Totton Linnet
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  • And a Very Merry Christmas to you and yours as well my dear young lady. :e4e:
    I wonder if those who object to this beautiful prayer realize that with each Hail Mary we bless both Jesus and Mary: "Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." I wonder if they realize Mary's prophesy about this prayer and the generations of Catholics who would fulfill it when they read in Scripture her words: "All generations shall call me blessed." I wonder if they realize that Mary's soul magnifies the Lord; that it doesn't diminish Him: "My soul doth magnify the Lord." Lastly, I wonder if they realize that this most tender of mothers doesn't detract from her Jesus, but leads people to Him.
    God heard your prayer. :) Doubtless, He heard also the prayer of Dr. Hugo Lammer, a former Protestant theologian, who embraced the Catholic Faith and became a priest. He read an explanation of the Hail Mary and was so moved that he began to recite it daily. In his own words: "I began to recite the sweet Ave Maria, and to implore Mary's powerful intercession for my speedy entrance into the true Church. The sting of intellectual conceit became extracted, and in my solitary dwelling, on my knees before the crucifix, I fought, with tears, many interior battles. Mary banished all scruples, and when later, I knocked at the door of the True Church, I could say with the greatest conviction Credo to every tenet of the Catholic religion."
    Hello my friend, Merry Christmas to you and yours! I am busy baking and enjoying my family!
    Oh those two are part of the Rosary! :) If you only knew how much it pleases the heart of Jesus...
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