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  • it's the lower case g - then choose a file. if you upload it will be and attachment, but if you hit submit before you upload it will be a thumbnail. I didn't post the paperclip thing
    And you do sound like me, btw. I have a feeling a conversation between you and I would be a little surreal :)
    PJ lamented my stopping short of the year wrap so I started in. Didn't see the last two, but they made me laugh out loud, considering the "whiner" bit that gets thrown out by the lead mare. :eek:
    The problem is that legitimate, reasonable considerations are suffering because we had so much egregious overstepping and obvious wedding going on that the baby is being tossed with the bathwater. I was guilty of it myself. The legal reasoning behind the fairly dramatic shift that has ushered in a sweeping change is sound enough, but overly broad and dangerously simple, or so I believe having reversed my agreement in the wake of its continuing expansion. I'd assert that it almost has to be a case by case, monument and rhetoric by monument and rhetoric examination, time consuming and costly as that might be. Legitimate efforts to recognize fundamental contributions shouldn't be treated the same way as, say, someone raising a Confederate battle flag or suggesting replacing a state seal with the likeness of a Menorah, cross or crescent moon.
    I goofed on that one, having meant to aim it at aCW's conduct. And though most of the threads have been pruned, I did find a reference to a response I gave aCW repeated in Quixote's repudiating his claim about my ambiguousness regarding the immorality of homosexual marriage.
    Our Lord's love the Lord with all your heart...and...do unto others as they....encompass both tables of the law as our duty unto God and to man, respectively. Both tables of the moral law written on our hearts and delivered in stone are equally present in both testaments. Our Lord wisely summarized them for us.
    The big one? Corn liquor, but keep it under your hat until the social workers break for Christmas...:shocked: He's getting a Wii U and Legos Dimensions. That should keep both of us busy for a while. :) Sounds like you've got a good one coming too. :cheers:
    The guy bellyaching? Not sure. The guy he's talking about is Sod/ok doser. This is what comes of a mod ringing the dinner bell publicly. The trolls are smelling blood in the water. It's apparent to them that a) Sod has a green light around here and b) I'm out of favor, I suppose. I think after the lame defense Sod made over the heart attack related nonsense and bybee's ousting it was plain that the place was tilting troll. God knows why.
    He got to see my father tonight and it did both of them a world of good. Also, this is the first Christmas he sees coming...the downside is that he's too smart for his own good and the scare with dad has him contemplating his own mortality. I lost a grandparent when I wasn't much older, so I understand what's happening with him and we're talking through it. The visit did wonders.
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