Town Heretic
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  • glad you asked cuz gm is having trouble joining and i don't know how to make a link. but if you go to my profile page, click on RPG star in my social group box, it should take you to the page. then on the right is a box that says GROUP TOOLS, click there. then click subscribe to this group. let me know if it works, GM can't do it, he says he clicks on the star but it does nothing. wrong star ? he did say he had a laptop so . . .
    I did. Previous post to my profile page:

    I am done with TRS and have deleted the Social Group. Became too much of a chore dealing with some who did not understand or would not comply with the rules. I think we achieved some closure of the rep gaps that existed, the real purpose of the Group, so there is that.

    Was also not happy repping some I fundamentally disagree with who are too vocal on the matters of disagreement. In retrospect, I should have created the TRS to be an invitation only group to avoid this.
    Yes,...I like it because we 'heavy hitters' then have such a high rep power we can really help out others we deem worthy, to boost them up,...keeping our rep power secret ;)
    well, decided to break down and start a new thread in the 'back alley' called 'freelight's cosmic cafe'....that's so me eh? -it will be more of a 'no holds barred battle' with our own belief-systems and the all the trappings that go with it :) - while I've asked for mutual respect with posters,...considering who we have here and the forum itself,'ll be anything goes. "nothing ventured, nothing gained" eh?
    How did you know? From Morningstar, Zacks?
    Please don;t spread it around. I like being an ordinary member here, playing with people who are not all business. Sometimes I wish I was as free as most here. One reason I play around; If I were always serious, there would be nothing for me to say? It helps me relax.
    I like you too.
    At my age, there has to be some distraction.

    Sometimes I feel so ill, I do not think I can make it through another day, but I guess I can.
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