Town Heretic
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  • You are close to my own reasons for coming out from them. For me it was my own faulty reasoning that I actually was required to contribute, even infinitesimally so, in what He did for me (us). Disabusing myself of this prideful notion sealed the deal for me, as it were.
    Hi TH. Great news that Jack is doing better. He and your wife and you are all in my thoughts.
    I'm glad to hear Jack's doing better, hope he keeps on that way, and that you're all doing okay worry-wise. Thinking of you all.
    Oh hey, I hope for the speediest of recoveries mate. You just hang in there and I'll let the others know. Best wishes to all.
    I don't disagree with you in essence...rather we hold a difference in perspective. What you don't understand - concerning my view - is that there is no literal, outward projection of some exclusively perfect deity. Instead you are the fountainhead; you are Love as you're expressing Love...though as a limited being you're also Hate (Love's logical antecedent) when expressing such. Thus, collectively WE are the sacred as well as the profane such insecure clinging to culturally proprietary, outward "God" projections only serves to draw the evils of dissemblance between man (Among other things). The effects of which are currently on display all across the well as right here at your ToL doorstep.
    Yes, I do recall the Jesuit bit. Was sad to see him devolving in his isolation and decided to ignore the post as he is broken enough already.
    There are so few things I miss about this place, but you, my friend, are one of those. I belong to some Facebook groups and admin for a couple of them and have a couple of ongoing discussions with 3 people at any given time, so it consumes my chatty time. I hope everything is great with you and the family. Give Jack an extra hug! :D

    And if you're ever interested in joining me there, lemme know!! :p
    Express itself? Desire and expression are the hallmark of imperfection. The very idea of perfection necessarily implies imperfection.. similar to every 'outside' requires a subsequent 'inside'.

    There's a synergy between God and man the duality of such man historically projects as outward religiosity. Hence, the cultural/competing versions.
    Problems persist when non-logical articles of faith are presumed to be active agents within a very logical, mundane world. How does one coherently bridge that gap....your average Christian finds no use for such a task. I wonder why?

    More to the point: What can perfection itself desire.....let alone request from imperfection? Your three rhetorical questions have no answer....contrary to Anselm... such is not an aspect of human understanding.
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