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  1. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    A nice long post, full of lies, Marxist propaganda, fake news, and general stupidity. It's too bad you didn't give your wonderful advice to your Marxist friends in the Democrat party in 2016. If you had told them the same thing, your guy lost so get over it, then maybe we wouldn't have had four...
  2. T

    Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

    Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021 " . . . . . it’s important to remember: There was actually no “insurrection.” There was no plan, no leader, no weapons...
  3. T

    Pedo Pete is in big trouble

    Dems, media make it clear they don't want Biden to run again: Rand Paul Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., tells 'The Ingraham Angle' it's clear Democrats and the media want to stop President Biden's 2024 run.
  4. T

    More From the Loony Left

    The problem with your post is, those sources which you deem credible are fake news and they never run truthful stories that are worth posting. Real news either comes from Fox at the cable network news level, or from secondary sources like Newsmax. Once again, as always when it comes to people...
  5. T

    Homosexuals want guns banned for children's sake

    The Democrat groomers just don't want to get shot. LOL
  6. T

    From the President Donald J Trump

    I did a search for "Trump" in the titles and I found this. If anyone is interested, since Trump has announced running in 2024, there are nine new video announcements on his Rumble channel. Keep going to his Rumble channel for more updates Also, more updates on...
  7. T

    Trump must testify

    This post is almost a year old. Did Trump ever testify? Did I miss it?
  8. T

    The Lunatic Left has declared all out war on America's energy Independence

    Raise your hand if you remember Donald Trump making the United States energy independent and an energy exporter for the very first time in close to 40 years. My hand is raised.
  9. T

    Trump's Virtues - Tom Klingenstein

    And that simple sentence is the bottom line
  10. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    What you are is an ignorant Marxist who buys into every other conspiracy theory that comes down the pike, from Russian collusion, to Trump is a racist which is a lie, to the idea that there was an insurrection which there never was, and probably everything else. Here is a little fact I'll bet...
  11. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    The big picture is that for all your pretending to be intelligent you are actually as ignorant as a stone. Voter fraud is rampant and there's not even any debate on that. The election was stolen which is obvious to all who can see it. Your ilk is trying to push a Marxist state to be established...
  12. T

    Ukraine Crisis

    A dumb question from a Marxist dupe. Supporting or not supporting The invasion is neither here nor there. What matters is that we don't belong there. We should be asking you if you support Biden breaking the law and allowing an invasion on our Southern border? For people who hate Putin so much...
  13. T

    Ukraine Crisis

    Biden is a liar, a fraud, and a pedophile, and only a fool would quote what he has to say. Here is the real truth about the Ukraine : There is no Ukraine crisis as far as the United States is concerned. This is nothing more than an extension of trump derangement syndrome. The left has been...
  14. T

    biden watch

    Amen to that. And isn't that the game of the Democrats? They will create a board about misinformation when in fact they are trying to spread misinformation. They will pass a law about voting rights when in fact they're trying to squash voting rights. Black lives matter Incorporated has nothing...
  15. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    Now THAT website has everything
  16. T

    The Lunatic Left has declared all out war on America's energy Independence

    Biden’s Radical, Anti-Fossil Fuel Energy Policy Costs Americans Dearly KEY TAKEAWAYS It was no secret on the campaign trail that Joe Biden wanted to end America’s use of...
  17. T

    BREAKING: Trump Makes Stunning Comeback In New 2024 Primary Poll

    😱 BREAKING: Trump Makes Stunning Comeback In New 2024 Primary Poll A recent poll is now showing that former President Donald Trump can make a shocking comeback in a 2024 presidential run…...
  18. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    Certainly dumb enough to buy into the concocted story about Russia collusion that came from the Clinton machine, and dumb enough to believe that a patriotic protest was actually an attempt at an insurrection. And certainly you are dumb enough to vote for Democrats which is as dumb as it can...
  19. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    That's putting it mildly. He seems to forget that the entire nation witnessed first hand the Democratic party stealing the election from Bernie Sanders and giving it to their installed senile puppet who wasn't even running. Bernie Sanders was the only other person besides Trump to draw massive...