Arthur Brain
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  • It is a car, although I can't vouch for the alpacas. It's also a horse.

    Whether car or horse, beware the offload. :eek:
    Don't trust anyone who even knows what a Pinto is, AB, because anything offloaded from a Pinto by definition doesn't belong anywhere except on the bottom of TH's shoe. :eek:
    And I'd say you just earned yourself the best knock off PC imaginable, the Pewlet Hackard. Saw one in the back of a hatch back Pinto out on route 55 the other day. Didn't give it a second thought until now. . .guy said that if you don't mind the foot pedal it will get you where you're going, mostly.

    Comes loaded with Window. :plain:
    Sorry to hear it. I'll remedy it when I publish or hit the lottery...and no, dad blasted, those aren't on par. :mmph: :)
    It isn't a musical is it? I mean...people don't suddenly burst into song and...I don't know, dance about or anything. Because I once sat down to watch a "western" called Oklahoma and I nearly clawed my own weeping eyes out. :plain:

    Else, thanks.
    I actually like him, but I didn't see that one. He has a deft touch for comedy. Haven't seen his Hercules, but he's one of those fellows who for whatever reason exudes an easy charm. I get the feeling that despite the sort of career that invites narcissism he'd be a pleasant surprise.
    Watching the Hercules movie...not the likely god-awful one with the Rock in it, bu the egregiously, odiously fashioned one that preceded it into and quickly out of the theaters. Makes the 300 look like the Godfather. :think: I think I just found my one sentence movie review. :)
    The best stories usually do. :) I once walked into a cinder block bar wearing a pink button down and chinos, on a dare. Ordered a beer, drank it and walked out. Felt like I'd been swimming, but I won the bet.
    Have to be careful with that word around here...did I ever tell you about the time I asked, across a crowded, noisy Southern diner, "Do you serve collards here?"

    You just can't be too careful. :plain: :) And thanks again.
    Haven't completely forgotten our other bit. Got a little distracted by the peculiar going ons elsewhere...or is it goings on...or goings ons...or should I just be going? :eek: Or have I gone and don't know it yet...I have questions.



    I'm still :chuckle:

    Oh man, that's a keeper. :)

    Thanks for that, I'll write later today.
    Cedric wants to let you know he's thinking... really thinking... and you should applaud his efforts. :eek:

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