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  1. OZOS

    OZOS denies the words of the Lord Jesus

    You're an idiot, which is why you choose to ignore the entire Bible. You cannot create a doctrine from one verse, you pervert. To have eternal life, you must have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. The Holy Spirit is not dwelling in you, which is why you deny and blaspheme the Holy Spirit. "He...
  2. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    You're an idiot, which is why you choose to ignore the entire Bible. You cannot create a doctrine from one verse, you pervert. To have eternal life, you must have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. The Holy Spirit is not dwelling in you, which is why you deny and blaspheme the Holy Spirit. "He...
  3. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    I have given an interpretation of that verse multiple times, you worthless pile of crap, even though a small child can understand it without interpretation, but a demon, like you, cannot. Why do you repeatedly lie to everyone on this site? You know I have quoted and explained the verse multiple...
  4. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    You're a liar. I addressed those verses in full.
  5. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    This is a promise of what will happen to those who believe. Once again, because you only know a few verses from the entire Bible and reject those that prove you wrong, you are not only deceived, but willfully deceiving others. You are a demon from hell. Jesus has to die and be raised in order...
  6. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    No, I boast in the Lord and His word. While you claim that those born of God "do sin", when God's word says exactly the opposite. "We know that whoever is born of God does not sin" 1 John 5:18 "Those who are born of God DO sin" - Jerry Shugart "Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for...
  7. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    Your poor pervert, someone called you a name. 😭
  8. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    I did address them, in full, in that post, you're just too stupid to figure it out.
  9. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    You're a lazy troll.
  10. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    I call you names, for the same reason Jesus and Paul called the children of the devil names.
  11. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    #31 is sufficient.
  12. OZOS

    You must be saved to believe the Gospel !

    This thread is both funny and sad.
  13. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    :LOL: You're a moron. I have, you lying demon.
  14. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    All I did was quote the verses, you dimwit. You just look FOR people to argue with. Go to hell, you Christ hating pervert.
  15. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    I have done so dozens of times.
  16. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    Why do you run and hide from the entire Bible, you pervert? This has been explained to you several times, and yet, you still call Jesus a liar. Just like you do in every other conversation. Since when are you the authority on "correct translations"? :LOL: You're such a complete fool...
  17. OZOS

    Exposing Salvation

    No, you Satan worshipping heretic, I read the whole Bible, where you are triggered to create false teaching when you see one word. "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing...
  18. OZOS

    Can Christians Sin?

    No doubt. You are so triggered by terms that instead of reading the context in which they are used, you create a doctrine to accommodate your self-righteousness.
  19. OZOS

    How did His sheep get lost?

    Never said or implied that. Shame on you for rejecting the gospel.
  20. OZOS

    Is Obedience a Condition of Salvation?

    "For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again." "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were...