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  1. T

    The Twitter Files

    It is hard for me to imagine how any human being with the slightest bit of self-respect or moral compass could possibly vote for a Democrat. Just think of all the things that have been revealed over the last several years, from the pedophile grooming of children in schools, to the border crisis...
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    Trump's Virtues - Tom Klingenstein

    In other words, you did not listen to the video. I figured as much. You Marxist have no use for facts or the truth, and when you comment on a post by a conservative you don't even care what the basis of the first post is, all you want to do is make sure you get your lies and insults and hate in...
  3. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    Yes, I am being serious. That post and the one that followed it were a great consolidation of much of the information regarding the stolen election. Anybody who denies that the 2020 election was stolen simply does not want to hear the facts and are probably happy that it was stolen. Somewhere...
  4. T

    Trump Sues Hillary and the Deep State

    Here is the interesting thing about that. The birth certificate story was also invented by the Clinton political machine but when Obama ended up winning the general election the left was able to shift that story on to the right as if it was all the rights fault. But in the case of the Russian...
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    Election Cheating 2022

    Lies and hates an insults, all wrapped up into one left-wing post. You're a credit to your Marxist party
  6. T

    biden watch

    Watching that video, I am always amazed at how Democrats can refer to killing a baby by abortion as reproductive health rights. Talk about a perversion of the English language. There is nothing reproductive about abortion and there is nothing healthy about abortion and there is no constitutional...
  7. T

    The Lunatic Left has declared all out war on America's energy Independence

    Despite the title about gas stoves, that's not what this thread is about. It's about the bigger picture that the stove story is a part of: When Racist Gas Stoves Attack! God blessed the United States with an abundance of energy resources, lifting generations out of poverty while making our...
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    The FBI Should Raid Biden’s Residence Just Like They Raided Trump’s

    That is a total lie. The Biden administration has been engaged in a cover-up from day one. Every day they say they have turned over all documents and then the next day new documents are found. Not only is your statement a lie it is also not an excuse, because Trump was also cooperating with...
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    Examples of babbling Brandon.

    The only thing that is easy is for me to say that your comparison is ridiculous, again
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    Examples of babbling Brandon.

    That's ridiculous. Biden doesn't know who he is, doesn't know where he is, gets lost walking across the White House lawn, stares off into space . . . The man clearly suffers from dementia and should not be in office. If you want to try and compare that to a few snarky comments by Trump go ahead...
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    Criminal Biden guilty of possession of classified documents

    My news feed continues to be blown up with this topic. I have not seen that much coverage of a topic in a while. Something is definitely going to come out of this
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    Despicable lies of Jan 6 kangaroo court committee

    Hold on, the truth is about to come out now. It's going to be a wild and Woolly ride
  13. T

    Democrats are falsely accusing republicans of being threats

    It's right out of the Hitler handbook, paint your adversary as terrible and dangerous and then agitate the mobs.
  14. T

    Election Cheating 2022

    At the end of the quote it says what are we going to do about it. The answer is, nothing. Half of the country is evil and is happy that the election was stolen, and the other half is either scared of being labeled or canceled or whatever. It is so obvious that the election was stolen I just...
  15. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    Now that's a great post
  16. T

    Elon Derangement Syndrome

    That may be one of the biggest tactical wins for freedom and Free speech since the war of independence
  17. T

    Trump's Virtues - Tom Klingenstein

    From the tone of your reply, probably you. Did you watch them?