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  1. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    I'll give YOU one last opportunity to admit that you preach a false gospel that is based on merit and works righteousness, and yet you have failed to "repent" from ALL sin. YOU are no more qualified for heaven than any homosexual, child molester, rapist, murderer, liar, thief, adulterer, or the...
  2. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Based on YOUR "gospel", unless you have "repented" from ALL sin, then YOU are no more qualified for heaven than any homosexual. You are one blind prig.
  3. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Maybe you should "repent" from being a moron. Perfecting your behavior is not possible, and comparing yourself to your neighbor only brings about self-condemnation, because YOUR behavior is severely lacking when compared to God's. If you think you measure up, well then, you're delusional. Will...
  4. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    Nothing you said has anything to do with me. You're paranoid and ignorant.
  5. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Well, you misguided pervert, I have been married for 30 years to one woman, we have 8 kids, and 5 grandchildren. As far as those who pretend to be "married" to someone of the same gender, what they do or do not do, post receiving Christ, does not negate their identity in Christ. The same would...
  6. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    You're a legend in your own mind, and your greatest enemy is the truth.
  7. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    That's okay, my friend. The more he talks, the more he exposes himself as a false teacher.
  8. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    No such person as a "gay Christian". Claiming that homosexuality is "not a sin" is evidence of someone who has never believed the gospel.
  9. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    Yes. No, dummy. Learn to read. Have you "repented" from not loving your neighbor yet? Hating the behavior does not equate to hating the person. In fact, loving the person requires punishment for the behavior. Jesus died for our sins. Yes, I know, you reject that, but it is the truth...
  10. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Thank you for making it clear that you have never read the Bible, that you've never repented, and that you reject the gospel that saves. You preach a false gospel of salvation by merit through works, and the only words you will ever hear, from the Lord Jesus Christ, are "I never knew you".
  11. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    I'm not the one who tolerates child molesters and homosexuals, that would be you. Why do you hate them? Your prayers are as worthless as your repentance.
  12. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    I believe in, and advocate for, capital punishment of anyone who participates in or approves of homosexuality / pedophilia / bestiality, or transsexuality, so your accusation is baseless. Love advocates for the sword to deter evil behavior. I suspect that you are a homosexual, a child molester...
  13. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    I am not a libertarian, and this is the only account I have. I have yet to lie about anything, Mr. Dung Breath, and those who are in Christ have already repented. In fact, only unbelievers can repent to be saved. You still are greatly confused about repentance and salvation, as are all those who...
  14. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    I have a life, other than TOL, and you are at the bottom of my priority list in every area of life. Get over yourself, skippy.
  15. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Quoting your words is NOT "making things up". It's obvious from those comments that you lack a fundamental understanding of several vital aspects of the gospel. 1. Jesus was born under the Law 2. Jesus taught the Law to those under the Law in order to prove that no man is justified by the Law...
  16. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    Yep, and this should concern you, but it doesn't, because you keep repeating the same lies over and over again. You are so arrogant, and so deceived that you think Jesus was talking about those who oppose you, when it is God's word that opposes you. Matt 12:36 in context is speaking about YOU...
  17. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

  18. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    As long as you and the witch keep lying to people, keep ripping verses out of context, and continue to pervert God's word and His gospel, I will "keep" exposing you as the false teacher you are.
  19. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    Made up nonsense. YOU and B57 are NOT "True Brethren", but false teachers of a doctrine of demons. You are "elected" for eternal separation from God, for your rejection of the gospel that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and was raised for our justification to receive His life, which...
  20. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    I think you know, I'm not the most articulate person in the world. I understand what I know, but have a problem putting what I know into words, or proper sentence structures. How we determine the law of the land, or state, city, school, business, church, home, etc., should be and must be...