Arthur Brain
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  • :chuckle: True.

    I watched Inglourious Basterds tonight... there were a few times when I had to cover my eyes, but I made it through. :eek: Great movie, though, and a great soundtrack.
    Well, on that note, I am going to go watch TV ... and pamper the puppies.

    They are nice to me. Meany.
    So do you think a herd of zombies could outrun a giant bunny ... OR would the bunny hop over them ... or spear them with giant carrots?
    Sore loser.

    I am right. You are wrong.

    Tsk tsk ... you couldn't be more wrong. A vampire doesn't need to drink the blood of a zombie. It simply needs to kill it.
    Okay, serious question here. IF a zombie and vampire got into a fight, who do you think would win?
    You know what makes me even happier than the soon to return zombie apocalypse? The fact that the library is closed on Sundays!

    ***doing the zombie happy dance***
    Well his head may very well be ...

    Oh, new band idea "Biting Head, Party of One". :rotfl:
    No ... it was the teeth she needed to dodge. The bullet was the remedy.

    Must I explain everything to you?
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