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  1. L

    Y or N: "Trump supporters are morons"?

    yeh, some poster said this some time ago. Do you agree? hmmm :think:
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    Justice or Revenge? “VENGEANCE is MINE, saith the Lord”

    Justice or Revenge? “VENGEANCE is MINE, saith the Lord” We hear on TV about a heinous murder, and our first and most gut level reaction is: “Death penalty!” Or a friend betrays us—by--say... disagreeing with us as to who should be president, and—same thing: Death penalty! :shocked: Ok...
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    Scriptures addressing the pres. Election of '16

    Here is one of the best scripture passages I can think of concerning the presidential race (one i would like all candidates to remember, but of course, i won't be holding my breath on that one :(): “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven…[not the things of this earth like power and greed and...
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    I’m not watching the State of the Union address

    I’m not watching the State of the Union address Because all it will be is more blah, blah, blah lots-of-words-but-nothing-said (that hasn’t been said before ad nauseum)-baloney. I don’t want to waste time. As some wise person said once “Do not waste time, for that is the stuff of which life is...
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    Those with mental illness have NO right to protect their lives

    This is what some are really saying with this mental illness "exception" concerning gun control That's awful
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    who is your pick for Naccissist of the Decade?

    I am still considering my options on that one It's a tough one. You almost HAVE to be at least a little narcissistic to run for president, presumably. However, i am speaking of just ANYONE, not just the candidates, anyone in the news these days :think:
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    Can someone here explain FILIBUSTER & CLOTURE more thoroughly? I get the gist of what these terms mean, but i would like to know more about it. I have done a search, with disappointing results. I mean, how does talking for 21 hours + as Cruz did against Obamacare--how does...
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    I am so disappointed in Huckabee (Cruz attack)

    yeh, Huckabee is going around saying that Cruz says something different when talking to non-conservatives well, for one thing, none of is totally 100% the exact same no matter whom we are speaking to. But more importantly, this lie has been put to rest as people have been checking Cruz's...
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    Smith & Wesson sales and stock go bonkers! ...up 733%! b/c of liberals;_ylt=AwrBT6JifY1WhesATfRXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw-- :) Wow, thanks, White House! Thanks for being so anti-gun (and also because of terrorists), we have Americans waking up to...
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    Liberals want to control everything, not just guns

    Liberals want to control everything, not just guns Liberals illogically rationalize constantly infringing on the right to bear arms by screaming “People are dying, people are dying”—“Remember Newtown! OMG!” Um, yeah, for one thing: Since when do liberals care about people, dying or...
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    Big government means RESTRICTED freedom

    just a reminder, since it is obvious some out there need one. You cannot have both big government AND freedom Take your pick. Don't belive the LIE that you can have both vote for the next Ronald Reagan TEd Cruz (things were good when Reagan was around) :)
  12. L

    Use one or 2 words to describe each candidate

    HilLary: liar O'Malley: non-liar (so far) Trump: scary Rand: seems trustworthy (However..) Ted Cruz: another Ronald Reagan :) :)
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    Why are liberals so CLUELESS? (want to take our rights away?)

    Liberals used to care about what is right or wrong I think it is the abortion thing that sunk liberals. They can't imagine a world without baby killing. OH! I would lose my figure if i had a baby! can't re-criminalize abortion!! NO, NO, NO! And my career!! It would be ruined if i had a child...
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    HilLiary cares about the poor? WHAT?!

    Yeh, we were told today in the news that HiLiary Clinton cares about the poor!! Ha ha. What a joke. She doesn't seem to care about anyone save Numero Uno. If she really cared about the poor, why are there still so many of them? She has all those millions. Has she built a shelter for the...
  15. L

    Huckabee says Pres may have committed "impeachable offense"!

    OK, i will find this clip from Fox News, but for now, trust me, he did say that and the impeachable offense is that he is (allegedly) spying on the private conversations of congresspersons! I believe he is using the govt technology to do that, but at this point that is about all i know :think:
  16. L

    Don't want to be low info anymore? Follow these well-informed people

    Don't want to be low info anymore? Follow these well-informed people I hate to admit but i used to be a low-info voter :shocked::shocked: But then God gave me some spare time and i spent it trying to catch up. That was years ago and now i know far more than, well, frankly, i seem to know more...
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    Ted Cruz could win on this ONE promise alone

    Ted Cruz could win if he only ran on this one promise (that he already made)--and of course, we have seen that Ted Cruz, unlike other so called "Republicans" actually KEEPS his promises to the voters [drum roll] that promise is: "Abolish the IRS" :) :luigi:
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    "Ted Cruz doesn't unite; he divides" the Republican party (?)

    "Ted Cruz doesn't unite; he divides" the Republican party (?) yeh, some Fox News commentator knucklehead said this. But you know, he (commentator) is right, albeit only HALF right, which sometimes is as good as being all the way wrong. After all, when does the devil himself ever come out with...
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    Bill Clinton is "likeable"??

    well, i just give up. This country is SICK-- when it finds such people likable, when such people get on the Most Admired List:shocked::shocked: i just freaking give up! a man who lies under oath, treats the White House like a whore house, and then his wife enables him to [fill in the blanks]...
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    Brent Bozell endorses Ted Cruz! always loved Bozell! yeh, all my favorite commentators endorse MY candidate! which totally explains why Mr Bozell hasn't been on FNC much lately, neither has Rush Limbaugh or Mark...