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  1. L

    Reminder: Watch the Debates tonight on CNN

    The first one begins at 6 pm, Eastern time,the second one at 830 pm ET (I'm fairly certain those are the times) I ask you: Watch and answer this question: Which one comes across (if only on a visceral level maybe?) as most honest and trustworthy (cares about YOU) That is the primary thing...
  2. L

    Quote from Ted Cruz

    Quote from Ted Cruz First Cruz tells (in his book A Time for Truth) how the Democrats AND (strangely) some Republicans wanted to change the 60-vote requirement (rule) to take up a motion for RAISING the Debt ceiling; they wanted to change it to a 50 vote requirement. That way, the motion to...
  3. L

    not even elected yet and already breaking a promise

    All the Republican candidates made a promise not to go 3rd party (which would hand the presidency to the lying, money-grubbing, security-hating Clinton I told you: A lot of the candidates are going to put SELF before their country. That is not to say they are all going 3rd party, but some of...
  4. L

    False Bibles

    These are many versions of the Bible that I find to be inaccurate, poorly worded, etc, that seem to change or nearly change the original meaning of Scripture (original as in: the Hebrew/Aramaic versions). The worst version of the Bible is the Koran Yes, the Koran appears to be a form of...
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    One of the best things about Ted Cruz

    The establishment Doesn’t like him :first: :Popcorn: :straight: :FrankiE: :BRAVO: :)
  6. L

    Do you agree with this, concerning homosexuality and marriage?

    Do you agree with this, concerning homosexuality and marriage? “[T]here are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural…...
  7. L

    Do you understand this metadata issue?

    i have been watching news for some time now, mostly Fox, and i feel i am still somewhat confused. But this is what i say based on the info i have right now I dont think we needed that program. Here's how it apparently works: if the gov finds you suspicious somehow, or even if they don't, they...
  8. L

    What's all this nonsense about "It's unConstitutional" to ban people (USA)??

    What's all this nonsense about "It's unConstitutional" to ban people (USA)?? it is NOT unconstitutional to ban a given group of peple from entering our country because there is NO right written into the Constitution granting ANYONE entry there is no "right" to live here unless you already...
  9. L

    Do some Republican candidates need to drop out?

    I sometimes feel most of the candidates running for president would, if “necessary” put self over country The only ones I tend to trust not to do that are Cruz, Fiorina, Huckabee (and maybe Carson) It seems at some point in the near future, the candidates who are further behind in the polls...
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    Religions USA should NOT allow into the country

    Some of us would like to ban all liberals but—SIGH—can’t do that So next on the list of people we would like to ban—but also NEED to ban are • Communists? Well, not necessarily. If a Communist merely holds a belief that communism is the best form of government known to man, that’s fine. We...
  11. L

    Explaining liberal "thinking" (it's as simple as this)

    sometimes I find myself thinking, when hearing some liberal "point" or another "That makes sense" for example, a ban on weapons that repeat multiple times (but I don't want to get on that subject right now other than to use it as an example) Then I (surprise, surprise) think more deeply on the...
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    terrorists entered Paris and attacked through refugee program

    yes, we need to keep this in mind I wonder if France will now change their refugee, and their anti-gun laws? I certainly hope so
  13. L

    we have to love the terrorists--and yet--

    Christians have to love the terrorists. But what does that mean? just leaving them alone to murder everyone who doesn't believe as they do? Well, I haven't heard one person advocate that (so maybe things aren't so bad morally as we sometimes think) Does it mean warning the oil truck drivers...