50 years ago let alone a hundred where they had no effective voice at all and women were hardly given the voice they should have had either. There's multiple outlets where children can seek support from molestation, parental abuse, bullying etc that weren't available in the past. They sure are protected from being executed as young as five and don't think it didn't go unnoticed that after multiple times of asking you still haven't answered my question as to whether it's child rape if an adult has sex with a ten year old. Why aren't you addressing this?

I'm not gonna warn people for being gay or having gay relations. They have that right and so they should. Your nonsense about "the left" being pro-pedophilia can be equally dismissed accordingly. You want to be grateful that you're living in a society that allows you to air your views and not one that actively suppresses them and where you have access to food/water and essentials for living instead of moaning so much.

Seriously JR, your comic book stereotyping of genders went out years ago. Absolutely laughable and completely out of touch with reality. Sure, people have different strengths in different areas but men have the same capacity for emotion as women and just as capable of raising children etc. The "left" is not trying to make everyone equal. They already were and are.

Your "pile of homos" comment says it all. Not everybody is straight JR, it's as simple as that and whilst you and I may happen to be I wager neither of us had a choice in the matter. I sure didn't. It's not like I woke up one morning and thought: "Oh, I'll start liking women today!" It's little wonder there's pride parades these days after years of unjustified oppression and that's thanks to ignorance and risible religious zealotry.

You're a darned sight freer than plenty other places and you should be thankful for that instead of bemoaning it and wanting to take away the freedoms of others.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I just made the similar observation … reminds me of the Phil Robertson threads of the past.
You mean Phil "Get em' when they're 15/16 then they'll pick your ducks - wait til they're 19/20 then the only picking they're gonna be doing is your wallet" Robertson? They were fun weren't they?


Well-known member
No, it isn't.

As you stated, it's against the law. No school teacher is sexually propositioning any kids regardless of their or the kids gender, because it is illegal. And if it does happen, the kids, or anyone that knows of it (including you) should report it to law enforcement. They would be investigated and prosecuted for it. Law enforcement takes that sort of thing seriously. And so do most school administrators.

You should have told someone when you were a kid that you were being propositioned. You should tell your kids to speak up if anyone ever sexually propositions them, too. Sitting around imagining some evil hoard of pedophilic homosexuals has taken over the democrat party and the public schools and whatever else is just insanity. And it solves nothing. If you actually KNOW of any instances of adults sexually propositioning kids you should report it to the police, immediately. They will investigate it, and even if it can't be prosecuted, you have shown a light on it and the pedophile in question will be under scrutiny in the future.
I'll speak out against perversion whenever and wherever I think necessary. Under the influence of pornographers at SEICUS and murderers at Planned Parenthood the leftist US government has begun teaching little school kids how to have homosexual sex and enjoy it. The perverts promoting such child abuse should be imprisoned. Leftist democrats soft-soap the crime but there is no excuse, no justification, no logic, and no reason for such wickedness.


Well-known member
Big whoop. So did I. So did MY three children. Pssstttt …. those teachers and students were without halos …
No need to go all whoop on me. You told me I should take my kids out of public schools. I responded with the comment that drove you into Whooperville. My kids never went to public school - ever.


Well-known member
I know that's what you were doing. My point is precisely that.

In short, you need to adjust yourself. Paul explicitly states that homosexual deserve death.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.​
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.​
26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.​
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.​
You need to watch this video. Trust me, you'll like it and agree with it..

I don't teach lost people that God wants Christians to put homosexuals to death.


Well-known member
You mean Phil "Get em' when they're 15/16 then they'll pick your ducks - wait til they're 19/20 then the only picking they're gonna be doing is your wallet" Robertson? They were fun weren't they?
Child brides were more common in the past, especially in Muslim nations, but not in modern America, except in Mormon communes. Here is one for the record books:

22-year-old Tennessee democrat with his 9-year-old wife.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Child brides were more common in the past, especially in Muslim nations, but not in modern America, except in Mormon communes. Here is one for the record books:

View attachment 3495
22-year-old Tennessee democrat with his 9-year-old wife.
I'm betting they shared a lot of family members in the family tree. Uncle Grampa and such.


Well-known member
It is a disappointing dilemma that perfectly reasonable folks end up holding immoral views because of their religion. People would not fly planes into buildings without their religion. People would be much less likely support to the escalation violence in the form of capital punishment for nonlethal crimes without religious input.

Clete and JR would be able to apply logic to moral dilemmas quite well if their minds were not tainted by religion.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Child brides were more common in the past, especially in Muslim nations, but not in modern America, except in Mormon communes. Here is one for the record books:

View attachment 3495
22-year-old Tennessee democrat with his 9-year-old wife.
Married in 1937, separated when he died in 1997. 60 years, multiple children, and grandchildren etc. A successful marriage by any measure


Well-known member
I'm betting they shared a lot of family members in the family tree. Uncle Grampa and such.
Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It is a disappointing dilemma that perfectly reasonable folks end up holding immoral views because of their religion. People would not fly planes into buildings without their religion. People would be much less likely support to the escalation violence in the form of capital punishment for nonlethal crimes without religious input.

Clete and JR might would be able to apply logic to moral dilemmas quite well if their minds were not tainted by religion.
Skeeter "might would be able to" apply logic quite well, if only he had learned his trivium. Pity that. Waste.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That wasn't what I wrote.

What I wrote was that we understand that we CAN always be wrong, even when we think and feel that we're right. Because we understand that we're not infallible. And we know this because we have often discovered that we were wrong about things in the past that we had been convinced at the time that we were right about.
What you wrote was that everything we say we think is right. We also find out we are wrong about things we thought were right. It's true for both the zealot and who you say isn't a zealot.
Sorry, friend, but you really need to read more carefully.

Here is what I wrote: "They (not you) become a human; one among many, as opposed to imagining themselves to be some sort of infallible demigod, lording their imagined righteousness over everyone they encounter." I did not say or imply that anyone is less than human. I said that some people seem to think they are more than human: they seem to think they are semi-divine.
"They become human" means exactly that they were something less than human before they became human.

And the the number of people that think they are gods (what does semi-divine mean?) is near zero. Do almost no zealots actually exist?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Many of the original European settlers coming to North America were either expelled from their homelands because they were considered religious zealots, or they were expelled by religious zealots that would no longer tolerate their different religious views at home. Such that the founders of these United States had the specific intent to establish a nation wherein church and state would forever remain separate, so that this could not happen, again. We would be a nation that would allow both religious freedom and demand mutual religious tolerance. And for the most part this seems to have been achieved. However, in the last 500 years or so of human history, religious zealotry and intolerance has been on the rise, and been responsible for a significant degree of horrifically inhumane behavior in the forms of systemic oppression, torture, rape, murder, slavery, and outright genocide. And it's still going on today.

I am not singling out any particular religion because religious zealotry seems to occur across the gamut of religious ideologies. I even read some time back about some Buddhist monks attacking and killing some other Buddhist monks. No religion is immune, it seems. So I am curious about at what point, and/or by what identifying factors do we verify what we might call "toxic religious zealotry"? At what point does one pass from being a fervent religious adherent to being a dangerous religious zealot? Is it just one's willingness to do other people harm in the name of our own presumed religious righteousness? Or is there something identifiable in the ideology, itself, that allows people to cross that line between civility and malevolence?

Do you know anyone that you would consider a religious zealot, as opposed to their being just a fervent believer? If so, how did you determine the difference? Also, how do you think we as a society should protect ourselves from people who believe that their own ideals and actions are justified by God, Himself?
And just to answer the OP: the Kings of "systemic oppression, torture, rape, murder, slavery, and outright genocide. And it's still going on today." were Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, some German folk, and a few other non-religious government leaders. Do the religious zealots even matter?


Well-known member
And just to answer the OP: the Kings of "systemic oppression, torture, rape, murder, slavery, and outright genocide. And it's still going on today." were Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, some German folk, and a few other non-religious government leaders. Do the religious zealots even matter?
So your response is to excuse them as insignificant because they didn't rape, rob, torture, and murder as many people as non-religious zealots did? (Because Christian religious zealots must always be excused of wrongdoing.)

I am seeing this as being a common reaction, here. Deflection by blaming someone else of something worse. As if that somehow mitigates the original observed wrongs.


Well-known member
What you wrote was that everything we say we think is right. We also find out we are wrong about things we thought were right. It's true for both the zealot and who you say isn't a zealot.

"They become human" means exactly that they were something less than human before they became human.

And the the number of people that think they are gods (what does semi-divine mean?) is near zero. Do almost no zealots actually exist?
Here is the problem.

Zealot "X" decides for himself, by reading tea leaves (let's say), that God is speaking to him through the leaves. And, he automatically presumes that his interpretation of those tea leaves is an accurate understanding of the divine messages that he's receiving. The result being that he has convinced himself that his concept of, and interpretation of those tea leaves are coming directly from God. And therefor they cannot possibly be wrong because God cannot possibly be wrong.

You see what he did, here?

Armed, now, with this presumed special God-knowledge, Zealot "X" sees himself as a God authorized messenger to the world. And when anyone in the world dares to suggest to him that he is not a God's authorized messenger to the world, he perceives them as being 'anti-God', and thereby deserving of forced correction, punishment, condemnation, and whatever. Because Zealot "X" has deemed his own beliefs about God to actually BE GOD. He thinks his own beliefs about God have become infallible. Unquestionable. Undoubtable. And anything that Zealot "X" does to anyone else that's motivated by those unquestionable, undoubtable beliefs must then also be infallibly righteous. Zealot "X" no longer has a conscience. He has overridden it with his self-assumed divine righteousness. And he is now capable of burning witches, torturing homosexuals, enslaving "non-believers" and doing whatever he thinks his divinely righteous interpretation of the tea leaves tells him to do.

This is why religious zealots are particularly dangerous to humanity. It's because they turn their own beliefs into their God. Rendering them unquestionable, undoubtable, and anything they do as a result, they presume to be infallibly righteous.
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Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Hmm, not seeing where any of these links have something akin to a 40 year old having sex with a minor so not seeing how Disney is promoting pedophilia exactly.

Pedophilia means "sexual feelings directed toward children."

Directing sexual feelings towards children includes teaching them about sex because one feels that they need to learn about sex.

Can't say I agree with the pushing of certain themes in an abundance of media but that doesn't equate to pedophilia.

Except that it does.

Also, zero time for the likes of TGP and KGOV so if you've got something credible and not 'out there' then fine, otherwise I'm not clicking on them. Take an age to load as it is.

Quit being pigheaded, Arty.

No, more children are not being harmed JR.

Teaching children about sex is child abuse.

Not punishing children appropriately (ie, making it illegal to spank one's child) harms them.

That's just a soundbite in complete want of support.


It's fact that children are more protected than they were 50 years ago let alone a hundred where they had no effective voice at all and women were hardly given the voice they should have had either.


There's multiple outlets where children can seek support from molestation, parental abuse, bullying etc that weren't available in the past.

More outlets doesn't necessarily mean they are more protected.

They sure are protected from being executed as young as five

If we were to punish those who commit capital crimes by executing them, there would rarely be an instance where children as young as five commit capital crimes where they deserve death.

But sure, rant and rail against me for quoting the Bible that says that ANYONE who commits murder should be put to death, like the leftist you are.

I'm not gonna warn people for being gay or having gay relations.

Your hatred for your neighbor is showing, Arty.

They have that right

No, they don't.

and so they should.

No, they shouldn't.

Your nonsense about "the left" being pro-pedophilia can be equally dismissed accordingly.


You want to be grateful

What I want is for our society to return to following God.

that you're living in a society that allows you to air your views

It is becoming increasingly difficult to do so.

and not one that actively suppresses them

That's just around the corner from where we are now.

and where you have access to food/water and essentials for living instead of moaning so much.

None of that is guaranteed.

Seriously JR, your comic book stereotyping of genders went out years ago.

Appeal to novelty.

Absolutely laughable and completely out of touch with reality.

It's not.

Sure, people have different strengths in different areas but men have the same capacity for emotion as women and just as capable of raising children etc.

Having the same capacity for it doesn't mean that men and women don't do it differently.

The "left" is not trying to make everyone equal.


They already were and are.


Not everybody is straight

It's not ok to be gay.

and whilst you and I may happen to be I wager neither of us had a choice in the matter. I sure didn't. It's not like I woke up one morning and thought: "Oh, I'll start liking women today!"

Because that's normal, Arty.

It's normal for women to appeal to men, and for men to appeal to women.

It's NOT normal for men to be appealing to men, and women to be appealing to women.

It takes a conscious effort to be a pervert, at least to begin with, or, it's a result of abuse, usually when one is young.

Homos reproduce sexually by molesting others, usually children.

It's little wonder there's pride parades these days after years of unjustified oppression and that's thanks to ignorance and risible religious zealotry.

Pride parades are just a bunch of perverts who somehow managed to break down the door to the closet they belong in.

You're a darned sight freer than plenty other places

And yet, we could be freer.

and you should be thankful for that

Who says I'm not?

instead of bemoaning it and wanting to take away the freedoms of others.

No one has the freedom to commit crimes, including the crime of homosexuality.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
@PureX do you have a hand? And whether you say yes or no, are you telling me that somehow, because man is fallible, that you have to discount the truth of your answer? Just because you're fallible?

Purex I agree 100% we are fallible, there's only ever been One perfect Son of Man (cf. the book of Daniel) and He is God. The rest and or best of us are all fallible. To err is human.

But does that mean you're only 99.999% sure you do or you don't have a hand?

Note that in the case that you're dreaming, it doesn't matter whether you're rational or not, it only matters if you're not dreaming, or if you want to win in your dream. If you're only dreaming, and you don't care if you win in your dream, I'm drawing a parallel between a dream and a video game here, then being rational and logical doesn't matter. It only matters if either this is not a dream, or if it is a dream, and you still want to win the dream, and not just watch what happens in it, passively.

Does it help me prosper if I hold out one part per million doubt about everything I otherwise would have no Earthly reason to doubt in any trace contaminant level at all? It does not. In fact it could only ever be for you a stumbling stone, the best it could be is irrelevant, but it could lead you down a path where the outcome is significantly inferior from if you just accepted things like "I have a hand" with 100% infallibility.