Arthur Brain
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  • I've been wondering how you've been doing, and it's good to see you. I hope you're getting through well enough.

    Yeah... insane is right. I probably won't be around to follow it through, but I had to post it because when I read it I immediately thought of TOL.
    Doing all right, thanks. I hope you are too.

    I'm not familiar with Terry Pratchett's work but I did hear he'd died, yes. Very sad, and yes, being the kind of disease it is, one knows (at least for some period of time longer or shorter) the limitations one is experiencing and I can't imagine the frustration and fear in the beginning and the anguish and despair as time goes on, let alone when there's no longer an ability to communicate. Very, very sad.
    (It wouldn't let me post everything in one comment, so this is the rest)

    One thing I'd say is that the movie gives us Alice as affluent, well-educated, with good family support and able to access high quality healthcare and home caregivers throughout the course of her condition. I had a feeling too, that we were kind of left with the impression that because she was a successful, intelligent linguistics professor that she had more to lose. Maybe that's just my impression, but I was left with it whether it was intended or not, and couldn't help but think of those with the disease who have none of the advantages of the fictional character and their suffering and loss is no less.

    I hope you're doing well. :)
    It was good. Alzheimer's is a devastating, horrendous disease that steals the essence of a person, and those who suffer it to the end are without the words they need to describe what they've had to endure. I think Moore did a great job, but for some reason I was less invested in the supporting characters. There's one scene where Alice goes in the house to use the bathroom and gets lost and can't find it, opening closet doors, bedroom doors, etc. until she has an accident. As soon as she went in the house, I knew what was going to happen and what the end result would be but it was no less heartbreaking.
    Funniest moment today. I shut sod out of a few threads he was trolling and reported one. His response to the report was to claim he was engaging in dialogue, but the report was on a post where he literally mocks engaging in dialogue...he's redefining impulse control issues. :plain:
    Julianne Moore just received an Oscar for her performance, I'm really looking forward to it, I've been meaning to see it for awhile. It's about a linguistics professor with Alzheimer's. I'll tell you about it next time I'm here. :)
    How are you? :)

    I've got about 15 minutes to kill, I'm sitting in a nice little courtyard near the theater waiting for a matinee. It's in the high 80 degrees, very nice in the shade.
    I made the list by challenging him civilly enough and differing. He's another meshak, just here to be heard.
    Truster is playing with the beatitudes in chat box...if there's a "blessed are the humorless" he may well ascend mid keystroke. :plain:
    It's been good talking with you, friend of mine. Don't worry about replying to that last one for now, okay? I'm not sure when I'll be back next, if it runs too long, I'll email you. Take good care. :)
    Aaaarrrrrrrgggghhh indeed, there is some serious craziness going on here these days :plain:

    I'm doing alright. Looking into various options for where I would want to work.


    I think he had to have made a hundred today. That's a life without balance, which when you think on it fits... :plain: Speaking of fits, back to the boards. :)
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