Town Heretic
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  • Enjoy. :) And yes, you posted a song of his that I just loved, and as a matter of fact it resides on my iPhone now: Dandelion Wine. :)
    I just saw an ad on Youtube which suggested that Cam Newton would disagree with the criticisms of Sherman. Surprises, surprises, lol.
    Oh, I get you. Yea, Pete seems like a great guy and Wilson, too. I get what you mean about Sherman, I feel that way towards a lot of defensemen and wide outs.
    Ever have one of those days where EVERYTHING goes wrong and there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel and just want to get in the car drive away.. Far away.. ?
    Well, I don't know about my have more good sense than you, but you so are on target with resodko... I do think that there is hope there. lol Not that there isn't hope for GM... just not gonna come directly from me. Of course, the indirect works too. Meaning that in not speaking to them, you know they are reading you and they profit/benefit from that.

    God bless you, Town. With love... His and mine.
    At least you have the grace to :eek:

    And the Balzac reference continues to mystify. One of these days you're going to explain it to me.
    Grosnick Marrobe ... however it is spelled? GM seems to have now picked Patrick to have a vendetta on.
    San Diego, L.A. and San Francisco are all very different cities, each beautiful in its own way, with its own history and influences. California is such an interesting mix of city and coastline and mountains, valleys, deserts, and there's still so much of it I haven't seen despite the many road trips I've taken.

    Not interested in Game of Thrones although I've seen bits of what's likely prompted your :eek:. :chuckle: Never had HBO except for an occasional free weekend so the only reason I'm watching The Sopranos is that it's on Amazon Prime. And yeah, a lot of what might have caught my attention in years past just doesn't anymore. So much of TV is just a huge waste of time IMO that I've shifted over almost completely to movies (including documentaries, short films, etc.) and not much else.
    Yes, I think I know what you mean. I had a Muslim friend from Egypt and he was an amazingly thoughtful and interesting guy. He was actually in a large group of people (myself included) that all went to see The Passion on opening night; he loved it. :p
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