Arthur Brain
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  • :angel:

    Thanks, and :chuckle:

    I see the value of it, it's really done a lot to inform the way I look at sample statistics, and not just for psychological studies but also sample statistics in politics, etc. I know a little better now (just a beginner) how to look at the way a study was conducted and how the results were calculated to see if there's error or bias skewing the results. Something quite useful in politics, for sure. I need to have that statistics knowledge even though I won't be involved in research (any more than I have to be to get a degree) because I need to understand how to read research papers.

    But it fries my brain. :eek:
    Completely underwhelmed, I was. :chuckle:

    Difficult. But I'm determined. :eek:

    This is kind of what I was doing today:

    :chuckle: I knew you'd agree.

    Well, maybe it's my brain that's muddled then. I just tried to read through it and it was just too much after a long day so I wandered off. :eek:
    I was starting to write a rep comment and somehow managed to send it off before I got the first letter down. Maybe it's just as well, it was going to be about tutus. :chuckle:

    And thanks. It felt muddled to me, too many ideas in one place.
    Hey. :)

    No problem, I hope the laptop is treating you better today. :)

    Today was okay, tomorrow will be less so, but I'll muddle my way through, I'm sure of it. :chuckle:

    I hope you're doing okay yourself.
    Also, I keep getting error messages and had to log back in just now. Don't be surprised if we crash again, I remember it doing this a lot before the big outage, what was it, almost a year ago?
    Hey Arthur, got your FB message. Sorry I wasn't on there at the time, but yea it was down for me too. Sent you a reply on there and I'm doing fine here, I hope you are well, too!?
    Well, since last time we talked I've had to change my diet completely because I have Type 2 Diabetes, probably from the statins Crestor and Lipitor I've been prescribed for years. No more chocolate, no more Coca-Cola, no more beer, etc. The list goes on and on. I lost 10 lbs. the first week but only 2 lbs. since. My life revolves around food, at least for the last 40 days.
    A math-deficient llama at that... :chuckle:

    And yeah. I got the shock in the chatbox. :plain: I'll prob be heading out soon.
    I'll give you another five seconds or so to get back in the swing of things. :eek:

    I'm so bad about second-guessing myself, I could make it an Olympic sport. :chuckle:
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