Everything is okay. The aliments and health issues are at least controlled. Low dose meds for the progressive Parkinson's, it's been real quiet; the Dr added one Rx for the Diabetic Peripheral Neurophy, Gabapentin 100 mg and very little pain now. Lung function is at 22%; kidney function is at 40%, the Hematologist Dr said at my age I'll do okay for now, dialysis starts at 20% kidney function.
I haven't been around much either, getting of the crabbing and bickering of things that are and evident, the Trinity, Pentecost, faitrh vs works, unjust name calling, so I stay out of it.
So T/H how is your family, you have a very handsome son, where I come from we'd and beautiful son, we say the same for daughters too; and that you and your Misses are in good spirits and serving the Lord with gladness.
We send Christian love to you all from us ... Tom and Violet.