Totton Linnet
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  • Thank you are remembered as well for being a great defender of the faith. We trust is well with you; we're at least 50;50, and means a lot, no hospital stays, no respiratory threats, and that is some serious blessings,for each day, one day at a time.
    Yes, it's a lovely Spring! Looking forward to Summertime. God willing, there will be plenty of sunshine and all the other good things that come with it. :)
    Hi Tottsy, It is not convenient at this time to access the internet. And... I sometimes wonder if I spin my wheels on this web site? If it weren't for the many friends (you included) which I have gathered here over the years I would be hard pressed to stay. I'm just kind of down right now but hope for better!
    Not at all. I think it's very interesting, even if not in the exact context of the thread. I would like to respond but have yet not put together the language to do so (Polanyi said we always know more than we can say. Evidently some of us more so than others :) All said, keep on posting
    One thing about it, Totten, about your thread on healing... we will all receive what we believe we will.
    There's a passage that keeps ringing in my ears. James 3:13-18.
    I gotta obey!

    God bless Tots!
    Thinking about a thread with you in mind ;)
    Gonna have a look at this free will issue *grin*
    Hallelujah! We have had a few signs of spring, such as some warmer weather and the seeing of robins, but! today the temperature is below freezing! It's all good. :)
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