Town Heretic
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  • Oh absolutely, I'd wear a prosthetic nose if it meant getting on the ole goggle box...:eek:

    Then again come to think further on it no I wouldn't. It was bad enough the first time with the false beard malarkey...


    It would appear you are correct...


    Anyway, enough of such silly shenanigans. I'm off to watch a nice sensible sport of cricket...

    I think this particular would have been better directed towards one of the leading skin care specialists Mr Raymond Luxury Yacht...
    Yeah, I thought your response to fool worked for what I said as well, and you were in the midst of a larger discussion. And I agree that there's really little more than a refund due.

    As for eating at Wendy's, I just can't even...
    That's great advice. (As I know you will have, and I have been blessed by, repeatedly.) Thank you.

    Though, I will have to await on that purchase.
    You truly have a God given talent. I too thought that the sand and leaves looked like a painting. Simply amazing.

    RE: Mentally taking shots... I do that too. Not as much as I used to, but I can recall all of them and then remember what was going on surrounding that mental picture. :think: I may start doing it again. :)
    Yes! I saw the faces in the sand and leaves, too! :) Even without the faces, I just adore those two photos. They truly grab me.
    LOL tell Jack i said they are gorgeous, i just looked at them. Its so beautiful down by the gulf.
    Well i see he got some time off, maybe he will be wiser when he comes back, but if he isnt, i suggest you don't respond to him at all and keep reporting it.
    Do what i did, dont talk to him at all, i mean none, no reference nothing, and keep reporting him coming after you while you show you say nothing, thats what i did with my stalker. Showed clearly who is the blame - altered a mod who watched them following me from thread to thread and they would sit there and watch me, so i sat in a couple for more than 10 minutes each time, same follow.
    I am going to take your original advice, and had already, of not continuing to engage. Perhaps he will forget about me.
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