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  1. F

    Is God's love unconditional?

    It is interesting that the majority of those who have a near death experience report feeling an unconditional love when in the presence of God. I think that is probably the only way to describe being in the presence of someone who IS love as John reported. While in the flesh we occasionally...
  2. F

    In case you were wondering why Rap refuses to go away ...

    Have you ever studied the subject of for profit prisons?
  3. F

    In case you were wondering why Rap refuses to go away ...

    Our Lord told us that the root of all evil is the love of money. I have no reason to doubt Him in my life experience. I suspect that learning to avoid this pitfall is one of many lessons we came here to learn. We see the same thing happening now in politics and pretty much any endeavor in life...
  4. F

    In case you were wondering why Rap refuses to go away ...
  5. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    They depend on the one you offer. So then the question becomes what is the quality or veracity of your premise. Reviewing post 661 Clete had offered the premise that "God is just" from which to build a logical construct that suggested that Adam and Eve already knew the difference between good...
  6. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    To me that was the whole point of the Spock character ... to point out the strengths and weaknesses of Kant's approach. That's why I sort of enjoy Clete offering a "premise", and building a rhetorical straw man whose life depends on the premise. Logic and reason, in and of themselves, depend...
  7. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    I remember something around 20 years ago I made mention of the notion you might be a Star Trek fan because your Icon then looked somewhat like the playing surface on Triskelion. Now I'm sure of it ... this is pure Spock.;)
  8. F

    Partakers of the Body of Christ and the New Covenant

    It's the response to an unfortunate number of people who have attempted to engage in conversation here. At a certain point one would think that anyone who had a genuine interest in communicating and/or convincing would have taken note of the precipitous decline in attendance of this site and...
  9. F

    Signs of the times

    More and more folks who are not particularly religious are beginning to suspect that what we are experiencing now is biblical. Here's an interesting exchange between Tucker Carlson and Roseanne Barr in which they both seem to reluctantly acknowledge the theological elephant in the room. (rare...
  10. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    I offered Mike a few suggestions that he wound up incorporating into his list of characters. By the time he did the list he had already retired from the fray. It's funny how well these characters fit any given site. There were many more back then. Speaking for myself I was excited by the...
  11. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    What you said is implied in what I said I just didn't appreciate the implications until you pointed them out. Now instead of simply doing research on the thirds I need to research 2/3s. I'm always looking for another angle from which to approach understanding the Bible and you just gave me one...
  12. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    All I did was offer the words of Jesus without comment. If you've got a problem with those words you need to take it up with He who said it. Not me. Who knows, maybe He'll grant you an exemption to those words for Shriners.
  13. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?
  14. F

    Signs of the times

    Back to the original intent of this thread ... when digesting Rev13 it occurred to me that, with the idea of being able to control buying and selling, cash would have to be done away with in that cash provides an autonomy that Rev13 would seem to preclude. It would seem that this part of setting...
  15. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    I don't know that I would necessarily go there because of something Tam reminded me of, namely, the absence of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil after the second resurrection. It reminded me of the fact that several of the original temple ordinances offered in Leviticus are absent from...
  16. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    Mat 13: 24Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then...
  17. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    On more than one occasion Jesus would segue from conversation to prophesy without using a turn signal and I think this one of those occasions. I had not thought of looking at the subject of thirds from the other side of the equation. Nice catch.
  18. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    No. It would appear from other passages that he still has access to the heavenly realm for a while longer. The first such passage may be found in Job 1. 6Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. 7And the LORD said unto...
  19. F

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    Mat 6: 1Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have...