Town Heretic
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  • Hi my friend, I feel that it may be best to ignore him. If Knight has chosen to allow him to continue in this vein then there is little that I can do. I just can't allow him to get away with bald face lies. But the other tawdriness I need to leave alone or I may have a stroke! I support you!
    fear of the other...ethnocentric principle gone awry.

    Could b. How many Christians know of Islams contributions to science, mathematics, and other arts? I think its 'narrow vision' and 'exclusivism' that makes people not see the forest for the trees. Kinda like those glued to Fox news getting fed only that networks biased propaganda. We'll nip it in the bud right there lol
    Ah, a bit different to over here then. Generally the beans have already been baked and put into tomato sauce and just need heating. It's not a food I'd define as either savoury particularly or sweet IMO but hey...tasty though, well, especially with Worcester sauce and cheese...:eek:
    Sometimes I add cheese onto the toast as well if that helps further or dilutes the whole sense thingy...
    Well, they're baked and then put into tomato sauce (haricot beans) to which I normally add Worcester sauce to give them that bit extra pep...if that helps.
    You never see Crash,. or Turbo around here, and I assume they are alive? It seems logical they moved on, and maybe I will do the same?
    They did not spout off in anger, Cattyfan did so a bit, yet most leave slowly, and eventually they are gone for good.
    I know Knight was not willing to pay me any mind. I did write to him, upon the first appearance of blue stars, and my massage was, let's fix this, so we do not end up with lopsided. rep system again, yet he did not respond. Now, he sees the fault, and wants to undo it all.

    Now you may ask why I continued to raise my own rep by continuing to rep them? Good question.

    I did so because they would eventually rep mainly those who were 'like-minded' yet the history of members did not support this, many had more rep than the few like minded. I did so for their benefit. What botherd me, is they were too quick to whine about it.

    Now I think it is all a mess.
    Outside of a certain amount for service rendered I think all it does is blur the thing. If you can give out more rep than the next guy then the rep number really misleads. ( Jere is where I disagree. The higher person is more true to the main theology of the forum, or is liked very much by many other members. Point in case, you; unlike the oddball with no direction who would then be able to weigh in just the same. This is where we differ, I do not think it should be a democratic ideal)
    I think there has to be some individual recognition and reward built in, and the rep point to rep power differential does this.

    The reason, there are too many weirdos attracted this this forum. There needs to be a way to reward the best.

    I do belong to a 50s forum where there is no rep. There, the rules state you have to be very fond of the 1950s, so anyone posting why the 60s were more interesting, or how the 50s were oppressive, they are banned permanently. The forum has few members, around 500, and maybe one forth active. It is so much more manageable, there is no need for individual moderation.

    This is the form I like best because everyone there has the same interests.
    Really, I think my idea would be less inclined to abuse and look neat . Anyway, if the thing is going to change around all the time, then I am not going to have much interest in it. My point is I like consistency, and find it hard to contend with change in the most general sense. Hope you understand?
    TH I was going to rep you to two gold, now, with the change, I think it would take too long. I'm disgusted by the whole thing, I mean the changing, not the relative rep power. For me there are three levels, low, midrange and high, and all this indicates is how well one is perceived by the forum members. You and I are both in the high category, no discernible difference.

    Had I set the rep up I would have done it as it is for the start, until blue star, then no visual increase, yet when one had procured enough points for gold star, it would change to one gold star and that would be it, as high as it goes. Points would continue, I think people tune into the pectoral variability and that is why some are attracted to the accumulation of very high reps. There is no real meaning beyond being well received.
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