Hi my name is rainee
I asked why you were banned while you were gone because it was curious to me how things like that happened here.
I am going to confess something that happened to me years and years ago, if you do not mind.
I went into a bar with my friend. We were not dressed terribly revealing, but we were attractive I must confess.
There was a rugby team in the bar already and when we walked in they wanted to talk to us. They said some crude like things to us while trying to come on to us and we replied with a couple of slightly insulting but witty things in return.
And guess what happened then?
The bouncer, big and strong, came over to us and said the bartender wanted us to leave. Us. The pretty and nice ones.
Over the years my answer to that has changed and become refined.
But it doesn't matter why now, what matters is that is the way for a bartender to stop things from going any further.
It is the only time I have ever been kicked out of a place. So far.
I hope all will go well for you and that you will have a good and fun time now.