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  1. OZOS

    Derailment thread for any and all derailments

    God's. I'm not talking about which interpretation is correct, but if you agree that a Christian can be defined. Obviously, the Bible has something in mind when it uses that term. Just as it does for every term, and God has incorporated meaning to the words He speaks. I believe the Bible defines...
  2. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    No, it does not, you godless witch. You made that up, the text says nothing like that. YOU are a pervert, and will go to hell for your careless words concerning Christ's once for ALL sacrifice for the sins of the WHOLE world. You lie against the truth of God's word, and you pervert God's word...
  3. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    Conflating morality with righteousness is evidence that you have never believed the gospel. Everyone and anyone can choose to be moral or immoral, but only those who believe the gospel can become righteous, by grace through faith. A humble person understands that ALL fall short of the glory of...
  4. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Nowhere in the Bible does it teach any such thing as "turning from sin to become more like Jesus". You made that up. In fact, it is indeed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to suggest that we become more like Jesus through our own effort, rather than by believing what Christ has done.
  5. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    Once again, because YOU are a pervert, you rip a verse out of it's context, when Jesus was speaking directly to those like YOU. Jesus just referred to those who were blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and called them (you) a "brood of vipers", for speaking evil of Him. Their (your) "idle words" came...
  6. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Never been to Moody Bible College, nor do I know anything about them, you prig. If you had stopped there, you would have been correct, but like every other false teacher, you added to the gospel. You sound like a disciple of the godless heretic, Ray Comfort. First of all, repentance has...
  7. OZOS

    False Christian teachers

    Wow, you really don't have a clue about anything, do you? When Jesus said that, he was actually speaking about people like you. Those who put their trust in their behavior to be right with God. Again, you are the Pharisee in the temple. You have a massive beam in your own eye, all the while...
  8. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Okay, I get it, you don't know what repentance is, but you go around telling everyone that they must repent.
  9. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Yes, you've said that more than once, and you keep using the word, but I'm certain it does not mean what you think it means. Therefore, I'm asking you for the third time, so please don't run away from answering the question. So, what is it that YOU think a person repents from to be saved? No...
  10. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    CW, let's back up and answer my question, if you don't mind. So, what is it that YOU think a person repents from to be saved? It's a fairly simple question. And again, there is no such thing as "cheap grace". So, here is another simple question... How do you know that you sin?
  11. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    Wow, you really are one stupid woman. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him...
  12. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Repentance is an absolute requirement to be saved. So, what is it that YOU think a person repents from to be saved? According to the Bible, a "carnal Christian" would be someone who walks according to the flesh, and the only way to walk according to the flesh is to serve the Law. The term...
  13. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    In order to be saved, what do you think a person repents from?
  14. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    It is amazing how someone can read a simple sentence and then make it say something entirely different. God, chose, elected, predestined, ordained, that all those who reject His Son are chosen, elected, predestined, and ordained to be eternally separated from Him. It is so simple to...
  15. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    No such thing as "cheap grace". Grace cost Jesus everything, and it costs us nothing. It's a free gift. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood...
  16. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    "For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been...
  17. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    No, it's not, because the Pharisee, like you, was convinced that he was a child of God, and he believed it was because of his behavior. He, like you, boasted in his works, and compared them to his neighbor's. No, it's not. No Christian would believe that someone who has heard the gospel, and...
  18. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Please share, from the Bible, where it states that a Christian can become "more like Christ".
  19. OZOS

    Christ died for them not appointed to Wrath.

    It's not "obedience", if a parent tells a child to go to their room, and then picks them up and carries them there. You are a complete idiot.
  20. OZOS

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    That's not answering my question, and it further places you in agreement with the Pharisee in the temple. What you just said is that your behavior qualifies you and your neighbor's behavior disqualifies them. What makes you think that your behavior is up to God's standard of acceptability?