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  1. T

    BREAKING: Trump Makes Stunning Comeback In New 2024 Primary Poll

    Where do I start. First of all we can thank Trump for overturning Roe versus Wade. He saved the lives of millions of innocent human beings. That alone will earn him a special place in heaven. You talk about evil? Democrats are the party of all manner of evil from pedophile grooming of little...
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    Religious rights of Christians mean nothing to Marxist democrat fascists

    Real Rights, Fake Rights, Human Rights Rights You hear a lot of talk about "rights", and often it is ignorant talk and plain propaganda. What are real rights? What are fake rights? Where do rights come from? According to the United States Declaration of Independence, our rights come from...
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    Huge UFO news!

    I approach this subject using the process of elimination. First of all, there are no civilizations on any planets in our solar system except for ours. Therefore, any alien spacecraft must be capable of faster than light travel, just like Star Trek, warp speed. I just don't see how that is...
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    Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.

    Why does he even want to take communion? He is Antichrist and anti-catholic, he obviously doesn't care what his own church teaches, he spits in the face of his bishops, he does not attend church on a regular basis, so why should he even bother? Who does he even think he's fooling?
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    ‘Non-Binary’ Son of Top Democratic Lawmaker Arrested During Far-Left Riot Against Police

    ‘Non-Binary’ Son of Top Democratic Lawmaker Arrested During Far-Left Riot Against Police When the pervert gets a binary welcome in the shower maybe these degenerates will get a...
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    Black commentator accuses DeSantis of racism for warning Floridians not to loot

    DeSantis will be president someday, that's for sure
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    Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021
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    Seth Rich proves Trump innocent

    Mega dittos
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    Democrats are evil and a threat to Liberty

    How much more do we have to see? Democrats support the pedophile grooming of children in school, they support teaching kids in school racist hate, they have essentially began a war on children, the children who survived their abortions that is. On other fronts. They're insane green policies...
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    BREAKING: Trump Makes Stunning Comeback In New 2024 Primary Poll

    Poll: Trump Takes Clear Lead over Biden
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    Hillary Clinton went far beyond either Biden, Trump in mishandling of classified Docs

    Hillary Clinton went far beyond either Biden, Trump in mishandling of classified docs Legal expert John Yoo joins 'Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy' to weigh in on investigations regarding the alleged mishandling of classified documents by former President Trump and President Trump.
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    Despicable lies of Jan 6 kangaroo court committee

    to I have been enjoying your threads. It looks like you are not banned after all. I am glad to see that. Yes Adam Schiff is one of the most despicable human beings ever to serve in government. I am proud to say I never watched one moment of footage from this Nazi kangaroo court. I could not...
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    Seth Rich proves Trump innocent

    Of course Trump is innocent. And when have the Democrats ever done anything BUT lie
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    More From the Loony Left

    Thank you, you are correct. And the Marxist Democrats know too. And that's what makes them evil because they knowingly embrace evil
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    First March for Life After Roe Overturned Was Younger, More Committed

    First March for Life After Roe Overturned Was Younger, More Committed Although there were a handful of veterans of Marches for Life going back to the very first in 1973, the most noticeable trait about...
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    Hooray For Pedophilia!

    How any intelligent human being can still vote for a Democrat after seeing all this is just blood curdling. The Democrat party should be declared to be a criminal organization because of slavery, pedophilia officially promoted, and crimes against humanity for the murder of millions of innocent...
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    From Reuters: FDA and CDC Promote Right-wing Conspiracy Theory

    That's pretty hilarious considering the fact that the corrupt CDC has been promoting left wing woke fake science for years. Just as an example, the CDC officially said that racism is a health hazard. Lol. If that's the case then that means the Democrat party is a health hazard, which of course...
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    Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

    We all know the reason why the Democrats lied and called the patriotic protest and insurrection, correct? There is an old law that says anybody involved in an insurrection cannot run for office. That is why the Marxist Democrats tried to pin that label on Trump and other Republicans, to stop...
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    A Furious Mother From California: Leftist Evil Strikes Again

    I have seen other threads elsewhere with pages and pages and pages and pages full of stories about how Democrats are pedophiles and groomers. Democrats are truly evil, there just is no other word for it. Not one of those perverted teachers who are grooming kids in schools are Republicans