Arthur Brain
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  • Women in U.S. History. :banana:

    Taught by a feminist. She'd have a few here going right out of their bigoted minds... :chuckle:
    Trad's just a kid with issues that overcome his education. He's not beyond salvaging. But he can be trying. :chuckle:
    Thanks, I'm plenty safe, if the tree went over it would be alongside the house, not into it, because of the way the wind is blowing. It's just when the big gusts come. Wow...
    Yeah, pretty much county-wide. Thanks, I have a feeling I won't be sleeping too well tonight. :)

    I hope your weather settles down as well.
    Yeah, that would be. Flying roof tiles could be lethal if they're slate or such. There was someone killed here by a falling tree today, just driving down the street, I know the street where it happened. Another woman injured when a tree fell on her car, the baby inside with her is okay, thank goodness. Downed power lines, etc... there's a really big elm outside my window that needs a good cutting back, it's blowing back and forth and scraping against the side of the house. I'm a little freaked out myself...
    Saw you searching under your own name and thought, "Finally, proof that even AB isn't sure what he said half of the time." :eek:
    :chuckle: Okay, you watch the whole film sequence again, and report back, and maybe I will too - only when she has the red dress on for the premiere.
    Sorry, I should have been more specific. Just the scenes where she's wearing the red dress on the night of the premiere. Watch between the 2- and 3-minute marks, and you'll see it down, then pinned up, then down, then up from then on til the shooting.
    Definitely... and I definitely experienced a little feminine envy. :chuckle:

    As for the goof, watch her hair throughout the the video. :)
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