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  1. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    God's word clearly says the opposite, but then again, you hate God's word... "In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise" Eph 1:13 Paul gives us the order, and it's so...
  2. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    :LOL: Keep looking, you dimwit, you'll find someone who will tickle your ears. Loser.
  3. OZOS

    The Theory of Original Sin

    Once again, you braindead pervert, Hebrews 10:26 is dealing with unbelief. The writer of Hebrews is dealing with those who continue to reject Christ, the sin of unbelief. Jesus did not die for our unbelief, He died for our sins relating to lawlessness. Unbelief requires REPENTENCE. "For if we...
  4. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Nope, I have exposed you as a fraud. NO WHERE is the Bible does it teach that men are save by the death of Jesus. NOT A SINGLE VERSE. You simply have ZERO reading comprehension skills, and are a pervert of God's word. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still...
  5. OZOS

    The Error of John Calvin

    The RCC has no relationship to the Church, the Body of Christ. The Eucharist is outright blasphemous. Those who participate in it, are intentionally rejecting the once for all sacrifice for sins. "And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can...
  6. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Oh my, you really are the most stupid man on this site, and I'm certain everyone else knows it. Here is what the apostle Paul says "So then, as through one offense the result was condemnation to all mankind, so also through one act of righteousness the result was justification of life to all...
  7. OZOS

    The Error of John Calvin

    The RCC is an anti-Christ cult.
  8. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    :ROFLMAO: You're such an idiot. John Witmer says EXACTLY the same thing I said. Not everyone receives His life, but all men have been justified to receive His life. And when anyone believes the gospel, they receive His life. Exactly what I said, you worthless pile of crap. Learn to read, you...
  9. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    Are you agreeing with b57 and claim that salvation can be lost?
  10. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Romans 5:9 NEVER says that men are saved by His death. You can't read. Paul is saying the same thing here that he says in Rom 4:25. In fact, Paul confirms everything I said in Romans 5:9, and you look like an idiot for failing to see it. "It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised...
  11. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Wow, once again, you are exposed as an idiot, who doesn't know the first thing about God's word or the gospel. Jerry, the pervert, lies once again, and claims that I said that all men are justified (made righteous). Because he is a pervert, and a child of Satan, he has no recourse, but to...
  12. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    First of all, you child of Satan, I never denied that redemption is not included in our salvation. In fact, I affirmed it several times, but you know that, and begcause you are a lair, you must maintain your habit of lying. God's word tells us that redemption is IN CHRIST, just as forgiveness...
  13. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Troll You have zero integrity as a human being, and you have proven yourself to be outside the faith. For all those who care to know that Jerry is a liar, here is what I've affirmed hundreds of times on this site, and the Bible confirms. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and raised from...
  14. OZOS

    The Error of John Calvin

    John Calvin started a movement that has penetrated and seduced millions of people for nearly 500 years. Sadly, the reformed view (Calvinism) of the Gospel contains an egregious error that has laid a foundation contrary to Paul's doctrines on justification and salvation that must be addressed...
  15. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Exposing Salvation Without a fundamental understanding of what salvation is, the child of God will wander through a wilderness of instability and double-mindedness their entire life. It is imperative to have this teaching solidified in your heart and mind. Crucified with Christ "I am...
  16. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    I understand it perfectly, you slandering child of Satan. I have repeatedly affirmed in all of our interaction that Jesus had to die for all sin of all men. The cross is absolutely essential to the gospel message, for if Christ had not died for our sins, no man could be saved, but no man is...
  17. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    I do not deny it, because that is the gospel. For you to claim it is not, places you outside the faith, and are in fact a heretic. You are, without a doubt, the most Biblically illiterate person on the planet. Redemption is IN HIM, you fool. I've already given you the verses that prove this...
  18. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    Learn to read, you braindead pervert. I NEVER said anything to diminish the death of Jesus, I simply stated what the Bible teaches, that men are saved by receiving His life, not because He died for them. He died for all men, and not all men are saved. YOUR claim that men are saved by His death...
  19. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    Made up, you lying pile of crap. Because you are a pervert, and don't know the gospel, you once again rip verses out of their context and defend a religious cult. The blood of Jesus was shed for all sins of all men. To say otherwise is to reject the gospel, and apparently you do. "In Him we...
  20. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    Once again, you prove that you hate the Bible and even call Paul a "liar". You are a fraud. Why do you hate God's word? Why do you hate the gospel? Why do you refuse to "obey the truth"? (God's word, not mine). Jerry Shugart, the resident false teacher, says that God's word does not claim that...