Town Heretic
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  • I dont get her about that, she closes threads herself, and does worse to me, she deletes them when they have loads of other peoples posts in them
    The Lower Lights ... There's quite a story behind that one I think with D. L. Moody. I'll do research. Great old hymn.
    You'll get one it's like devotional booklet, is unique in that it is a labor of love. I found hymns to use that we did not in our church, they were like hidden away in the ages and the same with some of the poems, the Scriptures are NJKV (used with permission); and the prayers, a few are Scriptures woven together, some are standard prayers, and the rest I wrote with the focus on our relationship to Jesus.
    Hello T/H ... I am better, but have leveled off on a lower plateau; Violet is back at 100%, but still a bit slower, that's okay, we can do slower. And my little Scripture/prayer/hymn/poem book is just about finished, I'm on the last 4 of a 56 page booklet, the to the proof reader, and the publisher (copy center) and finished. When it's ready I'll see that you get one.
    I guess we're just not part of the "in crowd" like he is. Maybe you should make a call out thread about it? J/K
    I guarantee you that no one would even fathom that about you though, he looks bad for even saying such a thing.
    The rules didnt stop it being ok for others to trash my son and me right after he was murdered, he was called gay, i was told i was lying, ive been called a prostitute, my old avatar posted naked, i was told i looked like a transvestite and on and on and now whore is also an ok thing to call women here, I don't get it, but thats the way it is.

    Ive decided to only report what is outrageous now and it doesn't seem that does any good either. I saw you had already reported that nasty comment.

    I hope you don't leave though. Even if some people act like total jerks and outrageously, at least one can still have a decent conversation - too many board overmoderate. But i cant see this lack of discretion drawing too many believers for sure. Seems that has fallen off bigtime.
    I think res must keep a window open to Who's Online on the library's computer, and obsessively refreshes it every 30 seconds or so. A little different from what you do. ;)
    I commended the KJ theologians :) I would be Calvinistic if they were to jettison their Retrobate and double predestiny doctrines. But I regard the sovereignty of God, sola gratis predestiny/election as priceless jewels....hope you are well :)
    Oh, I know that you will survive. After all, you ARE a Christian ... and apparently a threat to the *gang of sodden*. These are some truly unhappy human beings.
    I don't understand why anyone could see these as reflecting positively on the forum.

    I am just glad they claim they represent your beliefs and not mine. (Christianity, that is).
    It seems that the gang of gotchas has become more virulent of late. The mgmt. here is making a mistake, in my opinion, by not clamping down on the hate filled rhetoric. To hold differing opinions is expected. To be condemned to Hell is not.
    I grow weary of this battle and may not last much longer. Blessings to you and yours.
    You've made your case, and it's understood by those who are interested in understanding it, so no worries there. I said what I wanted to say and I'm done with it, myself.

    You have a great holiday yourself - enjoy it to the fullest, friend of mine. :)
    Sometimes they gag me and I want to give up. But then, that would give them great pleasure. I won't give up0 but I'm getting more selective in my responses. They are beneath contempt but still on target for a barb or two!
    Ha! No.... all the pruning we are doing is on old inactive "fluff" threads. We are not deleting anything that should affect anyone's treasured threads. But thanks for the offer.
    I still don't know what Christian (Other) means. I believe we are more alike than different. But some issues, there just isn't a middle ground.
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