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  1. L

    Fox News is not conservative (favors establishment candidate)

    I finally found someone who echos my thoughts and "ponderings" vis a vis Fox News, regarding Election 16 I too have had the thought that if Reagan were running in this election cycle, he would not be endorsed by FNC, just as Cruz is not exactly supported by them (like other candidates) I also...
  2. L

    Who does Rush endorse for president? Mark Levin? (etc)

    Who does Rush endorse for president? Mark Levin? (etc) Well, i was not really surprised to find out who these (intelligent, wise, lovely) :) people endorse for president. But in a way, i was a LITTLE surprised, just a little--because Fox News does not seem overly enthused (shall we say) about...
  3. L

    Ever get irritated seeing the rich get away with stuff you & I can't?

    Ever get irritated seeing the rich get away with stuff you & I can't? I do. Hillary can do just about anything, tell just about any lie, and boy, has she told some WHOPPERS! and because she is rich and famous, she just keeps getting away with it. Ditto one of the R candidates who thinks he...
  4. L

    Christians are OBLIGATED to get "involved" with politics

    Some Christians seem to think we shouldn't dirty our hands with politics. And so abortion continues to be legal, the murder of totally helpless human beings created in God's image And the governemnt that oppresses people and steals their money and wastes it, continues to do so becasue...
  5. L

    say what you want about Bush but he is helping conservatives

    i love that Bush comes out against the fake Republican Trump, says he can't insult his way to the presidency (etc). I love Bush political ads. I dont like his position on illegal immigration, or common core, but his ads are interesting (not to mention comical, if only to people like me) :)
  6. L

    CNN is dishonest--wants to discredit Christianity/distort history

    yeh, i was watching this CNN special that was about "finding Jesus" I believe that was the name of it It was interesting until i started to realize some things: they said that after testing ONE (count them, one) sample of ONE "true cross"--a piece of wood supposedly from the true Cross Jesus...
  7. L

    I actually like/appreciate the way Republicans "attack" each other

    Yeh, it's interesting how the liberals are always pointing accusatory fingers @ the Rs, saying they are always "attacking" And this is a bad thing?! I don't think so. What is bad is when you decline to "attack" someone who has done egregious harm--harm to the Constitution, harm to the people...
  8. L

    Happy Jesus Birthday

    ok? sounds better than Merry C
  9. L

    Why did "our" representatives vote for this atrocious spending bill??

    You know it is getting just so so weird, the way so called Republicans vote to give the Ds everything they want. It never fails this bill funds Planned Parenthood (Murder Inc) and it adds to the debt! The people in WA dont give a rat's behind about we the People.. They just want one thing from...
  10. L

    LOL: Cruz puts out cartoon depicting Hillary's lapdogs, the media
  11. L

    Billy Graham's son leaves Republican party (?)

    I'm not sure that's a good thing to do. I sometimes want to leave myself for the same reasons Graham left: so called Rs passing that omnibus bill that included funding for Planned Parenthood (Murder Incorporated). Ted Cruz voted against it Rubio did not even show up to vote. Ted Cruz is that...
  12. L

    Cruz says Rubio not telling the truth--immigration :think: Rubio didn't show up for the vote against government WASTE/profligate spending. Cruz voted against it, of course
  13. L

    Ted Cruz: rights come from God not government He reminds everyone (liberals and rinos need to be reminded) that our rights are not crumbs that fall from the table of the [elites], and in the USA cannot be taken away on a whim :)
  14. L

    I think we should nation build

    not many people seem to think we should have overthrown Saddam and all that But i think we just didn't do it right. When we go in, we should just totally take over everything (to the winner go the spoils) and then, once there is no serious threat, we can hand things over
  15. L

    Cruz goes on Greta Congress has it's own language, doesn't it? I am still a little confused. But one thing i know: If Ted Cruz is a little political, all of them are, and "all of them" are...
  16. L

    assault weapons

    I thought all weapons were assault weapons?
  17. L

    biggest division is not D and R, but R and RINO

    this is so true There is no appreciable difference between Rs and Ds in Congress these days (most of the Rs, that is) but there is a VAST difference between the truly conservative and the--RINOs and that is why we may lose the WH :(
  18. L

    Fox News Commentators aren’t too bright—apparently do not understand how Congress wor

    I was watching the first part of “The 5” today (which I do not usually bother with), and it was amazing how they attacked Ted Cruz. They said he was dishonest because he said at the debate that he never was in favor of legalizing illegal immigrants. Later that night (and again on “The 5”), Fox...
  19. L

    My thoughts on the debate

    Bush criticizing Trump was hilarious :)  Maybe he should have added: "You can’t scowl your way to the presidency.” LOL The guy has a perpetual scowl Fiorina got ticked off because some pundit made a comment using the sexist v word in reference to her. Well, what does she expect after she...
  20. L

    weird: looks like not many watched the debate last night

    it seems if people had watched the debate, there would be more discussion about it here Sorry, but I feel there is something wrong with that. If we don't elect Ted Cruz, this country is in big trouble :) kind of a jest but you know what they say" Many a truth is said in jest" In any case...